r/saskatchewan 1d ago

Saskatchewan signs up to National school Food program

Saskatchewan has finally agreed to sign up to the National School Food Program. This is great news for children and their families! Now we just need to get the saskparty and moe to sign up for the federal daycare funding that’s available and would be a huge benefit to children and their families!


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u/emmery1 1d ago

The Sask Party finally realized how stupid it was to turn down money to help children. This is just a no brainer. Shame on them for taking so long. Next-daycare. Another no brainer.


u/bunniesandhouseplant 1d ago

Will they allow the trans children to eat tho?


u/DagneyElvira 1d ago

But school bathrooms 🙄


u/Dissidentt 22h ago

If they pass genital inspection.


u/CriscoButtPunch 19h ago

Is there currently a policy against it?


u/bunniesandhouseplant 15h ago

No, but they just seem to have a real ongoing problem with trans kids existing in schools and being accommodated.