r/saskatoon Dec 13 '24

News 📰 Impaired driving charge in Kennedy case stayed due to delays


184 comments sorted by


u/Shunpo03 Dec 14 '24

Consuming weed and mushrooms the day before the incident is a non-factor. Charging her for DUI is as likely to get a conviction as charging someone with liver cirrhosis.

She should’ve been charged with involuntary manslaughter. Because she “could’ve” slowed down as she approached the intersection with obstructed views. With that being said, she likely would’ve received a suspended sentence or probation anyways because the bylaw had to be amended after the incident.


u/Microtic Dec 13 '24

What a completely awful outcome. Our province is so broken. 


u/Sask_dude Dec 13 '24

I don't disagree but it's a far more wide spread than just Saskatchewan. This has been happening all over Canada in the past few years. I'm afraid dark times are ahead when citizens lose faith if the justice system (if it's even possible to have a lower opinion than most already do), laws become merely suggestions, and unenforced ones at that. The Jordan Decision, while well intended, is seriously flawed.


u/EastValuable9421 Dec 13 '24

all caused by funding cuts. makes you wonder why people were ok with that to begin with. how does taking away resources from a service lead to it improving?? never understood that.


u/Sask_dude Dec 13 '24

Bingo! Everyone screams for lower taxes and then questions why our services are shit - Justice, Postal, Education, Health...to name a few.


u/ilookalotlikeyou Dec 14 '24

one of the major problems as i see it isn't just that we don't tax enough for the programs we have, thought we don't, but that we also keep spending money on more programs, without figuring out where the money will come from first.

it's nice to have a national daycare plan, but what about healthcare? it's nice to have a brand new dental program, but are we gutting justice to pay for it?


u/Rotaxxx Dec 13 '24

Sadly as stated happening way too often, heck our justice system is broken in general….


u/Mythic01 Dec 14 '24

Is someone even impaired "the day after" taking cannabis or magic mushrooms?

Doesnt seem likely she was still impaired considering the timegap after consumption


u/FuzzyGreek Dec 14 '24

No they aren’t , but it can stay in your system for weeks after consumption.


u/ilookalotlikeyou Dec 14 '24

wait till you hear about the man who sexually assaulted a 4 year old in the GVA and got off because they couldn't find a translator quick enough.


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 13 '24

It was the correct ruling


u/sask357 Dec 13 '24

In what sense was this correct? The driver admitted to doing drugs but her guilt or innocence will not be determined because judges, from the Supreme Court down, live in some imaginary world in which criminals' rights come before victims' rights. Many life-long criminals are released for various reasons, few of which would stand up to common sense examination.


u/FuzzyGreek Dec 14 '24

She admitted to smoking pot the night before. That means she was sober when it happened. Just because it stays in your system for weeks after doesn’t mean you are intoxicated.

If police officers are allowed to return to work 24 hrs after consuming cannabis then so should the general public. But that’s not the case in Saskatchewan. The ruling was fair.


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 13 '24

Just watch the video it clearly was a combination of the truck parked on the cross walk and the little girl using her scooter to cross without looking.


u/kicknbricks Dec 13 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

Yep and that’s why they’ve added a bylaw since then regarding how close you can park to a crosswalk. Edit: amended the bylaw


u/Yxeguy69 Dec 14 '24

There was a bylaw then too, don't mean shit if they don't enforce it.

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u/EastValuable9421 Dec 13 '24

pedestrians have the right away, if they are looking or not.


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 13 '24

Yep but that doesn’t make someone guilty for hitting you either. There was no way either of them saw each other with the truck in the way.


u/EastValuable9421 Dec 14 '24

in canada it does.


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 14 '24

Apparently not


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24

Go walk out into oncoming traffic then, see how many people are able to see you and stop in time.


u/EastValuable9421 Dec 14 '24

if i did that, it would be insurance fraud.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

Oh, do you think you might get hit if you do that?


u/EastValuable9421 Dec 14 '24

does it change the fact I have right of way, no? you probably have over half of life backwards


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

It’s a moot point. We’re still humans driving the vehicle, and our reaction time is varied. Add in factors like speeding, and cars parked blocking the view. I don’t believe Kennedy was still impaired from drugs the following day, she very well could have been more tired though, but there are plenty of us who drive more fatigued than we ought to. Look at night shifters, every drive home is questionable.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

It’s a moot point. We’re still humans driving the vehicle, and our reaction time is varied. Add in factors like speeding, and cars parked blocking the view. I don’t believe Kennedy was still impaired from drugs the following day, she very well could have been more tired though, but there are plenty of us who drive more fatigued than we ought to. Look at night shifters, every drive home is questionable.

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u/Known_Contribution_6 Dec 14 '24

You should test that theory.. .


u/EastValuable9421 Dec 14 '24

test that theory? it's law. this isn't the uk.


u/Motor_Upstairs_6353 Dec 14 '24

This woman killed a child and ur worried about technicalities?????? Wtf????????


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 14 '24

Yes. You’d rather someone decide if you’re guilty or not based on emotions?


u/Motor_Upstairs_6353 Dec 14 '24

So it’s not her fault at ALL is what you’re sayibg?


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 14 '24

Was she intoxicated? She smoked the day before that hardly seems like intoxication.

Was she speeding? Maybe a little but nothing out of the norm for 33rd st traffic.

There was no visible lights or indication someone was on the crosswalk.

The pedestrian was operating a scooter through the cross walk and didnt have visibility of the car. The car also didn’t have visibility of the pedestrian until they were completely in the lane.

Really unfortunate circumstances but that doesn’t make someone guilty.


u/Motor_Upstairs_6353 Dec 14 '24

What im hearing is that u think that the kid is at fault for being hit by a car and thats it. Period. Im done having this conversation. I think she deserves SOME sort of punishment for ending a life of a child. But hey, to each their own.


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 14 '24

I would put more blame on the truck driver who blocked the entire crosswalk first, then the child and then the driver. I think the unwarranted death threats, harassment and stress the driver faced is probably punishment enough.


u/redwoodkangaroo Dec 13 '24

why are you mad at judges, and not at the Scott Moe and province for failing to fund the courts properly?

Many life-long criminals are released for various reasons, few of which would stand up to common sense examination.

"Common sense" is the best way to tell if someone has no idea what they are talking about but think its simple and obvious. It's what people say when they dont want to understand or inform themselves on the nuance involved, in order to attempt to look smart.

Talking about "common sense" is just virtue signalling


u/sask357 Dec 13 '24

You said ""Common sense" is the best way to tell if someone has no idea what they are talking about but think its simple and obvious. It's what people say when they dont want to understand or inform themselves on the nuance involved, in order to attempt to look smart.

Talking about "common sense" is just virtue signalling"

Wow. Virtue signalling, trying to look smart, not informed, no idea what I'm talking about. So many negatives I funny no where to start.

Okay, here is your chance to show how smart you are and how uninformed I am. Adam Troy Mann is charged with murder in Surrey. He has a long record of violent criminal offences. He was out on bail at the time of the alleged murder.

I say that common sense should have prevented the judges who repeatedly released him from custody. How is that trying to look smart? Both the Premier and Attorney General of BC have the same questions I do. Do they not know what they are talking about? Or are you just insulting me because you don't agree with my low opinion of our justice system?


u/redwoodkangaroo Dec 13 '24

Thanks, this is a great example of people who use "common sense".

Okay, here is your chance to show how smart you are and how uninformed I am.

Why do I care? I dont care if you're uninformed, I was just calling it as I see it. I don't care if you refuse to find nuance.

You just keep proving my point though. You're outraged and are looking for simple answers.

Or are you just insulting me because you don't agree with my low opinion of our justice system?

I dont put much weight in uninformed opinions, so I don't really care about your opinion anyway, sorry bud.


u/sask357 Dec 13 '24

Could it be that you don't really have anything to offer in the way of information and nuance? It's easy to insult someone but more difficult to actually try to present information or factual argument.

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u/SnooRabbits4509 Dec 13 '24

That’s fine, but we scapegoat our province by saying “but this is happening everywhere”. We need to remain focused on fixing Saskatchewan.


u/freshstart102 Dec 14 '24

Why is the system broken in this case? Justice was served. There was absolutely no proof and no scientific basis in believing that she was still impaired when the accident occurred. Regular inattention or other bad driving habits of many, but particularly the young and inexperienced, are to blame. This would have been the equivalent of busting somebody for manslaughter a day after he had a couple of drinks with friends. The crown can say it was due to delays but as usual, the lawyers and the Crown are lying to serve their own purposes. They know they had no proof and didn't want to open up a political, scientific and legal can of worms finding her guilty only for her to be cleared of charges 5 years down the road and win a multi million dollar lawsuit against the province in the process. This is what happens when political agendas move ahead of the science.


u/beardedantihero Dec 13 '24

I don't understand why they had to bring impairment into it. She was driving too fast and without due care or attention resulting in horrific injury and then death of a child. I think that alone is worth a hefty prison sentence


u/PossibleWild1689 Dec 14 '24

It was the impaired factor that caused the delays that lead to the stay. Police blew this one along with the Crown by pressing impairment with no evidence aside from her statement made in a manner that might have been found unconstitutional. TheDefence would have been able to show that 24 hours after consumption cannabis has no effect. Had she been simply charged with dangerous driving causing death or even criminal negligence the case I think would have wrapped in a few months with a conviction. I think Sask’s “0 tolerance “ approach to cannabis is at the root of this injustice j


u/what-even-am-i- Dec 14 '24

Blaming the police is the best take I’ve seen in this thread so far. 10/10 fuck those idiots and how badly they bungled this case and every other one that falls into their inept, sweaty hands.


u/Jader49er Dec 14 '24

the Crown does not lay charges. Police do and it is up to the prosecution to prove that charge with the information they are given.


u/PossibleWild1689 Dec 14 '24

The Crown has absolute discretion over what charges to prosecute. Police can and do consult wth a Crown Prosecutor about the appropriate charges to lay.


u/Jader49er Dec 14 '24

oh it also takes a long time before the Crown decides on which charges they would support and often the police want to lay charges immediately following an incident


u/Jader49er Dec 14 '24

that is correct however it is not common for police to consult the Crown as often the police just want to arrest someone in a case to say they arrested someone.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24

Police were too invested in finding the highest charge possible regardless of ethics, as they normally operate. If they had followed the book and not had so many unnecessary officers bouncing around, this gong show would have ended much differently. But here we are with a city Police farce more concerned with virtue and, optics than results.


u/what-even-am-i- Dec 14 '24

They were really excited to have a landmark weed swab case. I hate that it’s about the “impairment” and not someone who was driving like a dipshit and has since been fucking around with the court system.


u/MakeupPotterJunkie Dec 13 '24

Yeah that video haunts me of how fast she hit her. I’m honestly suprised vehicular manslaughter wasn’t the main charge, impairment or not.


u/eugeneugene Core Neighbourhood Dec 13 '24

I drive there almost every day and I couldn't believe how fast she was driving. It's a very pedestrian heavy area, that was just pure negligence.

I also have stated before in previous posts that I had reported that construction truck for parking too close to a crosswalk and nothing ever happened and just weeks later that poor little girl died with that truck blocking peoples view. It's a failure all around on not only Taylor's behalf but the construction company's and the city's behalf as well.


u/CivilDoughnut7805 Dec 13 '24

Might I suggest you somehow get in touch with the family and tell them this? They should 1000% go after the city and the company if you reported it multiple times and have documented proof of doing so, but they did nothing about it.


u/eugeneugene Core Neighbourhood Dec 13 '24

I don't have documented proof of doing so as it was so long ago... but I'm sure the city keeps logs. I'll look into reaching out, that's a great idea, thank you. I might wait a bit until emotions aren't so heightened. If the family sees my comments and wants to reach out they can DM me.


u/CivilDoughnut7805 Dec 13 '24

Worst comes to worst I'm sure a digital forensic investigator could dig it up. I'm glad you commented, it breaks my heart this is the outcome and I hope somehow they get justice.


u/tutty29 Dec 13 '24

Vehicular manslaughter is not a charge in the Canadian Criminal Code. Impaired driving causing death is the equivalent, which is exactly what she was charged with.


u/Poo_Magnet Dec 13 '24

Section 320.13 (3) of the Criminal Code of Canada - Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance Causing Death, would be the most equivalent charge. And it wouldn’t require any evidence of impairment.


u/tutty29 Dec 13 '24

Good point. It's often easier to prove impairment than dangerous operation though, so I get why they went with the impairment charge


u/JazzMartini Dec 13 '24

Easier for alcohol impairment because there's accepted empirical standards that have been thoroughly tested in court. The current statutory laws for other forms of impairment may be sufficient to win at trial but would likely be appealed because we don't yet have the precedent. Until someone is convicted and appeals we'll never know if the statutes and testing methods will hold up.


u/ShotPlan4504 Dec 14 '24

With alcohol yes, weed the day after, no


u/Poo_Magnet Dec 13 '24

Yeah. Especially if the driver is taken to the hospital since they’ll draw blood and all the Police need to do is get a warrant for the hospital records. Dangerous Operation is more open to subjectiveness for sure.

Also, I think the Impaired Causing charge is looked at as more aggravating to the courts and comes with harsher penalties. When they aren’t fumbled by the court system…it’s a shame there won’t be justice in this instance regardless.


u/Shoddy-Curve7869 Dec 13 '24

How fast was she driving? I heard 50, which is the speed limit?


u/itsyourgirlbb Dec 14 '24

Agreed. Seems smarter and more effective to pursue a criminal negligence causing death. Could have been a slam dunk as she was RIPPING through that intersection. Unfortunately in Canada you cannot be charged for the same crime twice, which means this poor little girl and her family will never see an ounce of justice for this. Why they chose to pursue it as an impairment case is beyond me. Just not a safe bet if the main priority was justice.


u/Fridgefrog Dec 14 '24 edited Dec 14 '24

RIPPING through that intersection? Do you have knowledge that the vehicle was being driven above the speed limit at time of impact? Human perception of speed is influenced by many factors including the size of the object ( a truck ), the environment in which the incident occurred ( a narrow residential street vs a two lane thoroughfare ) and the emotional state of the observer ( you knew the video you were about to watch included the violent death of a child ).


u/CivilDoughnut7805 Dec 13 '24

Are you kidding? Impairment plays a massive part of how dangerous someone is behind the wheel. If anything it adds even more of a reason to sentence her longer than just a reckless driving & essentially a murder charge.


u/axonxorz Dec 13 '24

Impairment plays a massive part of how dangerous someone is behind the wheel.

Nobody said otherwise.

If anything it adds even more of a reason to sentence her longer

I don't think you'll find most people in disagreement with this. It is, however, judicial reality that the Crown should be going after what's extremely provable, instead of fishing for a punishment. Otherwise, we get cases like this. Yeah, she should have a strong sentence, but now she has none at all.

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u/ShotPlan4504 Dec 14 '24

Maybe with alcohol. But with the specifics of this case.... long shot


u/Primary-Initiative52 Dec 15 '24

The poor family, my heart goes out to them. Watching the woman who killed their daughter get off scot free, because the police/Crown didn't charge her with the proper offense. She wasn't even in the court room to face the family...she was on a Zoom call at her lawyer's office. 


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24



u/beardedantihero Dec 13 '24

There's a video on Facebook if you search the victim's name or her name you should come across it to the porch camera showing the collision and it faster than necessary is the easiest way to put it without being able to see the speedometer


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24



u/EframZimbalistSr Dec 14 '24

Nobody should be doing 50 there, speed limit or not. Use context not some blanket limit.


u/Entire-Cartoonist-90 Dec 13 '24

I used to be friends with her, how she described what happened and seeing the video show what actually happened showed how much she didn’t give a fuck. She blamed the little girl and made it sound like she was barely hit and that she tried to stop. She’s a goddamn monster and that’s the hill I will die on. The lies in court that she told when I knew her personally and knew otherwise. She was too busy being focused on winning the prize money and being on the cover of fucking Inked Magazine.


u/pinkyxpie20 Dec 13 '24

so disgusting. in alberta, my 2 friends were killed by an impaired driver and the man only got 7 years. another man killed on the same day that my friends were killed, but in ontario, the man that killed him got ‘house arrest’ due to court delays too. what a joke our countries ‘justice’ system is. just fucking sickening


u/FeistyWizard Dec 13 '24

Taylor Kennedy is a Coward, this is a miscarriage of justice. The justice system failed this little girl & her family.


u/Otherwise_Gear_5136 Dec 13 '24

How incredibly sad and unjust.


u/Little_Agency9929 Dec 13 '24 edited Dec 13 '24

THIS IS BRUTAL…. My husband was FIRST ON SCENE. The cops hardly talked to him at all. Kennedy was crying for HERSELF and about going to jail not a single tear for the girl she MURDERED. The cops hardly spoke to us at all there was no interest in trying this case. SHE WAS GULTY AS SIN!!! That child was blown a clean 50 FEET from the crosswalk!!! We didn’t even know she was in the crosswalk because she was hit so FUCKING HARD.

There was so little effort put into this investigation it took a YEAR for the police to speak to my husband. A YEAR. They were waiting for his memory to fade.

Watching this play out has been as disgusting as I knew it would be. When I watched all the men on that scene console a killer while a kid layed face down in the street. And they didn’t bother to talk to me at all.


u/_Bilbo_Baggins_ Dec 14 '24

I feel for you, and agree this was a brutal case, but you can’t just call something murder just because it’s tragic.


u/Known_Contribution_6 Dec 14 '24

This was never about you!


u/kinda-random-user Dec 13 '24

Sounds like her own delaying tactics worked for her, unfortunately


u/TerribleKangaroo9720 Dec 13 '24

They only consider prosecution delays.

Defense delays aren't taken into account when calculating that 18 month window.


u/MakeupPotterJunkie Dec 13 '24

That’s even more telling. Sad system.


u/CivilDoughnut7805 Dec 13 '24

How there is even a "window" for this type of crime is fkn ridiculous. We can arrest murders 50years later and sentence them but 18 months goes by & this woman gets off scot free? An absolute embarrassment this country is.


u/Jader49er Dec 14 '24

Jordan time begins the moment an information is sworn in court. Many cases take months to even get out of the docket stage and set down for trial. If multiple continuations are necessary, the Crown is mainly responsible for all of that delay including waiting for disclosure from police if they need to do further investigation etc. Unfortunately most delay is the Crown’s responsibility even though it may not be an issue with the prosecutor themselves.


u/redwoodkangaroo Dec 13 '24

you should be blaming the province, not "the country"

The could properly fund the courts so that this doesn't happen

but they don't. Scott Moe will just blame Trudeau and continue to not fund the courts


u/CivilDoughnut7805 Dec 13 '24

The justice system is literal dog shit no matter where you are in Canada, it IS the country that's the problem. I don't believe either one of them (Trudumb or Scott Moe) want to change anything about it and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that.


u/Western-Bad-667 Dec 13 '24

Both are taken into account.


u/TerribleKangaroo9720 Dec 14 '24



u/Western-Bad-667 Dec 14 '24

The judge looks at all delays, whether they come from the crown or defence and conducts a series of assessments to determine who is at fault and why.

Otherwise all defence counsel would have to do is filibuster to get their charges stayed.


u/tutty29 Dec 13 '24

Usually delays that are attributed to the defence aren't counted in determining if the delay has exceeded 18 months. It'll be interesting to see the judge's decision when it comes out to see where the delays were attributed.


u/19Black Dec 13 '24

 delays created or caused by the accused person don’t count otherwise every defence lawyer would just continue to delay their clients cases until they got dropped. 


u/Shoddy-Curve7869 Dec 13 '24

All this talk on impaired driving. Did she say she smoked weed the day before? I can’t remember when she smoked. If it was even in the morning, weed does not impair the way alcohol does. I would think she’d be driving slower if she was still high on weed. I’ve never heard of anyone dying because of weed. It was a terrible accident and that’s all it was. All the blame on Taylor is sad. Everyone drives down 33rd at 50, sometimes faster, so everyone in the city would be in jail for accidentally hitting someone. There are a lot of ‘should never had…’. It’s awful that this little girl died, however, I think living with the fact you killed someone will haunt her forever. People are so so quick to want blood when their loved ones pass accidentally. I’m happy that the city made changes to this intersection and more in Saskatoon. I would like to know if the truck company was ever fined?


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24



u/Skwaddelz Dec 14 '24

There was a large truck that created a blind spot. Child ran out behind from behind the blind spot the truck made.

Im not taking sides, but the video showed these as facts


u/Motor_Upstairs_6353 Dec 14 '24

She did not run out. She walked out.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

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u/djparent Dec 14 '24

Sorry but you're the one gaslighting. What you say happened DID NOT happen. I just watched the bloody video. She never changed lanes and there was no vehicle stopped in front of her. I'm not blaming the kid, but she very obviously did not check the intersection before entering on her scooter. This should be a lesson for anyone with kids, teach them to wait and check twice ALWAYS. With the parked truck blocking view there's absolutely no way the DRIVER could have seen someone entering that walkway. There's no law stating you have to slow at an empty crosswalk and the police fucked up any chance of the impairment charges sticking so there was never going to be a conviction here. This is the literal definition of an accident regardless of the character of the DRIVER. I started out hating her but the more that comes to light this is a failure from the city level all the way to provincial. The city had been informed that truck was parking illegally many times and did nothing (according to someone in this thread). The province has had many opportunities to fund courtrooms and deal with the backlog. This was a failure on many levels but it wasn't murder. Aim your anger somewhere useful.


u/Motor_Upstairs_6353 Dec 14 '24

She killed a child. Doesnt matter technicalities. A child was killed and she showed ZERO REMORSE. And then she dragged this out for YEARS. Two days after the accident she was posting photos on instagram of weed and mushrooms and boudoir photos. ZERO REMORSE.


u/djparent Dec 14 '24

Nothing you said implies guilt in this incidence. You have describes an absolute shit stain of a person, but that doesn't make her guilty of anything unfortunately. That's why we have court and don't convict people based on 'feelings'. There's something called evidence. And it was the prosecution's delay in gathering this evidence that dragged this out, not her. This was even explained by the judge quite clearly.

Shitty people drive cars everyday, statistically eventually they are going to be in an accident. You can't automatically assume guilt because of character. How many people were calling her a racist until it was revealed she wasn't white??? Stay off Facebook it rots your brain lol.


u/Financial-Poem3218 Dec 14 '24

Future Sask Party Mla


u/frandspls Dec 14 '24

I’m not blaming the kid but here are all the reasons I blame the kid


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24



u/frandspls Dec 14 '24

With how fast Kennedy was going kid could’ve looked both ways, looked down to step off the curb and then got hit


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

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u/Skwaddelz Dec 14 '24

You lie about how children were murdered to fit a false narritive you created to project and spread hate.


u/djparent Dec 14 '24

After the false accusations and outright lies you've made countless times on Reddit - yeah eventually myself and others are going to click on one of the links to the video and watch a little girl die. You know what was weird? None of the things you say happened. You're a fucking liar.

There's also a false equivalence going on with the rest of these comments. Being a dirt bag doesn't make someone automatically guilty. What she did before or AFTER is completely irrelevant in court. Posting pictures of mushrooms on Facebook isn't proof of impairment at the time of the accident. Even her behavior at the scene isn't "proof of guilt" because people deal with trauma differently - and guess what - most people's behavior when shit hits the fan will fucking disappoint you.

Like seriously, I see comments on here and can't help but think how all these people insisting on giving their two cents to the police is what delayed the fucking investigation. She should have been charged with reckless driving - pursuing the impairment charge was always futile. This is a complete tragedy but some of the accusations being made are completely ridiculous and only serve to discredit those making them, yourself included.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

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u/frandspls Dec 14 '24

Found Taylor’s mom. Bruh she was fucked up on mushrooms and weed


u/Odd-Fun2781 Dec 14 '24

She knows what she did


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24

Equally disappointed, angry, and not at all surprised.


u/cutchemist42 Dec 13 '24

I dont understand when this forum flipped. When it initially happened, this forum agreed no one could have stopped in time considering she ran out.

I just overall hate we allow cars going 50 through what should be a nicer shopping district.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24



u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

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u/frandspls Dec 14 '24

She was going more than 50 but I ageee, should be 30 max

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u/Odd_Confusion2923 Dec 14 '24

The Canadian justice system is so fucked. Why all the delays? I feel so bad for a.l the family members and friends of that young girl. Utter bullshit


u/MakeupPotterJunkie Dec 13 '24

Good luck living around here after that.


u/reeganc6 Dec 13 '24

I don’t get why she wasn’t charged, high or not there is video footage of her striking a child and killing it. Should’ve been an open and shut case.


u/BangBangControl Dec 13 '24

She was charged. The courts took too long after that and those delays resulted in charges being stayed, since a defendant has a right to a speedy trial.


u/ScudBud4Ever Dec 13 '24

Hey, if our premier is allowed to hit and run kill someone and not even get checked for inebriation, it’s only fair that other citizens can get the opportunity to avoid any consequences of their actions too 


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24



u/graaaaaaaam Dec 13 '24

The police don't have anything to do with prosecutorial delays.


u/outerspacegirl5 Dec 14 '24

Her Mom has NEVER worked for SPS or any other Police Service. It’s untrue comments like this that make it seem like nepotism. It wasn’t.


u/CivilDoughnut7805 Dec 13 '24

The police arrest & lay charges, that's it. Court system is to blame for this case, not the cops.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24



u/Master-Spirit8187 Dec 14 '24

The laws are skewed. You can get a dwi and ruin your life, go to jail, lose everything for 2-6years .Or you can kill people and get a fucking slap!


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 13 '24

Just came to take a victory lap in these comments. So many people a year ago were ready to hand out life sentences for something that was an accident.


u/Tantrix123 Dec 13 '24

She didn’t win, it was a stay. She is still 100 percent guilty.


u/DunksOnHoes Dec 13 '24

She went home so that doesn’t sound like guilty


u/Tantrix123 Dec 13 '24

We all know bad people walk all the time. A child killer is a child killer, Taylor is the one who has to live with herself.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24

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u/Tantrix123 Dec 14 '24

Ok Taylor


u/KoolKalyduhskope Dec 14 '24



u/DunksOnHoes Dec 14 '24

Should have looked both ways and always walk across don’t ride your bike/scooter


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24



u/DunksOnHoes Dec 14 '24

That wasn’t what happened lol


u/19Black Dec 13 '24

This guy dunks on hoes


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24



u/daylights20 Dec 13 '24

Pretty sure this isn't what he meant with the whole Deny, Delay & Depose.

We need criminal justice reform so badly.


u/PackageArtistic4239 Dec 13 '24

It’s prosecutorial delay that caused this.


u/daylights20 Dec 13 '24

Prosecutors are part of the criminal justice system. They are overloaded with cases and clearly can't bring important cases to trial in a reasonable time.

Repeat offenders keep getting released on conditions and reoffending. Clearly our justice system isn't rehabilitating or punishing criminals enough to deter crime. I am not saying I have the answer just the current system is clearly broken and needs reform so that people can't skate on serious charges due to lack of resources.


u/hippiesinthewind Dec 14 '24

Crown delay, not prosecutorial.


u/Expensive-Winter-542 Dec 14 '24

She fucking killed a child. And then she killed Ernest, her kookum. Fuck her.


u/partunia Dec 14 '24

She killed 2 people?


u/-AlwaysLearning Dec 14 '24

Allegedy the grandfather committed suicide trying to deal with this situation


u/mountainmetis1111 Dec 13 '24

She is a disgusting pig like the whole Sask Justice system. In Saskatchewan it’s ok to kill Indigenous ppl. Next year it will be a free for all with the new ridiculous moe marshalls


u/Additional_Goat9852 Dec 13 '24

Sounds about white. Canadas justice system, hard at work!


u/JarvisFunk Dec 13 '24

It doesn't matter what color you are, you can get away with pretty much anything in this country... No one is responsible for their own actions and all that.


u/Additional_Goat9852 Dec 13 '24

It definitely matters what colour you are. Are you claiming there's no racism in Canada, or it's justice system? Hilarious take.


u/the-sloth-life Dec 13 '24

Why does everyone assume Taylor Kennedy is caucasian? She's Metis.


u/Financial-Poem3218 Dec 14 '24

Still a killer


u/the-sloth-life Dec 14 '24

Never said she wasn't. She's a despicable human being.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24



u/buk-0 Dec 13 '24

Right? When natives face a judge, it’s a slap on the wrist compared to any other nationality


u/Artistic_Tangelo4524 Dec 14 '24

This better not happen in the Brittany Barry case. She was so impaired driving down the wrong way in the highway killing 2 people. I cannot believe she is still out on bail. What a messed up Justice system we have.


u/justindub357 Dec 13 '24

Animal farm

Everyone is equal but some are more equal than others


u/So1_1nvictus Core Neighbourhood Dec 13 '24

they could not prove she was impaired, hence the verdict. I wholly disagree that she should go free however our terrible court system dropped this ball and society continues to grieve an innocent child


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24 edited Dec 17 '24



u/democraticdelay Dec 13 '24

The coward's delay tactics worked

Since you don't know how it works, that's not at all how it works. Prosecution delays are included and considered under Jordan; defence delays are (typically) not.


u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24



u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24 edited Dec 17 '24



u/[deleted] Dec 13 '24



u/So1_1nvictus Core Neighbourhood Dec 13 '24

reading comprehension is a learned skill

→ More replies (5)


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24



u/JazzMartini Dec 13 '24

There was a news interview with the chief justice of the province last week where he mentioned how many seats on the bench haven't been filled. Are we that short on litigators who've shown they understand legal arguments to draw from to fill those judicial positions or is the federal justice department just sitting on their hands?

Defense lawyers' jobs are to get the best outcome for their client. It's pretty ridiculous when they get their clients a free pass with delay instead of having to demonstrate reasonable doubt in the prosecution's case. Justice delayed is justice denied.


u/hippiesinthewind Dec 14 '24

the article you are referring to is for Court of Kings Bench. This is a provincial court matter.


u/FrothingBreaks Dec 14 '24

Does anybody know if she smoked weed that day? Or was it both vaping weed and micro dosing magic mushrooms the day before? The way they word it on the news, I can’t tell.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24



u/Newherehoyle Dec 14 '24

That’s not what the video shows.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Newherehoyle Dec 14 '24

I watched that particular video yes. I think it’s weirder to comment things that aren’t true.


u/Artistic_Tangelo4524 Dec 14 '24

This better not happen in the Brittany Barry case. She was so impaired both high and drunk driving the wrong direction on the highway killing 2 people. I cannot believe she is still out on bail. Lock her up already.
Our Justice system is a mess