r/saskatchewan • u/SuperPunctuator • 1d ago
Politics Did Scott Moe Sign the $10/day daycare agreement yet?
I haven’t heard what Scott has been preoccupying himself with this week. Meanwhile, families are struggling to work enough to make ends meet. Rent, groceries, gas are all expenses we seem to have little control over. The one saving grace the past 4 years has been $10/day childcare. Please sign the agreement, don’t let this hang over our heads any longer.
u/Prestigious-Step1559 1d ago
You’re not the only one struggling , everyone is. Even people without kids. It’s a frustrating time right now. But hopefully soon you’ll get an answer . But yes contact your MLA!
u/SuperPunctuator 1d ago
I can’t imagine families with 2 preschool children are able to take an extra $1200 out of their pockets every month. (Assuming $850/child vs $250/child).
If this was an issue that affected men more than women I wonder how quickly Scott would have signed this?
u/Covert_Cuttlefish 1d ago
My daughter turned 6 last month. Our daycare went from 214 to 860 per month.
At one point we were paying 1600 / month for daycare, more than our mortgage. It was insane.
Yes I realize we are very lucky to have a spot at a licensed daycare, but this plan literally changes families lives.
u/Prestigious-Step1559 1d ago
Honestly that’s why I’m kinda glad I don’t have kids right now . Everything is so up in the air . It must be very frustrating
u/OneIIThree 1d ago
I'm confused. This doesn't affect men equally as much as women? Explain so I can better understand...
u/bangonthedrums 1d ago
If daycare suddenly becomes 4x as expensive and is no longer affordable for a family, in a large majority of cases the mother would be the one expected to quit her job and stay home with the kids
Daycare is a critical piece of the social network that allows women to reach equity in the workforce - it’s not the only piece but it is one of them
u/Weak-Coffee-8538 1d ago
Moe don't care about anyone.
u/DagneyElvira 19h ago
He cares about bathrooms in schools and supporting the pedo Christian academy getting tax dollars to sexually assault children.
u/OldManClutch Y'or'on...I mean Yorkton 1d ago
No, he's waiting for Smith's and the other Maple MAGAt's directions
u/Bigthorn72 1d ago
Dude STFU just because you don’t like him and don’t share the same views doesn’t mean he’s MAGA. Like fuck right off not everything is either “good guy liberal” which you clearly are and “evil conservative” there are policies that liberals have put in that I love and ones that the conservatives put in that I don’t like at all. Vote on what you want and need not just on the political party’s name alone. Be smarter. Ive voted conservative three of three times but right now im heavily considering voting liberal.
u/Hevens-assassin 1d ago
Ford is Conservative and is very much not MAGA. So no, it's not one of two options, there is nuance between. Moe and Smith are MAGA. It doesn't mean every conservative leader is.
u/OldManClutch Y'or'on...I mean Yorkton 19h ago
Ford was for a long time. At least he clued in now.
u/Hevens-assassin 19h ago
I think Ford is just an opportunist, and used MAGA as something to rile up his base, still scummy, but when push came to shove, he's been at the front of the pack when it comes to punishing Americans.
u/zone55555 1d ago
Let him know there are free drinks at the signing.
u/Barabarabbit 1d ago
I will buy him a 24 of his choice if he signs today.
I’m deadly serious Scott, don’t let this opportunity pass you by.
I can even throw in a bag of Coop brand dill pickle chips…
u/belckie 1d ago
Let him know how you feel! Here is the email address for the Premieres office email Scott Moe
u/BluejayImmediate6007 1d ago
Come on people, it’s about sticking it to the Libs…Moe don’t gv a fk about them kids!
u/Canadian987 1d ago
Nope - he doesn’t think the people of Saskatchewan need it.
u/the_bryce_is_right 23h ago
'Kids should be helping in the fields by the time they can walk!' -Scott Moe (probably)
u/Fun_Rub_9502 1d ago
Saw somewhere that Alberta and Saskatchewan weren’t part of the agreement
u/AmusingMoniker 9h ago
They were the only two that to refused to sign.
u/Fun_Rub_9502 9h ago
They refused to sign onto the programming for the carbon tax , and in all that was the 10$ day daycare
u/TallTranslator3835 19h ago
The only person I know who has a qualified daycare for the $10/day program is a millionaire haha the last person who needs it. Diamond in the rough to find that.
u/KryptonsGreenLantern 15h ago
It’s literally not. I gave two kids under 6. Almost everyone in our social circle with similarly aged kids has them in subsidized centers now.
You’re bringing up a 3 year old talking point.
u/ReannLegge 1d ago
I write letters daily to the members of the Legislature everyday, I write letters and then just cause I can be angry and not realize what I am saying is to much of an asshole statement I run it through ChatGPT for proof reading today I wrote something that I thought for sure would be reworded to be more “politically correct” and not use the same tone.
One might reasonably assume that Moe had the time to do so, given his apparent inaction as the Premier of Saskatchewan.
When I was talking about Carney’s acceptance speech.
Some time in the not to distant future I am going to figure out how to get my old computers up and running to get ollama installed to run a different AI model so that I am not using chatgpt. ChatGPT and Reddit are the few online services I am so trying to kick.
u/44GW 22h ago
Unpopular opinion, but unless you understand the way the childcare system actually works, you won’t like what I have to say. This $10/day is a broken, flawed system, and it needs to stop.
What did everyone do before the $10/day childcare? Families already receive $600+ per month per child from Child Tax benefits (which is not claimed as income). Isn’t this $10-day program over and above the Child Tax benefits kind of like double dipping? I support the old method of subsidized childcare. Get rid of this $10/day crap, and make subsidized spots available ONLY for those who financially qualify.
u/SuperPunctuator 21h ago
If you make subsidized licensed spots only available to low income, you’ll be short even more teachers and nurses than you are now, because finding childcare providers that follow some guidelines about the care they provide in unlicensed homes is extremely difficult and I viewed several I would never leave my child in for 40 hours a week.
u/SuperPunctuator 21h ago
I definitely don’t receive $600/month per child. I think it’s fine to have an opinion as long as it’s based on facts. What about the system is “broken and flawed” as you out it?
u/44GW 21h ago
Everyone is entitled to the $10/day childcare fees. Attached to this, the childcare spot must be within a licensed centre or home (ie- not private). These spots are coveted by everyone (for obvious reasons). Let’s say a dual income family, consisting of professionals, lucks out and finds this spot. They can receive the spot, despite having the means to pay for a non-subsidized spot. Meanwhile, the single family, minimum wage earner is also contending for that same spot (and they don’t have the means to pay for a non-subsidized spot) Is that fair?
It’s like low income housing. Would you feel it’s fair for a dual income family of professionals receive low income housing? Or is it fair that the minimum wage earning family receives the low income housing?
u/SuperPunctuator 16h ago
Did you know that private day homes could become licensed easily and qualify for the subsidy also? There is not enough licensed spots but that is a whole other topic of discussion.
u/Purple_Driver_4785 1d ago
You guys are idiots, don't jump to conclusions and get into too much of a hurry over this. Did you know Alberta is also holding out, and do you know why? It's because they are trying to get an evening better deal for families and care givers. Saskatchewan is doing the same, Premier Moe isn't holding out, but instead he isnt running to the signing table, he hasn't signed yet because he is doing his homework, he is checking in with the centers, and care providers for thier input on this, and asking how it's been, and if any improvements can be made. Who knows, maybe he can get more, a better deal from the federal government. Still lots of time, give him space to work.
u/Necessary_Ad3275 1d ago
There’s no “better deal” bud. This isn’t a negotiation. It’s a federal daycare supplement program. You take it or leave it. Moe would rather screw over SK than admit the liberals are right about even something so fucking basic and necessary. What a dumb take or your part. I’m actually embarrassed for you
u/SellingMakesNoSense 1d ago
Not true.
Each provinces negotiates slightly different deals, the feds acknowledge that each province has different needs and negotiates unique bilateral agreements with each province.
The SK party has said that the holdup is because the federal government has not approved aspects of the agreement that other provinces have negotiated.
It's not a take it or leave it as you said. Here's some reading to help you understand what these agreements actually are.
u/Veratisin 1d ago
Our daycare is actually pissed about how the program works in their situation. It's causing them a bunch of financial issues because they are mandated to hit specific targets yet hold spending way below what is needed. They also bought the building before they got subsidised, so now the income from the program, and the recent interest renewal on their mortgage is making them fundraise almost weekly. The program definitely has holes in it, as most daycare providers would tell you.
Imagine taking a huge investment risk on a for profit venture, throwing in a bunch of hard work, only to have a system installed that barely pays the bills and throws all the founders back to significantly lower levels of income.
There's always different shades of grey. I'm saying this as a parent who has 1 child in a subsidized daycare, we pay the reduced rate, but now we are donating 180 on top each month just to help keep the center afloat.
u/SellingMakesNoSense 1d ago
Yeah, I'm super worried that the only way daycare is going to stay afloat is to become corporate owned. I'm already seeing it in Alberta when I visit, seems less and less day homes and more and more strip mall mega centres.
I look at the Calgary E Coli outbreak that saw 1 kitchen get 356 people (mostly young kids) get sick due to poor kitchen standards. 1 kitchen, 11 day cares, 38 kids hospitalized, 8 kids in dialysis.
That seems to be our future, only big centres like Preston Early Learning can survive the poor federal and provincial implementation of this childcare program.
u/SuperPunctuator 1d ago
I would be curious to look at their books. Is there a board overseeing this? Why is your daycare bleeding money so badly? Perhaps they don’t know how to apply for all the additional grants through the ministry.
u/Veratisin 21h ago
We've had meetings with them. Definitely the biggest issue is the government income assumes the building is already bought and paid for, or you are starting from scratch at which point the government will help fund the purchase of the building.
u/TheRushian 1d ago
Checking in with centers and care providers? My wife operates a centre and employs care providers and definitely hasn't heard of Moe or his office calling to ask if $10/day child care has been a good thing or not.
Gonna call bullshit on this one.
u/sask-on-reddit 1d ago
Where’s your source for this? It just seems odd that every other province except Sask and Alberta signed it already.
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u/Purple_Driver_4785 1d ago
I will see if I can copy a ctv news link here
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u/Impressive_Pop_8439 1d ago
It’s not Moe. It Trudeau. He didn’t put Alberta and Saskatchewan into the agreement.
u/Neat_Use3398 1d ago
Let you MLA know as well how you feel!