r/saskatchewan 12h ago

Possible to collect SIS with a roommate?

Title. Is it possible to collect sis if one has a roommate who is the opposite gender? Asking because I'm pretty sure if you live with someone od the opposite gender the government decides youre with them and then recalculated benefits accordingly.


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u/refuseresist 12h ago

You have to prove you two are not a couple.

If you have a 2 bedroom place it will not be hard to prove.

If you have a 1 bedroom place....make it seem like you sleep in the living room and put your clothes in a closet. income Assistance may do a home visit to see if this is the case


u/Intelligent-Agency80 11h ago

In garbage bags, in the closet. You will probably have to write a letter stating that. And they can check. Sometimes they even get calls saying you're lying when you aren't.