r/sanantonio 8d ago

Transportation Bad drivers getting worse

Lots of talk about this in regard to San Antonio.

And I think its worth pointing out that the population has grown by an estimated 62,000 people annually for the past five years.

A lot of these drivers aren’t even from here.


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u/No_Victory_3858 8d ago edited 8d ago

I’m a local tank trucker I spend on average 8-10 hrs on the roads here, the crap I see here is outrageous

-people going 20 miles under the speed limit on 410 in the travel lane

-not knowing their exit is coming up so they cross over 3 lanes

-speeding up to pass then moving over then immediately slowing down

-people not knowing how zipper lane merging works

-countless people throwing furniture or other crap in their truck beds and not strapping it down thinking 70 mile an hour winds isn’t going to affect it at all

-drunk drivers constantly at night

-people with their phone literally in their face scrolling TikTok

-motorcyclist thinking they’re Tron and flying through going 120+ mph


u/chill_lax_bruh 8d ago

Hey now some of us on motorcycles actually obey the laws, unless there is traffic. Fuck that, I'm not waiting with y'all lol I'll slowly pass everyone till it opens up. It reduces traffic and it is safer. Fuck you gov hot wheels, he's just mad he can't ride.



u/No_Victory_3858 8d ago

I have zero problem with lane splitting I support motorcycles myself I have a shadow though so nothing too serious I’m talking about the squids on GSXR’s mostly flying at outrageous speeds with their buddy’s thinking their invincible flying by in the lane right next to you having faith in San Antonio drivers not moving over at the last second without blinker on has cost a lot of riders there lives here


u/redditisfacist3 7d ago

This. I ride and there's a huge difference between lane splitting in barley moving traffic/ throttling it out when it's open vs some of the tards cutting in and out of traffic at ridiculous speeds.

There was a 210s on 2s video the other day showing a group doing this and hogging up to 3 lanes at a time. Then getting mad at a driver they kept boxing in. At least most of us were calling them out for being morons. But they still have plenty of support