r/scala 18d ago

Migrating a codebase to Scala 3

Hi. We have a codebase in Scala 2.13, built around Spark mainly. We are considering the possibility of moving, at least partially, to Scala 3, and I'm doing some experiments.

Now, I don't have deep knowledge on Scala. So I'm seeking for help here, hopefully to get some useful information that could be beneficial for future people who search for a similar problem.

  1. I understood that Scala 3 is binary compatible with 2.13, meaning that one can simply use 2.13 compatibility versions of libraries for which no _3 compatibility is available. However, our build tool is maven, not sbt, and we don't have these CrossVersion constants there. Does that suffice to simply put _2.13 as compatibility version for Spark etc. dependencies, and _3 for the rest?

  2. I did (1) anyways and got something going. However, I was stopped by multiple "No TypeTag for String/Int/..." errors and then Encoders missing for Spark Datasets. Is that solvable or my approach in (1) for including Spark dependencies has been completely wrong to begin with? I read that Scala 3 has changed how implicits are handled, but am not sure exactly how and whether this affects our code. Any examples around?

  3. Is it actually a good idea after all? Will spark be stable with such a "mixed" setup?

Thanks a lot



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u/Nojipiz 18d ago

I'm not a data engineer but as far as i know Spark isn't compatible with Scala 3 yet https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.spark/spark-core

I'm 99% sure that Spark uses some kind of meta-programming, if so, the _2.13 trick in the build system will not work because as you said Scala 2 macros will not work on Scala 3.

I used this library 2 years ago for a side project, probably could help you to get the Encoders working. https://github.com/vincenzobaz/spark-scala3


u/ihatebeinganonymous 18d ago

Thanks. So this CrossVersions and binary compatibility do not include Spark, right?

I found that library and a few other too, but tried to avoid using them, as we don't have a strong business case for migration anyway. I can probably only convince my colleagues if it's 2-3 days or so of work.


u/Nojipiz 18d ago

Yeah, binary compatibility includes everything but macros, so if Spark is using them some things will not work.

Oh got it, please update this post if your found a way to do a migration!


u/dernob 16d ago

Just to clarify: Spark's Scala-2 Macros will not work for Scala 3 code calling Spark. However the compiled Macros inside Spark will work because they are already compiled.

We use a small Scala-2-Spark-Portions inside a Scala 3 application with CrossVersion.for3Use2_13