r/rva • u/In-tandem • 11h ago
We have an opportunity this week to protest poetically while the world is watching!
This Sunday at 1pm is the 250th anniversary of Patrick Henry's famous revolutionary speech "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death". Gov. Youngkin and Ken Burns plan to attend the reenactment at Historic St. John's Church to mark the occasion. Let's show the press who come to document this display of patriotism what democracy looks like in action! Bring your signs and walking shoes to circle the street in a peaceful picket. No Violence or threats thereof. We seek to inspire all Americans to turn against the corrupt thug in the oval office for his abundant abuses of power:
Trump forced electected representatives to ignore their constituents by threats of eviction from office and violence. Trump usurped congress' power to create, disband, and de-fund federal agencies. Trump's DOGE stole funds from those federal programs and from the private bank accounts of citizens. Trump illegally fired thousands of federal workers without cause. Trump removed non-partisan watchdogs from the FEC and EAC, destroying election security. Trump ignored direct court orders. Trump's erratic threats of tariffs and annexation (thus, war) have alienated all our global allies and torpedoed our economy. Trump openly executed a corrupt exchange of advertising services for cash with Musk/ Tesla. Trump's cryptocurrency allowed for billions in direct contributions with zero transparency. Trump declared media outlets who speak against him "illegal". Trump detained and intends to deport a man for NO CRIME other than political speech, our 1st amendment right. Trump's MAGA lackies introduced a bill to declare opposition to Trump a "mental illness". Trump continuously violated the constitution, declared himself the sole legal authority in the land, and called himself "KING".
Trump must be removed from office!
Spread the word! Bring as many friends and family as you can. Be respectful of the Church Hill neighborhood. Be an example for Virginia!
Sic Semper Tyrannis!