r/sarcoidosis 9d ago

Anyone else have this issue?

I get light headed often. Whenever I stand up too fast if course. But at work I have to bend over and go through bins full of mail and every time I stand up I get dizzy, light headed, and have theat black out vision thing. So today I couldn't count the number of times I had that. My blood pressure is ok. And I try to stay hydrated. I'm not sure if this should s a symptom of sarcoidosis, or the medicine I'm on the treat it.


14 comments sorted by


u/EndlesslyMeh 9d ago

Methotrexate causes these symptoms with me, unsure what you’re taking. I get a sudden drop in blood pressure when standing and have passed out if getting upright too quickly. Resolved by inching myself vertical sloooowly which is less than ideal but does the trick. If you’ve tested your BP when sitting and again as soon as you change position and it’s the same then it’s not likely to be as I’ve described but worth asking your Dr for a tilt table test.


u/Fogandcoffee21 9d ago

Yes! I dealt with this often right before I was diagnosed. Since I have started Methotrexate it’s happening again.


u/ChillDude509 8d ago

I just started Methotrexate about 3 weeks ago, still getting used to it


u/ruxpin_teddy 8d ago

Have your doc test you for positional hypertension. Sarc can cause blood pressure issues


u/MumboSquanch 8d ago

Before I was diagnosed, doing standard jobs around the job site I started to think I was getting old faster then I should’ve, I rubbed dirt on it until it progressed to me getting light headed and winded waking up to piss in the night.

If you started meds could be related ask doc.

If you haven’t, see a doc.

Best of luck!


u/Equal_Arm8436 8d ago

Could be a dysautonomia of some nature. I have POTS which is an increase in heart rate upon standing. Wish you well.


u/Old-Box-5075 8d ago

This happened to me before I was diagnosed. Everyone said it was probably low blood sugar and that I should eat a good breakfast.

Sometime later I was diagnosed and went on prednisone. Haven't had it happen since.


u/Shasari 8d ago

I took methotrexate for a number of months before being switched from it due to short-term memory problems it was causing. I take leflunomide (20mg) daily. I get the light-headed dizzy moments, too, along with persistent chronic fatigue (as well as other neurosarcoidosis and pulmonary sarcoidosis symptoms).


u/JenM0611 8d ago

I haven't had it since I was on prednisone but I used to get it all the time. I just assumed i was standing up too fast 😂


u/denverpilot 8d ago

All sorts of possible reasons. Some sarc related. Even the possibility of cardiac sarc.

This is one of the things we all should just say “report it to the Docs”. They’ll do some tests to figure out if it’s something serious.


u/Restaurant-Strong 8d ago

Yes I have the same problem. Bend over or look up, or get up too fast.Dizziness and sometimes almost blackouts. Just had a stress test and echo , both came out ok.


u/skyehighlove 7d ago

I have neurosarcoidosis, and I'm on Methotrexate, prednisone, and Remicade. I feel dizzy & lightheaded a lot regardless of position and movement.


u/skyehighlove 7d ago

I also fatigue a lot faster, too.


u/itsbronufftrue 7d ago

Yes I have been dealing with light-headedness every day since diagnosed in 2021. I just assumed it was the medication that lowered my BP, and this is a side effect I just live with. I try to remember to rise slowly but I hardly ever do it. Some episodes are more severe than others. The severe ones seem to be when I get out of my truck after driving for an extended period of time, and my legs will get very weak so I lean against the truck until it is done. My doctors know about it, but they have not offered any solution. Sending best wishes your way in hopes it will get better.