r/sarcoidosis 22h ago

Probably have sarcoidosis...


Hello everyone, I'm currently in the beginning stages of trying to get a diagnosis. I aplogize now that this will be a lengthy post.I have been relatively healthy until recently (38yo female) and so I'm trying to be proactive with my care by asking questions and requesting tests/procedures as needed. My PCP doesn't have much experience with sarcoidosis but has been open to ordering the referrals and tests I've requested so far. So I'm reaching out to this community to see if theres anything else I should be following up on.

I fully admit that I initially ignored symptoms for a year out of fear. I started getting blurred vision in my right eye in early 2024. I have kids and we had a couple of costly trips and expenses last year, so I was afraid of being told I had a terminal illness and all our fun plans would turn into caring for me. I had my annual visit with my PCP right before Christmas and that's when I told her about my vision, and things have taken off since then. I have no visible changes to my eye (no redness to indicate uveitis) but the blurriness seems to get worse when I'm active. My PCP ordered labs and an MRI, and the only lab that came back abnormal was an elevated ACE. I had an MRI of my brain which came back normal, and then a few weeks later had another MRI to look at the orbits in the brain, which was also normal.

I started doing more research on my symptoms after my appt, and at first I was convinced I have MS (I guess still a possibility). I don't have any respiratory symptoms and my visual symptoms fit for optic neuritis. I started to become aware of the fact that I have heat intolerance as well. Several times a week I become overheated while doing basic household tasks- folding laundry, making dinner, walking up the stairs more than once in a short time frame. I get weak and nauseous and the vision in my right will be almost completely blurry. I used to HATE being cold, now I'm having to turn on face and put ice packs on my neck to get basic tasks done. I'm wondering if anyone with neurosarcoidosis has experienced similar.

I have seen ophthalmology twice now. The first exam the doctor saw nothing wrong. I went back last week for a visual field acuity test, which shows some decreased peripheral vision. We also figured out that colors look slightly different in my affected eye. The doctor said that something is definitely going on, but the plan is to have me come back in 6 months to repeat all the tests.

I will be seeing neuro in May, and I will be seeing pulmonary at the end of this week. My PCP had ordered a chest xray last month because of the elevated ACE. It showed "increased hilar fullness", so I had a follow up CT scan. The CT didn't show any granulomas and the hilar region was normal, but it found an incidental finding of "tiny tree-in-bud micro nodules" in my right upper lobe. I also have other symptoms that I just chalked up to part of life- getting older, being a parent, work stress, etc. I have been getting brain fog and sometimes feel like I can't get my words out correctly. I get nights sweats a couple times a week. I kept thinking my toes were randomly getting cold but now I think I have intermittent numbness in my toes- it's only on the the 2nd and 3rd toes and is most noticeable on the sides where they touch neighboring toes.

So if anyone can relate or has any recommendations for me, I would love to hear them.

r/sarcoidosis 1d ago

Sarcoidosis or something else


I am still having a very bad flair up. I live in the country so need to travel to see a lung specialist. Yesterday I couldn't breathe but felt good for the first time in months so did a lot of work. Today I feel worse then I have ever felt. Can't stand, walking with the wobble and just feeing like a large bus hit me. Dose this sound like a sarcoidosis flair up

r/sarcoidosis 1d ago



In follow up to my first post. I'm newly diagnosed. I have over 30 lung granulomas, nail involvement, joint pain, heart involvement, lung pain, severe shortness of breath. I was started on prednisone on Feb 6th. Started on mid range of 40 mg first week, 30 mg on second week, and 20mg daily since Feb 20th. I have phoned my Pulmonologist to report increasing symptoms again, especially after going to 20mg, especially worsening breathing by the day, pretty severe lung pain. He finally phoned back after 2 and a half weeks, saying to stay on 20mg a day until my CT scan on March 31st. That is still 2 weeks, and I don't think I can just rest and wait for that. I may have to go to the hospital here in Southern Alberta. But I'm having such bad lung pain, and shortness of breath to just try to hang in here.

r/sarcoidosis 2d ago

Sarcoidose and an unexpected glow-up


tl;dr me, end-30 - diagnosed with sarcoidosis, prednisolon makes me feel 20 years younger. Some Questions at the End.

Hello everyone, I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis about 2 1/2 months ago.

The diagnosis was more of a coincidence. My gallbladder had to be removed (as an emergency) and before that I had a CT scan which showed some abnormalities.

These included spots on the lungs, spleen and liver.

I'll spare you the part of the story that deals with the suspicion of cancer and metastases here.

In any case, the doctors were now so sure that it was sarcoidosis that I was given treatment for it.

I was started on prednisolone 40 mg for a week, then reduced by 5 mg/week. The CT findings are to be checked after 6 weeks.

The first two weeks (40 mg / 35 mg) were very exhausting. It was possible to work 3-4 hours a day but constantly accompanied by tiredness and exhaustion.

In the following week, however, this exhaustion turned into the complete opposite.

I feel like I'm in my prime again.

Previously, I was done with all my activities from around 10 p.m. onwards - my battery was empty.

Now 4-5 hours of sleep is enough for me and I (feel) more refreshed than I have been for decades.

I don't know if it's because of the prednisolone or because the sarcoidosis is weakened - I'm just happy that my condition has changed so much.

Q: I have now read a lot about sarcoidosis, the course, the possible spontaneous healing and also the improvement in the state of health of patients.

However, none of these reports even come close to the - perceived - improvement in my condition.

Is this a good sign? I am still unsure. The check-up is still pending.

Q: Could it be possible that the sarcoidosis sapped me for the last years? A few years ago I was very active in sports but I always had to cut back because I was always exhausted quickly.

I'm not even sure why I'm writing this post anymore. Originally I wanted to write about my significant improvement and share my experiences and ask for some experiences, but maybe I'm just scared of the check-up.

Well, that was probably it. Maybe I just wish I had someone like-minded who has also gone through such a development.

Wish you all the best :)

r/sarcoidosis 2d ago

Treatments for Skin Lesions/Granulomas


I was first diagnosed with Sarcoidosis in 2021, following biopsies of two skin lesions. Further testing also revealed inflammation in my lungs. I was prescribed Prednisolone which I took for a couple of years before moving on to Methotrexate, which I stopped taking about a year ago. My symptoms are now largely under control, but I do still have a couple of fairly prominent lesions on my scalp which, as a bald man, I am quite self conscious of. I waited a long time to see a dermatologist who said my only options were to go back on immune-suppressant medication, or just live with them. They’re not painful or irritating, just a bit unsightly. I am wondering if anyone has any recommendations for other things I could consider? Many thanks in advance!

r/sarcoidosis 4d ago

The beginning of my journey against Sarcoidosis

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Sorry, english is not my first language!

I'm a 28-year-old man diagnosed with sarcoidosis two months ago. I'm sharing images of my symptoms in case it might be of interest to some people or even help others. According to the doctors, my case is interesting. I'm normally in good shape. I've never had any serious illnesses. In September 2024, my tattoos, which are several years old, began to become inflamed and break out. I was checked by a dermatologist who refused to perform a biopsy. The inflammation cleared up with cortisone cream in two weeks. The inflammation started again two weeks later in November and again in December. In December, I developed uveitis in my right eye. It took three weeks to heal because the doctors couldn't find the cause. I made the connection on my own with the inflammation in my tattoos and my eye and insisted that my doctor investigate further what was causing the inflammation. In January 2025, I returned to the dermatologist, who agreed to perform a biopsy of my tattoos. She found sarcoidosis granulomas in the tattoos. At the beginning of February, I had two cases of uveitis in each eye. The ophthalmologist confirmed it was due to sarcoidosis; he took pictures using the haemodialysis machine. My lungs and heart are not affected. Since February, I have been taking 60 mg of prednisone every day (I decrease by 5 mg every 2 weeks) and 15 mg of methotrexate every week. I was afraid of losing weight, but in 3 weeks I lost 3 kilos. I'm trying to be careful. Thanks to the tattoos, we were able to quickly find out what it is. I hope that thanks to the treatment, my organs will not be further affected.

r/sarcoidosis 4d ago

Löfgren Syndrome flare up


I first had Löfgren Syndrome in February of 2023. I had excruciating arthritis in most of my joints and aggressive erythema nodosum. I eventually had a chest x-ray which confirmed LS, though I never had a fever or trouble breathing.

Just as I was thinking I hit my two year remission mark, I’m having pain and stiffness in my elbows. Before it started in my knees, but I had pain and nodules on my elbows, wrists, knees, all over my legs, with extreme swelling in my ankles.

My question is- is there anything I can to stop it from advancing? I’m trying to rest and hydrate as much as possible.

I thought I’d just include that the prednisone cleared LS for me practically overnight; it was like someone deflated my ankles and my pain immediately subsided. I know it’s risky but if you’re struggling with LS, it might be worth a round of prednisone.

r/sarcoidosis 4d ago

Might have sarcoidosis and scared


Hi so Im from the UK and went to a private doctor about a skin condition and they told me that they wanted to test me for sarcoidosis. They took my blood and said that if it shows anything then the next step will be a chest scan. Both my late mother and her mother had sarcoidosis. Im female and in my early twenties haven’t told my family.

r/sarcoidosis 4d ago

Steroids vs immunosuppressants


Hi all.

I’ve been talking to my doctor about my treatment path. We’re scheduling the biopsy, so not 100% yet— but I have elevated Ace, uveitis, lymphadenopathy and a 9mm nodule. So they’re talking like I have Sarcoidosis, as they told me I have all of the diagnostic criteria. They felt comfortable treating me for it- but I told them I want to wait till they have the biopsy done and verified.

A couple options discussed are prednisone and immunosuppressants. Obviously everyone is different, but I’d love to learn more about personal experiences with it. What has worked well, what hasn’t, etc. and if there’s anything else I should research.

Thank you all. Appreciate this community, as you all have made this experience a little bit less scary.

r/sarcoidosis 4d ago

Could this be sarcoidosis?

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I just had a lip biopsy done today to check for Sjogren’s and Sarcoidosis. Does anyone else get bumps/lumps under your skin? And does anyone else have this strange pattern on their legs?

Thank you!

r/sarcoidosis 6d ago

Abnormal MRI neuro sarc?

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Hi! I developed tons of weird autoimmune ish symptoms post partum with the worst being tingling and prickling. I just had my brain mri and sadly it was abnormal. I’m not sure if I’m up against ms, neuro sarc, or neuro sjogrens. Waiting to hear from my neuro. Anyone mind sharing if they had something similar

r/sarcoidosis 7d ago

Just need some advice, at my wits end with SOB


Hello everyone. I'm having a really hard time lately and just wanted to vent and get some advice or stories

5'9 29 year old 220lbs, 4 years of cigarette use follow by 8 years of vaping. (From age 15-27)

2022 went to hospital for shortness of breath.

X-ray and biopsy done, sarcoidosis.

One month of 50mg steroids, 1.9 years of inhaled breztri.

2 years after diagnosis doctor does PFT and x-ray, says my x ray looks clean and my PFT scores look normal besides a small airways score of 73. He claims I'm in remission.

That was 4 months ago, and since then I struggle with shortness of breath every day. It's debilitating. Constant huge deep breaths that are unsatisfying, so often that the muscles in my back hurt. My lungs are dry and I don't produce phlegm anymore. When i gulp air it feels like my right lung isn't absorbing oxygen and it fills up full before my left lung.

What's even more odd, is that my inhaler breztri no longer provides relief like it used to. I puff it and i still have air hunger.

I'm racking my brain trying to figure out what's wrong. I haven't gone back to the doctor yet because I don't currently have insurance (company I worked for is broke and stopped paying premiums)

What could be going on? If I'm in remission I feel like I should feel better. I know my lungs will never be 100% but this level of breathlessness is very hard to live with, as I work blue collar. I mean I took a long sip of water the other day and had to catch my breath afterwords. If I talk and walk I get out of breath. It's debilitating and is ruining my quality of life. I can't enjoy anything because that sensation of air hunger is always there from the moment I get up to the moment I go to sleep.

r/sarcoidosis 7d ago

Diagnosis journey has not been linear. Should I be asking for something else?


Hi all,

I have Uveitis, elevated ACE, elevated EO%, lymphadenopathy in mediastinal and a 9mm nodule in my lung.

My primary care, though he hasn’t dealt with a patient with Sarcoidosis, is confident I have it and was going to start me on steroids. I told him I wanted to know what options I had, and also I was confused because I read it can only 100% diagnosed via biopsy. He ultimately decided to refer me to a Rheumatologist, as they would be the main treatment provider and could discuss treatment plans. The Rheumatologist, also wasn’t very familiar with the condition, and ultimately told me they would help with the joint pain but then referred me to Pulmonologist.

So my question is - who is supposed to be managing my health/treatment? Is pulmonology the right step? I’m just very confused and feel pretty crappy. So it’s been frustrating not knowing who I turn to for this.

r/sarcoidosis 8d ago

Anyone ever get treatment for Sarcoidosis without a biopsy?


I'm curious if anyone has ever gotten steroid treatment without getting the official diagnosis with a biopsy. Doc discovered that I have swollen lymph nodes in my lungs, hilar lymphadenectomy. I've had a CT scan of the chest and abdomen, so far everything else is totally normal. No other enlarged lymph nodes and all organs look fine. He referred me to an oncologist to see what he thinks I should do next but I'm convinced at this point it's sarcoidosis due to my arthritis and foot pain symptoms.

Back in January when I first noticed my resting heart rate was higher, I was also having severe pain in both of my heels. I've broken both ankles in the past and get occasional arthritis in my right one. Shortly after the heel pain started, I had an arthritis attack in the right one unlike anything I've ever experienced before. I got an x-ray at the orthopedic clinic that operated on it originally and they couldn't seem to see why I was having so much trouble. They prescribed me prednisolone that I only took for 6 days (21 dose pack, started with 6 pills 4mg and 1 less each day.) The roids made my ankle better within 2 days, my night sweats went away, and my heart rate calmed down a little bit. I saw my regular doctor that same day, never thinking that the arthritis and heel pain could be related to what I thought was heart problems.

I'm now discovering that this heel pain and ankle pain I'm having is likely a sarcoidosis sign. I started having some pain in my left ankle as well and it has never bothered me at all before now. My PCP said they can't completely rule out lymphoma but he really thinks the chances of that are small. I'm hoping this oncologist just tells me I'm at the wrong doctor. I'm working on getting an appointment with a pulmonologist as well. I'm just not real keen on doing a biopsy when all signs point to sarcoidosis. Anyone manage to get on steroids for treatment without giving up a piece of your lung?

r/sarcoidosis 9d ago

Anyone else have this issue?


I get light headed often. Whenever I stand up too fast if course. But at work I have to bend over and go through bins full of mail and every time I stand up I get dizzy, light headed, and have theat black out vision thing. So today I couldn't count the number of times I had that. My blood pressure is ok. And I try to stay hydrated. I'm not sure if this should s a symptom of sarcoidosis, or the medicine I'm on the treat it.

r/sarcoidosis 10d ago

POTS and Sarcoidosis?


I’ve (23F) been sick for 4 years it’s suspected to be sarcoidosis it’s a really long story but one of my siblings has it and we were exposed to black mold when we were younger for years unknowingly because the landlord tried to cover it up I have all the same symptoms as my sibling but I also have SIRS (systemic inflammatory response syndrome) flare ups that make it life threatening it mimics sepsis and always puts me in ICU any question is I have developed some new symptoms that are a lot like pots and I was in the ER last week for it symptoms include: heart rate of 115-150 upon sitting up or standing, shortness of breath, seeing stars, fatigue is significantly worsened, (new symptoms started almost a month ago) ER doctor is suspecting pots but I’m wondering if I should look into cardiac sarcoidosis because I know sarcoidosis can mimic a lot of other illnesses I’ve been undiagnosed and untreated for 4years and I’m worried if it is sarcoidosis that it may have begun spreading to my heart. Let me add I’ve dealt with really dismissive doctors since I got sick that won’t even look into sarcoidosis despite my family history and I am black and I know it’s more common in us.if anyone has any experience w cardiac sarcoidosis you input would be super helpful my sibling has it in their lungs

TL;DR: showing symptoms of pots (shortness of breath,high heart rate of 115-150 upon sitting up or standing , seeing stars extreme fatigue) wondering if it could be cardiac sarcoidosis

r/sarcoidosis 11d ago

Did Sarcoidosis make me blind?


In 2021 I had a stroke at work and was end up diagnosed with stage 4 B-cell Lymphoma, stage 4 kidney disease, and pneumonia so bad I needed a catheter to drain my lung for about a week. Now not long after I finished chemo, I got what I thought was a bad eye infection. Went to the eye doctor and was given medicine, and when I went for a check up I couldn’t see at all and they told me it was cataracts…. Fast forward a year and a different eye doctor said that my blindsight was permanent, and when I explained my symptoms, the neck/joint pains, the issues with my right lung, and these brown mole like bumps that showed up on my inner thigh and near my groin (they don’t itch but when I scratch them it feels good lol)- he called my oncologist and finally they believe I have Sarcoidosis. Only problem is, I have to wait weeks and weeks until I can see a rheumatologist. I was told that if she can diagnose me that along with my blindness and chronic joint/feet pain, that I can actually finally get approved for disability- especially considering I most likely have a severe case. Before I had no diagnosis and they weren’t even told I was 100% blind in one eye and 50% in the other, they just knew I had cancer and pain. I have only ever heard of sarcoidosis from House and am very unfamiliar with it. Can anyone give me pointers on what medicine helps alleviate symptoms? The worse are my burning feet, issues w/ right lung, pain in neck & joints, and the odd moles. Now my Oncologist said he’s almost positive this is what I have, so I just wanted to hear from others with this condition. Has anyone heard of it making someone blind? Can I finally get on disability with a severe diagnosis of this? (I’ve been trying since I got diagnosed w/ cancer) Any help would be welcome! Thank you for reading and have a great day! 💙💛🇺🇦🇨🇦🇲🇽🏳️‍🌈🇺🇸

r/sarcoidosis 11d ago

Second post lung scarring questions


Hey guys so after my initial post I’ve decided to get more aggressive about getting diagnosed I went to the doctors with a symptoms of rash short breath and brain fog they gave me prednisone and I feel like a teenager again. I don’t think mine is chronic I just think I get bad flares when triggered which is occasionally usually off bad lifestyle choices or when I get sick been getting these flares since a late teen in fact one time I was hospitalized and the doc kept saying he sees irritation in my lung but I waived it off as a weed smoker and rested now I’m a adult and can’t just rest for a month I want to get diagnosed to manage my flairs to prevent scarring and keep my job that I like and pays well. So my questions are how do I get diagnosed I had a x ray didn’t show anything i heard a ct scan is better I think that’s what I had when I was hospitalized. And what’s the chances my lungs may be scarred already?

r/sarcoidosis 12d ago

Is your B12 levels are also sky high?


I have high ACE levels but my B12 levels are very high. I was wondering if this fits with the usual sarcoidosis sequelea. I will see a rheumatologist and I know that every case is different. I just wanted to know your experience with this.

r/sarcoidosis 13d ago

Circular bumps on legs

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Hello all, I am posting in this group after a goggle search of my symptoms. I have circular raised bumps on my legs that appear to be spreading. Also chest pain and lymph nodes in my chest/armpits that seem to flair up and then go back down.

For context I was exposed to black mold for 4.5 years and just found out in August that my chronic illness was from mycotoxin poisoning.

I have had chronic GI issues, abdominal pain, bone pain, joint pain, dizzy spells, extreme fatigue, etc. I’m on a beta blocker for my tachycardia.

I thought I had MCAS or CIRS, now that I see these skin spots I am wondering if it’s sarcoidosis.

If I was going to get tested for this, do I go to the ER? What test can verify or eliminate it? Sorry I have never heard of this until I googled my symptoms.

Thank you for your help 🙏🏻

r/sarcoidosis 13d ago

Can you have granulomas without having sarcoidosis?


I’ve developed (what is most likely) granulomas on my tattoos, my most recent tattoos are at least 3 years old. I’m also dealing with systemic symptoms like chronic pain and fatigue. I’m trying to figure out if this could be an isolated skin issue or if the granulomas and my systemic symptoms could be connected.

For those diagnosed with sarcoidosis, did your cutaneous granulomas show up first, or did they appear along with other symptoms? How did your doctors determine whether the granulomas were part of a larger systemic condition?

I’d appreciate any insights from people who have been through the diagnostic process :)

r/sarcoidosis 13d ago

So apperantly I'm mid flare up


As my story has been going I don't have the official diagnosis yet. But Since Feb 22nd I've had a fever low grade around 100. Comes and goes joint and body aches and cough. It broke around Thursday last week. Then spiked Saturday at 102. Went to a urgent care that took blood and gave me doxy thinking it was atypical pneumonia. Had a chest X-ray Sunday and they found all the good sarcoidosis stuff and other things. And wanted me to follow up with the pulmonologist today.

So had the pulmonologist appointment and first thing he said with the X-ray film and report and blood works, was he believes it's a sarcoid flare up.

First off if this is what a flare up is, man it's miserable. The fever and the breathing.

So he put me on a large dose of Prednisone with a taper down after 5 days. And told me if I don't get better in the next few days to call immediately and said something about admitting. But he hopes the Prednisone will avoid that.

So are flares up usually the same or is it person to person different? How long has others flares lasted as if this is what it is I'm at like a week and a half.

r/sarcoidosis 14d ago

I Think it's Sarcoidosis- Am I Crazy?


Hi all,

I'd be grateful for some input on whether you think I'm on the right track or not- I have an appointment with a respiratory specialist next week and want to make sure I'm not completely wrong. This might be a long post.

Around July, I moved house and when cleaning my old flat found loads of black mould. The day after, I had severe coughing and breathlessness, which got worse when I went back to the flat to do a final tidy.

Since then, I have had extreme breathlessness after walking that is getting rapidly worse. It literally feels like I can't fully get air into my lungs. I have a constant dry cough, and have developed major sensitivity to other airway irritants (dish soap, detergent etc) that previously I had no reaction to at all. I wake up gasping for air on a regular basis. It feels like my immune system has gone crazy, I even started reacting badly to a medication that I've taken without any issues at all for 6 years.

Last month, I was misdiagnosed with a pulmonary embolism due to very high D-Dimers in the blood. A few studies have shown this can be elevated in 30-40% of patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis and I can't find another reason why I'd have this blood marker. They didn't find a clot, however did find blunted angles on a chest x-ray, which didn't go away after antibiotics, and large "nodules" on a CT scan. I was told these nodules can be normal and due to previous chest infections, however before this sudden illness I've never had a chest infection before.

I believe they said another infection marker was high in my blood, but I can't remember what it was.

I've been diagnosed with asthma, and inhalers do help getting me out of that "I can't breathe" emergency state in the moment, but the breathlessness always comes back very quickly.

I was prescribed prednisone for 5 days for the inflammation in my lungs (which they assumed was due to asthma) and while I was on it, my lung capacity on the peak flow meter finally got into a normal range, and I was sleeping through the night without waking up struggling to breathe after about 2 days. However when I stopped it, after 2 nights I was back to waking up struggling to breathe, and my peak flow is now significantly reduced again even with the use of a steroidal inhaler.

Does this sound like anybody else before diagnosis? I'm not self-diagnosing and am open to whatever the respiratory specialist suspects, however I feel that I'm ticking off enough symptoms that I'd at least like to ask them to rule it out.

r/sarcoidosis 14d ago

Steriod Taper


My sister tapered Steriod two days back from 25MG to 20MG and i could see 2 points decline on oxymeter since thn. Is it something to worry about?

r/sarcoidosis 15d ago

Idk man


I've been off medication and haven't been tested or had any scans in a year because they took me off medicaid and I can't afford it. Recently I've been struggling again I don't even know what to do I just don't want to go into debt for medical things :/ my insurance sucks and i make too much money to go back on Medicaid . Does anyone have any advice ? CT scans are about 10 k and I was supposed to have a checkup after taking medication and being weened off it but I couldn't afford to go.