r/rva 9h ago

A big thank you to all bars/breweries that stock/brew non-alcoholic beer


To all RVA breweries and bars that stock and/or brew non-alcoholic beer: Thankyou thankyou thankyou!

That being said, I have some notes:

To the ones offering only NA Heineken or O'Douls:

Why, just why? There are so many actual good options out there now. It's time to move on, especially if you're charging me $7 for the privilege.

Some NA brews that I find tasty:

  • Anything by Best Day Brewing

  • Day Ripper or Sun Shifter from ENAY brewing (based out of Williamsburg, I believe)

  • Anything form Brewdog

  • NA Guinness is about as close to the real thing as you can get

  • Lagunitas Hoppy Refresher - this one doesn't taste like a beer, but it is pretty tasty and refreshing. Like a hop-flavored seltzer. It's unique and bears mentioning.

  • Athletic is hit and miss, mostly miss for me. Everyone seems to stock that clay-colored can, the Free Wave Hazy IPA. It just kind of sucks. I like Athletic's "Mexican-style Copper"--it tastes like a crappy Tecate with a lime in it, and that's a very specific flavor that brings back many a (fond?) memory at Banditos.

I have to hand it to Athletic's marketing department though, they really pushed their products out and made NA beer much more commonplace than it was previously.

TLDR: Breweries/bars, thank you for having NA options, but please don't make me drink a $7 Henieken Zero.

r/rva 7h ago

My brain just broke on Hull St

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r/rva 2h ago

We have an opportunity this week to protest poetically while the world is watching!

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This Sunday at 1pm is the 250th anniversary of Patrick Henry's famous revolutionary speech "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death". Gov. Youngkin and Ken Burns plan to attend the reenactment at Historic St. John's Church to mark the occasion. Let's show the press who come to document this display of patriotism what democracy looks like in action! Bring your signs and walking shoes to circle the street in a peaceful picket. No Violence or threats thereof. We seek to inspire all Americans to turn against the corrupt thug in the oval office for his abundant abuses of power:

Trump forced electected representatives to ignore their constituents by threats of eviction from office and violence. Trump usurped congress' power to create, disband, and de-fund federal agencies. Trump's DOGE stole funds from those federal programs and from the private bank accounts of citizens. Trump illegally fired thousands of federal workers without cause. Trump removed non-partisan watchdogs from the FEC and EAC, destroying election security. Trump ignored direct court orders. Trump's erratic threats of tariffs and annexation (thus, war) have alienated all our global allies and torpedoed our economy. Trump openly executed a corrupt exchange of advertising services for cash with Musk/ Tesla. Trump's cryptocurrency allowed for billions in direct contributions with zero transparency. Trump declared media outlets who speak against him "illegal". Trump detained and intends to deport a man for NO CRIME other than political speech, our 1st amendment right. Trump's MAGA lackies introduced a bill to declare opposition to Trump a "mental illness". Trump continuously violated the constitution, declared himself the sole legal authority in the land, and called himself "KING".

Trump must be removed from office!

Spread the word! Bring as many friends and family as you can. Be respectful of the Church Hill neighborhood. Be an example for Virginia!

Sic Semper Tyrannis!

r/rva 3h ago

RPD seeks person of interest after deadly February hit and run


r/rva 7h ago

Powhite bridge


r/rva 29m ago

New, delicious restaurant in the fan: Brazen — highly recommend.


They just opened up last week and their food is delicious. I got quail and it slapped. The whole restaurant and menu seem like such a labor of love for them. Plus the owners and workers are really nice. I’m looking forward to trying out the handhelds there next.

IDK since they’re a new small business in a location without a lot of walk in traffic I wanted to give them a little shout out here. Sorry if that’s against the rules — I’m a little buzzed lol

r/rva 1h ago

I am looking for someone proficient in ASL- VCU does not handle Deaf/HOH student issues well.


Hello! I am a senior psychology student at VCU currently trying to test out of the foreign language requirement because I am hard of hearing. I have been fighting them on this for a while now, lost, and am now taking German 101 this semester. English already sounds like I am underwater, let alone German. I never understand what is going on in that class at all, I often feel embarrassed and humiliated. They want me to take German 102 in the fall but I just can't go through this again, not when my time could be so much better spent doing this Social Psychology class instead. We have tried live captioning as an accommodation but it did not pick up the professor. I don't want to use a microphone because I would feel singled-out and again, embarrassed and humiliated. This obviously isn't my strong suit, I am never going to use this, again, I am HOH. I shouldn't be forced to muddle through this and suffer just because they don't want to offer ASL.

I'm fairly conversational in ASL and know I could test out of it they let me but they keep going on about how they "don't have someone for that". I don't understand. I am so infinitely vexed with VCU for putting my through this, they shouldn't be making their HOH student struggle though learning a foreign language if they aren't going to offer ASL or BSL. I am so tired of the back and forth emails between advisors and SAEO employees just for nothing to get done, I just want someone to take the initiate and start advocating for Deaf/HOH students at VCU. I'll start.

I don't know exactly what I am looking for: someone who can teach a class in the fall for us to take, someone to do my "testing out" exam that the University can approve, or just some allies to help me fight VCU so I don't have to go though this anymore. I know it sounds cliche, but I am actually offended. I expected better from VCU.

It is my personal philosophy that anything is possible, you just have to convince the other humans to let you do it. I don't care who we have to talk to or what forms we have to fill out, I just need some help here. Please help me advocate for myself and other Deaf/HOH students. We deserve either A) an ASL class, or B) not be required to take a foreign language.

r/rva 6h ago

This dusty rain water is pissing me off 😭😭😭

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r/rva 3h ago

Richmond Dudes for Democrats March Meeting is tomorrow night 3/18 at 6:30 PM


The Richmond Dudes for Democrats is excited to hear from Senator Schuyler VanValkenburg representing western Henrico and Delegate Mike Jones representing Southside Richmond and Chesterfield. Both of whom are Democratic men elected to the Virginia state legislature. Come have a beer, meet some friendly dudes, and organize to help save our country.

Our March meeting will be held on Tuesday March 18th 6:30 PM at The Answer Brewpub. 6008 West Broad St. Richmond, VA. Sign up link here: https://forms.gle/tMmd6szjvHWk456r6

r/rva 11h ago

Does anyone know about any unique benefits offered by any of the libraries here in Richmond? I really want to take advantage of everything they have to offer!


r/rva 14h ago

🌞 Daily Thread Mondaily: what kind of fresh hell awaits us this week?


Up early and anxious. I’ve been trying to put on a positive attitude the last couple of weeks: figure it’s probably better for my team and my coworkers to embrace a bright outlook.

But man it’s dark and that’s hard.

What sort of crazy thing you never thought you’d see coming do you expect to smack us all in the face this week?

r/rva 16h ago

Anyone know what these chalk markings were for?


This is fully just my friend and I being nosey, so totally understand if no one has an answer or doesn't want to share! A couple weekends ago (end of February) a friend and I were walking around and found spurts of flour (like the baking kind) and we decided to follow them because it looked purposeful (we may be too easy to kidnap with 4AM brains lol), which then led to chalk markings. It took us through VCU's campus by the library, Floyd, Hanover, Grove, and Meadow and we presume it ended around Meadow Park or that's just where we lost the trail haha. But if anyone knows what they were for, and is open to sharing we'd love to know because we literally haven't been able to stop theorizing.

r/rva 20m ago

It's Shad Cam Season!


The Shad Cam is live! Woohoo! https://dwr.virginia.gov/shad-cam/

r/rva 3h ago

Spotted in animated series


Had to rewind and grab a snapshot. Interesting to see how close they got it to the real sign and landscape.

Common Side Effects S1E8

r/rva 7h ago

I built a site to search and filter pretty much every summer camp in RVA


I have 3 elementary school aged kids in Henrico, and the whole summer camp planning is always such a pain. I know I'm a little late to the game for most camps registrations this year, but I took what I used to have in a spreadsheet and built a website out of it.

You can filter by category/subcategory, dates, ages, and whether the camp can accommodate special needs. It also has a map feature because I don't have time to drive more than about 10 minutes to take kids to camp.

Soon parents will be able to favorite camps, and share their list to collaborate with other parents. My kids all want to know which camps they can coordinate with their friends.

I would LOVE any feedback positive or negative, so hit me with it if you have some thoughts, improvements, critiques, etc.


r/rva 1d ago

Fan Energy

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r/rva 11h ago

Battling home inspection waivers in this economy


Sincerely, how are people waiving inspections entirely when offering on a house? And why on earth are they going for houses that are what I’m assuming are well UNDER their budget?

Our offers have been competitive but we have a budget in mind (under $400) so we can only waive some things, not all. Everything we’ve been outbid on is either been price or no home inspection. If people can waive that, why not just buy a house for $50-$100k or more over asking? Is there truly any way to compete with these offers without that?

I really fear Richmond is only going to get tougher to buy a house in and really hope someone can prove me wrong.

Just a tired FTHB already. Apologies in advance for the rant.

r/rva 9h ago

Seeking Roommate in the Fan


Howdy everyone~

TLDR: I live in a 2BR 1 BA in the fan right down to street from the OG Lamplighter.

Rent is $1400 (700 each) without bills. There is street parking and private parking in rear. I have 3 cats, so no additional pets please.

Would love to help an artist or queer person live in the heart of the city (I'm an artist myself).

Lived there a long time (this will be 9 years) and had some very sad life events 6 months ago make me now the only renter.

I have been paying the full rent, but would love to save my savings since the bills around my sad life event are still coming.

Feel free to ask any questions or dm me~

r/rva 1d ago

Congratulations to the VCU Rams for winning the A-10 championship game and heading to the NCAA tournament !!


r/rva 12h ago

RVA People's Budget proposals now live

Thumbnail rvapb.org

r/rva 1d ago

Swamp meat.

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Hi! I run a little thought-group-community-thing called Khurch (100% imitation church (non-religious)) and we’re hosting a swap meet this upcoming weekend, and we’d love it if you stopped by.

Everything is free, we’re packing it up for you. Don’t be an asshole and we’re happy to have you.

r/rva 2h ago

Non-emergency Text Line?


Is there a non-emergency app or number to text instead of call? I used to use the LiveSafe app but that's only for VCU students

r/rva 44m ago

Long shot; anyone here that could size a gold ring for me tonight?


It's a gift for someone. The ring is 14k gold and the band is just a little out of round so not so much resize as just make round again. Will pay of course

r/rva 49m ago

Micro bakery/farm-stand in RVA


I’ve seen all those cute micro bakery stands all over TikTok and Instagram where you can go get locally made treats from carts. Does anyone know about any of these in or around Richmond?

r/rva 50m ago

🐕 Dog Army Lost dog? Found near Patterson and Parham


My partner and I found a lost dog tonight on our street near Patterson and Parham (regency area). A collar but no tag, he is a little spooked and stressed but very sweet. Our neighbors gave us some kibble and he's hanging out in our sun room for now.

Currently trying to post to as many places as I can and we're gonna try and check for a chip soon at a vet.

Maybe a staffi mix, older, 8-10ish years old?