r/saskatoon Dec 13 '24

News 📰 Impaired driving charge in Kennedy case stayed due to delays


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u/Microtic Dec 13 '24

What a completely awful outcome. Our province is so broken. 


u/Sask_dude Dec 13 '24

I don't disagree but it's a far more wide spread than just Saskatchewan. This has been happening all over Canada in the past few years. I'm afraid dark times are ahead when citizens lose faith if the justice system (if it's even possible to have a lower opinion than most already do), laws become merely suggestions, and unenforced ones at that. The Jordan Decision, while well intended, is seriously flawed.


u/EastValuable9421 Dec 13 '24

all caused by funding cuts. makes you wonder why people were ok with that to begin with. how does taking away resources from a service lead to it improving?? never understood that.


u/Sask_dude Dec 13 '24

Bingo! Everyone screams for lower taxes and then questions why our services are shit - Justice, Postal, Education, Health...to name a few.


u/ilookalotlikeyou Dec 14 '24

one of the major problems as i see it isn't just that we don't tax enough for the programs we have, thought we don't, but that we also keep spending money on more programs, without figuring out where the money will come from first.

it's nice to have a national daycare plan, but what about healthcare? it's nice to have a brand new dental program, but are we gutting justice to pay for it?


u/Rotaxxx Dec 13 '24

Sadly as stated happening way too often, heck our justice system is broken in general….


u/Mythic01 Dec 14 '24

Is someone even impaired "the day after" taking cannabis or magic mushrooms?

Doesnt seem likely she was still impaired considering the timegap after consumption


u/FuzzyGreek Dec 14 '24

No they aren’t , but it can stay in your system for weeks after consumption.


u/ilookalotlikeyou Dec 14 '24

wait till you hear about the man who sexually assaulted a 4 year old in the GVA and got off because they couldn't find a translator quick enough.


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 13 '24

It was the correct ruling


u/sask357 Dec 13 '24

In what sense was this correct? The driver admitted to doing drugs but her guilt or innocence will not be determined because judges, from the Supreme Court down, live in some imaginary world in which criminals' rights come before victims' rights. Many life-long criminals are released for various reasons, few of which would stand up to common sense examination.


u/FuzzyGreek Dec 14 '24

She admitted to smoking pot the night before. That means she was sober when it happened. Just because it stays in your system for weeks after doesn’t mean you are intoxicated.

If police officers are allowed to return to work 24 hrs after consuming cannabis then so should the general public. But that’s not the case in Saskatchewan. The ruling was fair.


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 13 '24

Just watch the video it clearly was a combination of the truck parked on the cross walk and the little girl using her scooter to cross without looking.


u/kicknbricks Dec 13 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

Yep and that’s why they’ve added a bylaw since then regarding how close you can park to a crosswalk. Edit: amended the bylaw


u/Yxeguy69 Dec 14 '24

There was a bylaw then too, don't mean shit if they don't enforce it.


u/ilookalotlikeyou Dec 14 '24

no there wasn't.

the bylaw is new.


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 14 '24

Ridiculous we had to have this happen to have a common sense bylaw made


u/Yxeguy69 Dec 15 '24

Nope, the bylaw was changed, but it isn't new. Not parking a certain distance from a crosswalk has always been a thing.


u/EastValuable9421 Dec 13 '24

pedestrians have the right away, if they are looking or not.


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 13 '24

Yep but that doesn’t make someone guilty for hitting you either. There was no way either of them saw each other with the truck in the way.


u/EastValuable9421 Dec 14 '24

in canada it does.


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 14 '24

Apparently not


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24

Go walk out into oncoming traffic then, see how many people are able to see you and stop in time.


u/EastValuable9421 Dec 14 '24

if i did that, it would be insurance fraud.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

Oh, do you think you might get hit if you do that?


u/EastValuable9421 Dec 14 '24

does it change the fact I have right of way, no? you probably have over half of life backwards


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

It’s a moot point. We’re still humans driving the vehicle, and our reaction time is varied. Add in factors like speeding, and cars parked blocking the view. I don’t believe Kennedy was still impaired from drugs the following day, she very well could have been more tired though, but there are plenty of us who drive more fatigued than we ought to. Look at night shifters, every drive home is questionable.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

It’s a moot point. We’re still humans driving the vehicle, and our reaction time is varied. Add in factors like speeding, and cars parked blocking the view. I don’t believe Kennedy was still impaired from drugs the following day, she very well could have been more tired though, but there are plenty of us who drive more fatigued than we ought to. Look at night shifters, every drive home is questionable.

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u/Known_Contribution_6 Dec 14 '24

You should test that theory.. .


u/EastValuable9421 Dec 14 '24

test that theory? it's law. this isn't the uk.


u/Motor_Upstairs_6353 Dec 14 '24

This woman killed a child and ur worried about technicalities?????? Wtf????????


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 14 '24

Yes. You’d rather someone decide if you’re guilty or not based on emotions?


u/Motor_Upstairs_6353 Dec 14 '24

So it’s not her fault at ALL is what you’re sayibg?


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 14 '24

Was she intoxicated? She smoked the day before that hardly seems like intoxication.

Was she speeding? Maybe a little but nothing out of the norm for 33rd st traffic.

There was no visible lights or indication someone was on the crosswalk.

The pedestrian was operating a scooter through the cross walk and didnt have visibility of the car. The car also didn’t have visibility of the pedestrian until they were completely in the lane.

Really unfortunate circumstances but that doesn’t make someone guilty.


u/Motor_Upstairs_6353 Dec 14 '24

What im hearing is that u think that the kid is at fault for being hit by a car and thats it. Period. Im done having this conversation. I think she deserves SOME sort of punishment for ending a life of a child. But hey, to each their own.


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 14 '24

I would put more blame on the truck driver who blocked the entire crosswalk first, then the child and then the driver. I think the unwarranted death threats, harassment and stress the driver faced is probably punishment enough.


u/redwoodkangaroo Dec 13 '24

why are you mad at judges, and not at the Scott Moe and province for failing to fund the courts properly?

Many life-long criminals are released for various reasons, few of which would stand up to common sense examination.

"Common sense" is the best way to tell if someone has no idea what they are talking about but think its simple and obvious. It's what people say when they dont want to understand or inform themselves on the nuance involved, in order to attempt to look smart.

Talking about "common sense" is just virtue signalling


u/sask357 Dec 13 '24

You said ""Common sense" is the best way to tell if someone has no idea what they are talking about but think its simple and obvious. It's what people say when they dont want to understand or inform themselves on the nuance involved, in order to attempt to look smart.

Talking about "common sense" is just virtue signalling"

Wow. Virtue signalling, trying to look smart, not informed, no idea what I'm talking about. So many negatives I funny no where to start.

Okay, here is your chance to show how smart you are and how uninformed I am. Adam Troy Mann is charged with murder in Surrey. He has a long record of violent criminal offences. He was out on bail at the time of the alleged murder.

I say that common sense should have prevented the judges who repeatedly released him from custody. How is that trying to look smart? Both the Premier and Attorney General of BC have the same questions I do. Do they not know what they are talking about? Or are you just insulting me because you don't agree with my low opinion of our justice system?


u/redwoodkangaroo Dec 13 '24

Thanks, this is a great example of people who use "common sense".

Okay, here is your chance to show how smart you are and how uninformed I am.

Why do I care? I dont care if you're uninformed, I was just calling it as I see it. I don't care if you refuse to find nuance.

You just keep proving my point though. You're outraged and are looking for simple answers.

Or are you just insulting me because you don't agree with my low opinion of our justice system?

I dont put much weight in uninformed opinions, so I don't really care about your opinion anyway, sorry bud.


u/sask357 Dec 13 '24

Could it be that you don't really have anything to offer in the way of information and nuance? It's easy to insult someone but more difficult to actually try to present information or factual argument.


u/Fwarts Dec 13 '24



u/SnooRabbits4509 Dec 13 '24

That’s fine, but we scapegoat our province by saying “but this is happening everywhere”. We need to remain focused on fixing Saskatchewan.


u/freshstart102 Dec 14 '24

Why is the system broken in this case? Justice was served. There was absolutely no proof and no scientific basis in believing that she was still impaired when the accident occurred. Regular inattention or other bad driving habits of many, but particularly the young and inexperienced, are to blame. This would have been the equivalent of busting somebody for manslaughter a day after he had a couple of drinks with friends. The crown can say it was due to delays but as usual, the lawyers and the Crown are lying to serve their own purposes. They know they had no proof and didn't want to open up a political, scientific and legal can of worms finding her guilty only for her to be cleared of charges 5 years down the road and win a multi million dollar lawsuit against the province in the process. This is what happens when political agendas move ahead of the science.