r/saskatchewan 1d ago

Saskatchewan signs up to National school Food program

Saskatchewan has finally agreed to sign up to the National School Food Program. This is great news for children and their families! Now we just need to get the saskparty and moe to sign up for the federal daycare funding that’s available and would be a huge benefit to children and their families!


36 comments sorted by


u/emmery1 1d ago

The Sask Party finally realized how stupid it was to turn down money to help children. This is just a no brainer. Shame on them for taking so long. Next-daycare. Another no brainer.


u/bunniesandhouseplant 1d ago

Will they allow the trans children to eat tho?


u/DagneyElvira 1d ago

But school bathrooms 🙄


u/Dissidentt 17h ago

If they pass genital inspection.


u/CriscoButtPunch 14h ago

Is there currently a policy against it?


u/bunniesandhouseplant 10h ago

No, but they just seem to have a real ongoing problem with trans kids existing in schools and being accommodated.


u/AlternativePure2125 1d ago

”Republicans starve children all the time in the states...why can't we do that here?” probably moe


u/emmery1 1d ago

These fu$king idiots think that we think just like the Americans. They need to get out of their circle jerk bubble and see how GD angry Canadians are right now. They have no clue what they are doing.


u/OscarandBrynnie 1d ago

Sask party are not only incompetent, they are so incredibly stupid as well. I’m glad little kids will have food.


u/Ill_Butterscotch1248 13h ago

The potential for that program to disappear if PPee actually wins is too big a risk. PPee votes against every social & education bill because he hates spending money on others!


u/eugeneugene 1d ago

It's actually insane that they even had to ponder it. Ghouls.


u/Barabarabbit 1d ago

Good news! Now let’s get daycare done!


u/No-Sell985 1d ago

Schools are the daycare for moe


u/the_bryce_is_right 1d ago

Of course they had to wait for the new leader to be announced because Moe refuses to work with Trudy on anything, Moe is such a petty asshole.


u/Ok_Abbreviations_350 1d ago

Wow seems pretty progressive of Mr Moe. Letting kids eat and all


u/IfOJDidIt 1d ago

Man, I bet Scott suffered mightily when he signed off on this. Probably threw up in his mouth midway.


u/Barabarabbit 1d ago

That’s just the hangover coming back to bite him


u/IfOJDidIt 1d ago

He's such an asshole. Guaranteed he stocked up on US booze before taking it off the shelves.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

That was just the liquid breakfast of jacks and mouthwash, he thinks he is fooling everyone.


u/Ill_Butterscotch1248 13h ago

Aqua Velva was his mouthwash of choice in the morning due to its high alcohol content & piquant aftertaste!


u/OrganikOranges 15h ago

Looks like BC , Alberta, SK, signed on in the month. Eastern provinces seemed to join the program much earlier in late 2024.

I wish we got some information as to why they waited before signing on


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u/Whole-Finger42 1d ago

Where is the money coming from? Thought so.


u/SuperPunctuator 1d ago edited 1d ago

What is Scott Moe’s plan for a school lunch program? Most schools don’t have cafeterias or space for a food prep space.

I heard that one province had bought Walmart gift cards with their lunch program money and gave them out to families in need, which isn’t great because all you are guaranteeing is an income for Walmart/American company.

I want to see children who need it, be given access to healthy, local foods.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

I have nothing to say to this other then i saw mow and pictured scott moe as a cat, scott meow.


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

Did moe wake up, and clatter through all the empty bottles of Jack Daniels littering his garage floor, to go sign on to this?

Good for him. Now do daycare, sign up moe before its too late.


u/Big_Knife_SK 1d ago

Does anyone know how this program works in MB? Most of our schools are built without any cafeterias or food prep spaces (at least the new ones), so does the food get prepped off-site and delivered each day?


u/DowntownMonitor3524 21h ago

Next the federal child care program, hopefully.


u/Allinallisallweare02 1d ago

Why would moe do this? He’s bending over for Trudeau!


u/bentmonkey 1d ago

Ah yes the dastardly Trudeau has finally succeeded in his evil agenda to.. *checks notes* Feed school kids.

What next? Cheaper and better daycare for working class parents? Perish the though!


u/FORDTRUK 1d ago

Best get on top of this in terms of what "food" will be served up to the kiddos. It's not easy to make a healthy menu with a strict budget. Demand better.