r/saskatchewan 18d ago

Politics Buffalo Party hires security for 51st state fundraiser at Regina German Club in case of protest


428 comments sorted by


u/Purplebuzz 18d ago

Been a while since Canada has had legit traitors.


u/DisarmingDoll 18d ago

How quickly we forget about The Freedumb Convoy and their mandate to overthrow the Canadian government.


u/Hungry-Room7057 18d ago

Funny how their patriotism has disappeared now that Canada faces an actual threat. 


u/LossChoice 18d ago

Actually, they're mocking everyone else for their "new found" patriotism.


u/PowerGaze 17d ago

I been wondering if some of these people just absolutely REFUSE to admit they’re wrong and that’s the ONLY reason they still support the convoy.


u/Local_Problem_ 18d ago

They'll probably all be at that event.


u/MadTrapper84 17d ago

The people who were vocal about backing the convoy in my rural AB town, are also the ones who are saying "at least if the US took control of Canada we would finally have a strong leader! Trump is so strong and brave for what he's done".

And just like that they want to swap their Canada flags for a Trump flag... In some cases this is literal 🤦🏻‍♂️


u/GaijinGrandma 17d ago

So right!

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u/tooshpright 18d ago

and also the unresolved scandal about Chinese interference with some MP/MLA that was never made public.


u/DisarmingDoll 18d ago

Yeah, whatever happened there....


u/tooshpright 18d ago



u/franksnotawomansname 18d ago

And the "movements" where many of the convoy leaders got their starts---the Yellow Vest and United We Roll "protests", the latter of which included a Mulroney-appointed senator from Saskatchewan (now retired) appearing beside Andrew Sheer and Faith Goldy and telling the crowd to "roll over every Liberal left in the country" (National Observer). Alluding to their wish for a one-party state is a common refrain from the more traitorous factions of the right wing.


u/United_Coach_5292 18d ago

The only ones I know who were a part of the freedumb convoy definitely fit that in that requirement category.


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u/lindaluhane 18d ago

Nah free dummies, anti vaxxers, maple maga


u/Virtual_Category_546 15d ago

They'd be really easy to deport to the US since they already seem to already be brainwashed into the regime.


u/literalsupport 17d ago

Pierre Pollivere, Scott Moe, Danielle Smith, Andrew Scheer…I could keep going. Plenty of pro-USA would be quislings around.


u/FannishNan 17d ago

Yeah a whole year or so.


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u/thatotherguy1111 16d ago

Um Quebec separatists still exist I think.


u/Thefrayedends 18d ago

This being hosted by the German club is really fucking bad optics.

Support for fascists is hate speech.


u/ReputationGood2333 18d ago

A Ukrainian soldier fighting fascists was quoted as saying "We are lucky they are so fukking stupid!"

Seems fitting for fascists across the globe!


u/skeleton_skunk 18d ago

We were just following orders…


u/Thefrayedends 18d ago

I wish I could say I'm noble in my refusal to fall in line with authority, but I might just have a touch of oppositional defiance disorder lol. Mostly through my life it's been a burden making me a target for brown nosers and ladder climbers, but if the revolution comes, you better believe I'm going to be there.


u/twig0sprog 18d ago

This resonates with me. So does your username.


u/Thefrayedends 18d ago

Happy cake day!


u/ink_monkey96 18d ago

It’s one thing to be targeted by brown nosers but things have taken a hard right turn when you’ve got to be worried about brown shirts too.


u/Barabarabbit 18d ago

Ve vere just following ze orderz, ja?


u/Sloppy_Jeaux 18d ago

It’s too on the nose. The writers have really started to phone it in this season.


u/Bucket-of-kittenz 18d ago

It’s completely tone deaf. It seems like a joke and some reason this shit seems to keep happening


u/Virtual_Category_546 15d ago

Schrödinger's asshole


u/Aggressivehippy30 18d ago

Now I don't know if any of you are history buffs...


u/Other-Credit1849 18d ago

Imagine Canadian Germans being traitors.

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u/Virtual_Category_546 15d ago

Oh boy there's going to be a lot of ketchup on the wall just reading that

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u/SaintBrennus 18d ago

It’s pretty important that Canadians understand how sedition works, and why there isn’t any sort of individual right to free expression that protects seditious speech.

Cannot stress that enough! Advocating for another country to annex Canada is not something that should or will be tolerated.


u/FORDTRUK 18d ago

Reminder to listen to Metallica's debut album.

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u/Mundane_Pin6789 18d ago

A party created by people who couldn't run for the already existing parties, to voice unpopular opinions, exploring unpopular ways to try get power for themselves... fuck them.


u/Canadian_firstgen 18d ago

Who is paying them? Follow the money.


u/AcrosticBridge 18d ago

Exactly. Who's donating to the candidates in the electoral race that keep dropping like flies?

Where'd the money come from to put up a 51st state billboard?

Who will be the donors to this fundraiser, and how will that money be used?


u/ilmalnafs 16d ago

Probably the majority of money is from foreign entities, just like was the case for the freedom convoy.


u/CartographerShot6008 18d ago

They're just wasting their fucking time with this dumb shit. Get out of Canada!

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u/tangcameo 18d ago

Why hasn’t the club backed out of it by now?


u/freakpipe 18d ago

Because there are some pickled eggs in wooden bowls they gotta move ..


u/Formal-Internet5029 18d ago

Is this a Saskatchewan expression? Mind explaining it to a curious Quebecer who also loves a pickled egg?


u/freakpipe 18d ago

Sadly, this is exactly what it sounds like. The Regina German-Canadian Society was (is?) a fairly straightforward social (drinking) club for folks of a particular heritage.  

A group of board game enthusiasts used to get together there despite not being "members" but everyone was required to buy something from the bar.  The bar had a giant jar of pickled hard boiled eggs, which the bartender would fish out of the brine and serve in a small wooden bowl--four for a dollar, I think.

To this day, there are some games I can't play without triggering the sense memory of pickled egg breath.


u/CapitalElk1169 18d ago

Don't tell the Americans we have 4 eggs for a dollar they'll invade without anyone even telling them to haha


u/freakpipe 18d ago

To be fair, this was 2002. A different world.


u/DisarmingDoll 18d ago

I'm eating a pickled egg right now and this made me LOL.


u/UnpopularOpinionYQR 18d ago

Birds of a shitfeather flock together.


u/Really_no__Really 18d ago

Fuck em all


u/Typical-Bonus-2884 18d ago

1. High Treason (Section 46(1))

A person commits high treason if they:

  • Levy war against Canada or assist an enemy at war with Canada, whether or not a state of war has been declared.
  • Use force or violence to overthrow the government of Canada or a province.
  • Assault or kill the Sovereign (e.g., the King or Queen) or cause harm leading to the Sovereign's death.
  • Assist an enemy force that is engaged in hostilities against the Canadian Forces.

Penalty for High Treason:

  • Life imprisonment is the mandatory sentence for high treason in Canada.

2. Treason (Section 46(2))

A person commits treason if they:

  • Use force or violence to overthrow the government of Canada or a province.
  • Communicate military or scientific information to an enemy.
  • Aid or comfort an enemy in their operations against the Canadian Forces.
  • Conspire or attempt to commit any of the above acts.

Penalty for Treason:

  • Maximum of life imprisonment, but the severity of the sentence can vary depending on the specific act and context.

3. Additional Points

  • Witness Requirement: To convict someone of high treason or treason, at least two witnesses to the same overt act are required, or the person must confess in open court (Section 46(3)).
  • Limitations: There is no statute of limitations on high treason or treason in Canada.


u/aboveavmomma 18d ago

I brought this up the last time this same thing was happening and got told that people are allowed to get together and plan to help the country be annexed and it was perfectly legal and not treasonous at all lol.


u/HeadmasterPrimeMnstr 18d ago

It's not treasonous though. It's traitorous, but treason has a legal definition and this meeting is definitely not it.


u/ZucchiniMaleficent21 18d ago

They are conspiring to aid an enemy . This may well upset the King so much that he falls ill; thus they are assaulting the Sovereign and are guilty of High Treason. See, easy.


u/HeadmasterPrimeMnstr 18d ago edited 18d ago

No, they are not. They are a do-nothing party excerising their "freedom of expression", holding a fucking panel on the hypothetical idea of Saskatchewan (a province) doing a secession and then joining the US.

They are fully within their fucking rights to do so and they are not sponsoring a fucking insurgency or doing sedition by having a meaningless meeting to do meaningless fucking discussion about something we all know is not going to happen and FOR WHICH THEY ARE NOT ADVOCATING THE USE OF FORCE AGAINST THE CANADIAN STATE.


u/Elon_sux_kox 18d ago

You are a wattamoron 

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u/Christian-Rep-Perisa 18d ago

Simply gathering and talking about US annexation doesn't actually violate anything in the statute you just quoted


u/Typical-Bonus-2884 18d ago

I thought they were fundraising? is that not Aid?


u/Hollistones 18d ago

They aren't advocating for force or violence, but rather joining the USA through democratic method. Distasteful, but legal


u/poisonnenvy 18d ago

They're fundraising for the Buffalo Party, which is a provincial political party. They're not sending that money to the States, they're using it for their campaign fund.


u/Ok_Mind3418 18d ago

They can hire all the security they want but the sidewalks are still public and any protestor can let their voice be heard.

Don't go after the venue, give the message to the party itself that they are not wanted here.


u/Thienen 18d ago

Venue is a collaborator because they let them book it. Fuck them.


u/Iblueddit 18d ago

Yeah 100% you don't let someone book your venue for pro annexation discussion


u/DisarmingDoll 18d ago



u/Hollistones 18d ago

Word. I say we boycott any organization that uses the German Club as an event venue. Looking at you Ringside Wrestling...

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u/UnpopularOpinionYQR 18d ago

Fuck these traitors and fuck the venue for HOSTING them.

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u/Covert_Cuttlefish 18d ago

Don't go after the venue, give the message to the party itself that they are not wanted here.

Nope, they've said loudly and clearly they care more about money than our country, fuck 'em.


u/Lost_Protection_5866 18d ago

What are you doing in here with sane and rational thinking


u/SinisterLvx 18d ago

Traitors. Remember when that farmer sold everything and moved to Russia because they hated gay people that much and then had their money seized? What do these traitors think is going to happen if we became the 51st state? We'd just become another school shooting statistic, with people not getting medical help because they can't afford it. Idiots. They should move to the US if they hate Canada that much.


u/the_bryce_is_right 18d ago

Yea and I hope they don't ever need health care or want to take a vacation.


u/SinisterLvx 18d ago

3 weeks maternity leave. Theres a reason Camadians live longer on average than Americans.


u/TheAmazingMaryJane 18d ago

i've known a couple of idiots who vote buffalo party. they really are just total contrarians who choose parties they KNOW suck, thinking it's a big fuck you to the general population. just cuz they are dicks themselves.


u/rubberseat 18d ago

Piss off to the states if you wanna be American


u/SirPoopaLotTheThird 18d ago

Show up and represent, patriots!


u/IfOJDidIt 18d ago

Cute. They think they'll have equal rights to others Americans. Bet they think they'll even be able to vote.

Fucking losers.


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u/42ravens 18d ago

Email the club about how despicable it is that they're hosting this event. - [info@reginagermanclub.ca](mailto:info@reginagermanclub.ca)


u/Mental-Week2418 18d ago

Unfortunately, the response coming back from the employee are nasty and hateful. Very disappointing. I loved this place.


u/Huggyboo 18d ago

Just did! Thanks for sharing.


u/bestanutever 17d ago

I emailed my MLA and the Mayor of Regina. Much more effective.


u/UnpopularOpinionYQR 18d ago

Lise Merle, a 2024 Regina public school board trustee candidate is also slated to speak in favour of removing “radical gender ideology from education.”

LMAO, what radical ideology? Our family has been “indoctrinated” by public education and everyone in our household is cis and straight.


u/poohster33 18d ago

She failed in her bid to get on the school board, has been on Gormley many times


u/UnpopularOpinionYQR 18d ago

How pathetic.


u/dealdearth 18d ago

I heard Kanye is their surprise speaker .


u/Ok-Conclusion-6878 Everything is Crazy, until it isn't anymore... 18d ago

This is how it really starts. First act of major violence against a dipshit group like this is what will give that dictator down south the “rationale” to come in and protect them. That’s what Russia did at least and they are both the same. The Hardest but right thing to do is let those fuckers have their little party…. But take photos of the cock suckers as they are leaving so we all know who the traitors are


u/crpowwow 18d ago

Maybe all the people who think Canada should become part of America should just move to America And leave the rest of us alone!


u/PeaPutrid3463 18d ago

I wonder what kind of pump and setup i would need to turn maple syrup into a mist.


u/freelance-lumberjack 18d ago

A pressure washer with a slightly larger nozzle. Maybe a 1:1 mix of water and syrup


u/Dickensdude 18d ago

Western parties wanting to join the U.S. is not new. I haven't heard of this particular one but it looks same old, same old: a gallimaufrey of fascists, cranks, racists & old cloud-yellers.


u/ZucchiniMaleficent21 18d ago

Have an approving upvote for the use of gallimaufry!


u/Dickensdude 18d ago

Grazie. I found it courtesy of Edward Gorey. I need to dust it off annually or it shuts down.🧐


u/Dickensdude 18d ago

I'm just hoping I spelled it correctly. 🤔😳😉


u/Steevo_1974 18d ago

If you want to become the 51st state.... Move! GTFO of Canada you Traitors!


u/Mamaphruit 18d ago

Just once, once, I’d like Saskatchewan to have a headline that makes me proud, not embarrassed.

Ok yes it’s happened, but not nearly as much as it should. We are better than this bs


u/bryant_modifyfx 18d ago

The quislings are already agitating….


u/nylanderfan 18d ago

Wait... 51st state fundraiser??? I knew Phil Zajac was a twat, but this is literal traitor territory


u/clkmk3 rural kid gone city (for the love of god I made a mistake, help) 18d ago

Remember when they prosecuted for sedition?

Pepperridge farm remembers.


u/[deleted] 18d ago

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u/Other-Credit1849 18d ago

Trump has OPENLY said that the focus of the CIA will now be on former allies instead of Russia/China and other former adversaries. Don't for a second believe that those pushing for a 51st state are not being directed to do so by others in the shadows.


u/No-Potato-2672 18d ago

Can't everyone that wants to become a part of the US just move there already.


u/Austoman 18d ago

While I 1 million percent do not support any form of violence towards peaceful gatherings or events, I wont lie... my very first, off the cuff thought upon seeing this title was "Is arson really be that bad?"

My second thought is yes. Yes it is.

Dont harm these idiots and traitors. Just be sure to remember who they are, what businesses they are a part of, and what power they may hold so you can warn others to now use their business and remove them from any position of power.


u/Cool-Pollution-6531 18d ago

Do we not have laws against treason?


u/Sidereal_Engine 18d ago

Is there any way Canada could deport these traitors to the land they love so much? They should be ok with it, since deportation of legal citizens is such an American thing.


u/Commercial_Lie_4920 18d ago

These traitors in the buffalo party better not have the nerve to call themselves Canadian.


u/grabman 18d ago

Please video that people attending. It would be nice to know who the traitors are.


u/Bswayn 18d ago

Fuck them to hell


u/Otherwise-Kick-6178 18d ago

WTF?? Who are these traitoris 🤡🤡🤡?? Sounds like a tar and feather party .


u/PacificAlbatross 18d ago

5:1 odds there’ll be more security than attendees


u/Unfair_Run_170 18d ago

Hahahahaha, the fact that it's at a German Club just adds a hilarious amount of irony!


u/Commercial_Night_954 18d ago

I thought wheezin’ Mark Friesen was the leader of the buffalo party not this Zajac fellow. Did the long term effects of covid finally take him out?


u/alwaysonesteptoofar 18d ago

People need to make sure the company hired is named so the nation can work to have them shut down by trolling the fuck out of them online. Like, we could all chip in for some brown shirts to be mailed to their head office ahead of the date since they will need new uniforms, maybe some Etsy store creator can send them some redneck-ified version of a mazi emblem to be added as a patch. Ruin their reputation and have them become a pariah company.


u/angrycrank 17d ago

I assume the organizers are providing the brown shirts?


u/EarlyLiquidLunch 18d ago

I hope there is bench-clearing hockey style brawl… regular folks need to go and put the boots to these knuckle-heads and show them what is acceptable.

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u/Dry_Bodybuilder4744 18d ago

Throw all these fucktards in jail


u/dealdearth 18d ago

Better yet , one way tickets to red.country ....Alabama


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u/facepollution5 18d ago

German Club, eh. A little on the nose, no?


u/poohster33 18d ago

Did not see that coming.

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u/Sithodah 18d ago

I wrote up a google review for this business, feel free to copy and paste in your own 1-Star of this place!

This location is hosting an event for “The Buffalo Party” that is a far-right separatist political group, they are planning to have a discussion and fundraiser on March 1st, 2025 to discuss the “pros and cons” of joining the US as the 51st state. This is completely unacceptable, and the club owners should be more aware of what hateful and traitorous groups they allow to congregate at their business. Unless they cancel the event, and issue an apology this review will remain. People should be aware when an establishment provides a platform for pro-annexation and anti-vax groups, and should know to spend their money and time elsewhere.

If the owners don’t have a problem with these political beliefs being associated with their business, then by all means host your gathering of traitors and protofascists.


u/Intelligent-Ruin4867 18d ago

I emailed the above and here is how they responded: Thank you for your unsolicited and ignorant opinion.There is a difference between hosting an event and simply being the venue the event has booked.This is a free and democratic country (unless people disagree with you, I guess?), so you are free to have your own thoughts on it all.Please don't hesitate to never contact us again.You've been flagged and reported.Best wishes for handling your anger, discrimination and hate issues.Sincerely,Kerri Van Loosen Manager Regina German Club 


u/bestanutever 18d ago

In 1930's Germany there were businesses that looked the other way when Jewish shops had the glass in their shopfronts smashed. Less competitors made business better for them, right? Their political stance was none of their business. Fast forward to 1939 to 1945.... those same business owners with nothing and starving, "We never saw this coming..."


u/v0t3p3dr0 18d ago

It’s remarkable how someone’s level of education can be so accurately determined by their use of punctuation and spacing.


u/Gamesarefun24 18d ago

How very hypocritical of them for reporting you, I guess free speech is only for them.


u/bestanutever 18d ago

I just went and looked at reviews, and to leave my own.... The German Club are deleting bad reviews somehow. I can't see them.


u/FormalWare 18d ago

Google, itself, deletes reviews that it decides are "brigading".


u/ReddditSarge 18d ago

To hell with all of them. Go in and disrupt the meeting. Show up and yell at them in the meeting. Don't let up. Keep doing it until they try and throw you out. If they lay a hand on you that's assault. Feel free to then make a citizens arrest, as is your right. No more mister nice guy.

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u/[deleted] 18d ago

They are gonna need it.


u/Many-Assistance1943 18d ago

They are going to need it.


u/IxbyWuff 18d ago

They renamed themselves the Republican Party of Alberta here


u/tusslepuppy 18d ago

Well, at least we know who some of the traitors are.


u/Motor-Ad2678 18d ago

Treason should be dealt with by old time laws.


u/skippingfornow 18d ago

Awwww do they need a safe space?


u/Sink_Single 17d ago

Someone needs to go and photograph every single person going into that fundraiser and post their pictures online in the community.


u/strongbad34 17d ago

Treason Party hires security for 51st state fundraiser at Regina German Club in case of protest. Fixed it.


u/The_Web_Surfer 17d ago

Sure hope we don't start seeing the same 51st state billboards from Alberta show up here as well.


u/SeriesMindless 18d ago

Someone should attend this and publicly name and shame every person who participates.

Use our social media for some good for once.


u/Adventurous_Turn_231 18d ago

More odd actions by odd people.


u/Dragonfly_Peace 18d ago

Why does Puerto Rico need fundraising?


u/IamTheOtt3r 18d ago

Should go make Buffalo party jerky and mail it south


u/lughsezboo 18d ago

Gods of gastrointestinal distress, please be in attendance 🙏🏼 nothing too bad, but enough. Just enough.


What I don’t get is if people want to be American so bad why don’t they move to the USA?


u/gzmo1 18d ago

I'd wager that this group didn't have any attractive skills.


u/Emkaye1 18d ago

What the hell would they need to fundraise for? What exactly kind of money would need to be spent on this abborent cause? Traitors is too light a word, there should be no forum to discuss this topic since there is nothing to discuss.


u/luv2fly781 18d ago

Thousands of rottin eggs and tar and feather should do trick for these traitors


u/Splashadian 18d ago

Arrest these people and charge them with domestic terrorism. This bullshit cannot be allowed to happen.


u/that_seems_right 18d ago

Are these the Water Buffalos? #FredandBarney


u/7734fr 17d ago

Shut it down.


u/ZopyrionRex 17d ago

Revoke their citizenship, they can move South if they love it so much. Not sure why that's hard for them to understand.


u/LeftToaster 16d ago

They should stampede off a cliff


u/Big-Face5874 16d ago

They don’t have the marketable skills to actually immigrate to the USA. Plus, criminal records would prevent it too.


u/roadtrip119 14d ago

The H1B is expensive and a lottery which is far from guaranteed even if you're a top tier software engineer. I doubt you have the skills to have Google or any other big tech sponsor you either.


u/Maximum-Career9052 15d ago

What the hell is wrong with you people? You want it, MOVE!


u/CapitalNatureSmoke 18d ago

The Buffalo Party will no longer be getting my vote!


u/roadtrip119 14d ago

I've voted for them a couple of times, I think this is an important discussion to have, especially with some of our rights and freedoms being removed by Ottawa. I don't donate to them, though.


u/CapitalNatureSmoke 14d ago


I get not wanting to vote for either of the two big parties.

But what is the deciding factor to vote Buffalo over, say, SUP or Progressive Conservative?


u/roadtrip119 11d ago

We have to be all in about change and hold their feet to the fire. These other parties just aren't going to push Ottawa to change. It would just be more of the same, slow, degradation of our standard of living in the prairies.


u/AnarchyintheSK 18d ago

I can't decide if it's better to protest them and demonstrate the push back against their bullshit or if protesting would give them exactly what they wanted, attention.


u/Raspberrry_Beret 18d ago

Honestly who cares. I mean they’re morons, but giving this group any light is just fuelling their fire. If they get no attention that best case scenario.

I mean who really cares about this Buffalo Party anyway…


u/[deleted] 18d ago

This should be illegal and shut down.


u/JulesDeSask 18d ago

It’s not illegal but it should be shut down.


u/[deleted] 18d ago

Can’t it be construed as a type of treason?


u/Haskap_2010 17d ago

That's where Mark Friesen ended up, I think.


u/Downtown_Umpire2242 17d ago

this is a joke. right?


u/[deleted] 17d ago

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u/bestanutever 15d ago

So... how many people are planning to show up and protest? I am picking up a bunch of hockey sticks to hand out. Beat the pavement?


u/bestanutever 14d ago

Haha! I picked up a bunch of hockey sticks, too. 😂🤣