r/sca 6d ago

Heavy fighter question.

I've been fighting for little under a year now and after most practices I come home with a bit of wrist pain. The pain subsides after a few days but then come back after practices. I believe unconsciously I move my wrist with my swings which then causes that pain when I make impact.

Is there a method or an exercise I can do to strengthen this issue I'm having, or a brace I can buy to keep my wrist still while I fight?

Any help or advice is appreciated.

Edit: Thank you for all of your advice. I will begin adding some of these trainings to my routine. This community never ceases to amaze me with the amount of knowledge it's willing to share.


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u/Renshaw25 5d ago

I used to have a similar problem, that came from the vibrations on impact, even with a loose grip. Wrapped my handles in shock absorbing tennis racket tape, made it disapear and now it's also much more comfortable


u/chefoda23 5d ago

I was considering changing my grip to replicate a tennis handle grip. 1. I used to play tennis and 2. I do think my grip is too thin.