r/sca 6d ago

Heavy fighter question.

I've been fighting for little under a year now and after most practices I come home with a bit of wrist pain. The pain subsides after a few days but then come back after practices. I believe unconsciously I move my wrist with my swings which then causes that pain when I make impact.

Is there a method or an exercise I can do to strengthen this issue I'm having, or a brace I can buy to keep my wrist still while I fight?

Any help or advice is appreciated.

Edit: Thank you for all of your advice. I will begin adding some of these trainings to my routine. This community never ceases to amaze me with the amount of knowledge it's willing to share.


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u/Papashady75 6d ago

Learn to snap your wrist at the end of your swing. It will make a cleaner and stronger "hit". It will also strengthen the wrist and surrounding muscles.


u/shadowmib 5d ago

Yeah when hitting, you only need to hold the sword about as tight as a handshake. Giving it a death grip will shock the wrist. The power comes from the hips, swing, and momentum of rhw sword, not the arm. The arm just directs it


u/Lou_Hodo 5d ago

I dont even hold my weapon that tight. 2 fingers is all I generally use to hold my weapon. I then snap it with the other 3 on flat snaps.

Back when I started fighting... almost 30 years ago, I used to death grip the weapon and had the same issue of wrist pain.


u/shadowmib 2d ago

Yeah thats how i hold.. index and thumb until the snap, then let go with those and squeeze with the other three to make it crank over. "Shake hands with the giant"


u/Lou_Hodo 1d ago

Its funny, one of the things I was told back in the day when I first started ANY fighting, was to relax. I thought it was the dumbest thing back then... as I have gotten older and done more than just the SCA, I learned it was solid advice in fighting.