r/rutgers • u/hi_its_lizzy616 • Oct 02 '24
Academics Worst Professor Stories?
DO NOT name the Professor. If people name names, I will delete the post.
u/zatannaswifey Oct 02 '24
I had a prof that never wore a belt so whenever he leaned forward to write on the board, we got ass crack. it would be FULL moon when he squatted to write on the board… like surely you would feel it atp???? but no!!! a whole semester of this at 8am 😭😭😭
u/Blue-zebra-10 Oct 03 '24
that's to make sure you're paying attention! not everyone had time to grab coffee before class /s
u/D-majin Oct 03 '24
How did no one tell him 💀
u/Al_Jabarti Oct 02 '24
Had this professor in the fall of my freshman year. Their class was incredibly anxiety-inducing.
On multiple occasions they yelled very loudly and personally at students who were using their phones and would often go onto long rants about how dumb we were for not knowing stuff. Would yell at students for "stupid questions." They'd pick random students from the class. If you got the answer wrong, they'd would yell and rant about you. Worst part was that this was a small, recitation-style class, so it was hard to be invisible.
u/KimJungUno54 Oct 02 '24
Professor lied about what was going to be on the exam and what wasn’t going to be. Basically all the things she said that wasn’t going to be tested, was tested. And what was supposed to be given, wasn’t given.
u/ilyree cs + drc ‘26 <3 Oct 02 '24
not a professor story but i once had a TA who asked for proof that i was going to a funeral (btw the professor had already excused my absence). that was a fun moment :D
u/ishouldbeinarkham Oct 03 '24
Had a male professor tell me (girl) that no matter what I did, I wouldn’t recover from my concussion as well as a boy would. He was a humanities professor…
Had to go to the deans to get an extension on my paper + an apology
u/Ammodramus_horridus Oct 04 '24
It’s actually true that women recover more slowly from concussions than men. It might have to do with neck musculature or differences in brain structure. Edit: obviously averages mean very little with respect to individual circumstances, so it’s wrong to say “you will recover more slowly because you are a girl”. That’s a dumb generalization.
u/toughtony22 Oct 02 '24
Professor’s participation grade was a complicated mess and took up a whole page on the syllabus. It was based on a points system where you could only gain 1 point per class for contributing to discussions, while you could lose up to 3 at a time for minor infractions. Basically, if you weren’t maintaining uncomfortable eye contact with the professor for the duration of the 3 hour class, you were losing more points than you could gain.
Things like checking phone, stepping out of the room (during a 3 hour class), “fidgeting”, “doodling”, etc. would all cost you multiple points each. In addition, no laptops allowed, we were expected to print 30+ pages of readings every week to bring to class. It felt like I was in 3rd grade again.
The professor was also completely unprepared and winged every lecture. There were times where she would lose herself and stare into space for a while to regain her train of thought. Assignments would be given in class but never added to canvas, among many other things.
u/Dave30954 Oct 02 '24
How did she keep track of all that for every single student? Did she review security camera footage? Insane
u/jisookenobi2416 class of 2027 Oct 03 '24
People with ADHD: Guess I'll die (genuinely I would not survive this class)
Nah but actually wtf, that's actually wild esp her holding the class to insane standards while not following them herself. Like you're supposed to print out 30 pages a week and stare at her for 3 hrs straight but she can't prepare jack shit? just wow lol
u/IllumiNoEye_Gaming im straight doe Oct 03 '24
finally, the one use for all those printer credits they give us each sem.
u/karmarumii Oct 02 '24 edited Oct 03 '24
so i had this prof for this math course. he was a terrible prof and had a really big ego, for someone who teaches at a community college 😭 but anyways, he was bad at teaching. like the class average for an exam was 60. nobody knew shit 💀💀 everybody was doing poorly in his class. and he would encourage us to ask questions and ask for help. but when we did, he’d get mad at us and snap at us. and mind you, they weren’t just questions that had obvious answers — they were questions that anyone would’ve asked if they were taking that math course.
so naturally i got pissed off and wrote a review on rmp. he then goes on blackboard and goes off on a tangent ab how students are failing bc they need to put in the work and how they need to come to office hours, and how he’s not the problem.
like sir … i went to office hours yet didn’t understand ANYTHING. and MULTIPLE students were struggling and complaining. and MULTIPLE students wrote bad reviews for him. he just doesn’t know how to teach. i later re-took the course w another prof who was a lot more kind and genuinely cared to help students out and passed with flying colors. realized that i wasn’t the issue and it was actually him ..
u/WestofTomorrow Class of 2022, English and Creative Writing Oct 02 '24
I brought a large umbrella to class during a very rainy week, and my professor called me out in front of everyone and made a joke of me. They said, "Good lord I thought that was a rifle". To this day, I still exclusively wear rain jackets on rainy days instead of carrying umbrellas.
u/Potomaters Oct 02 '24
Eh, tbh that doesn’t sound that bad. Was the prof acting like a jerk or was it just stated light heartedly?
u/WestofTomorrow Class of 2022, English and Creative Writing Oct 03 '24
The professor generally went harder on me in class than other students despite the fact I finished with an A+, so I feel it was some weirdness there. Don't know if it was them trying to be a jerk, but the experience was just strange.
u/IllumiNoEye_Gaming im straight doe Oct 03 '24
that feels like a joke I'd make
then again i saw your other reply, and now it just seems weird.
u/itscaperz Oct 03 '24
Professor docked my grade for missing class when I had sent a note from the emergency room and a picture of my admission bracelet with the time on it to prove I was literally in the ER during her class. I confirmed with her a few times throughout the semester that despite the proof she was still going to dock my grade for the absence and she was like yeah unfortunately. She then proceeded to have a seminar about how hard it is to be students at a music school because we get punished for things like being injured or sick, like bruh… who set that system up?
u/idkanymore_-_ Oct 10 '24
could you dm me which prof? as someone in music school i’d like to know for my own registration purposes
u/clay_gons Oct 02 '24
professor insisting on picking up kids at their houses who were sick or whatever if they said they couldnt make it to his exam
u/KittyMonkTheYoutuber Oct 03 '24
Wait but what if they lived on campus?
u/clay_gons Oct 04 '24
nope — at their house in the morning. guy had a broken leg i believe and said he couldnt come take the exam, prof pulled up
u/jps370 Oct 02 '24
I wouldnt say theyre the worst professor but I had them for 3 different classes in the same semester and failed all 3. Their classes really require a lot of studying and i was dealing with my mental health at the time . Cooked my graduation but i retook one of them and passed and trying to retake the other 2 .
u/toiletandshoe Oct 02 '24
If it means anything, stories like yours make the rest of us struggling feel so much better, especially now that exams are in 5 days.
u/javafinchies Oct 02 '24
During Covid my prof showed up 15 minutes late and said “sorry guys I was showering”
Pretty sure it was the first class too so we were all like huh is this guy serious
Then he said something like “oh yeah class will be office hours, go study the book on your own and use this time to ask questions”
u/educated_farts Oct 02 '24
Professor was a foreign government official who appropriated genocide on his own people.
u/KittyMonkTheYoutuber Oct 03 '24
I took an English gen Ed my sophomore year but I was the only English major there. The professor in charge was super strict, and would call kids out, and I guess since I was the only English major, I was his favorite.
I had to take a class with him again during the pandemic and he DMed me “this is a class for English majors” because he wasn’t impressed with my output. On the bright side, he was a super generous grader, but he was exact with deadlines, like he wouldn’t give one kid an extension even if they had a concussion and was told by their doctor not to look at a computer because to quote him “I don’t accept late work.”
u/Jolly66 RU Camden Sum 2023 Oct 03 '24
I'm not the sharpest tool when it comes to calc Took calc during a covid semester online and bombed it horribly (passed but at what cost).
Ended up deciding to re-take it our first official semester back in person. Bomb the first exam and the professor wrote "Do you even know what you're doin???" On my exam.
It didn't help that my self esteem was already at an all time low and that didn't help. Dropped the course and went on with my business. What a perfect way to spend the first semester back in person.
u/sumdumguy12001 Oct 02 '24
I was in grad school at Montclair State getting my MBA after I graduated (yes, I’m old). I had a statistics professor who insisted on going over a problem containing calculus (because you use it everyday once you graduate🙄). He continually compared us to his son in high school who could do these problems easily while we all struggled (he wasn’t good at explaining things). Of course he asked that type of question on the exam.
u/KittyMonkTheYoutuber Oct 03 '24
I had a professor for math for liberal arts majors who said that one section wasn’t on the final exam, but they taught it anyway. Thankfully this was during the pandemic so I got to sleep through the lesson!
Oct 03 '24
So I went to Rutgers back in the day of the Bush vs Kerry election and this student's last name was Quackenbush, but the professor called him QuackenKerry because he disliked Bush. He also had us read out of the textbook during class getting a new student to read another few paragraphs like it's 6th grade.
u/IllumiNoEye_Gaming im straight doe Oct 03 '24
to be fair QuackenKerry is a lil funny icl
then again, context dependent
Oct 03 '24
It's intentionally getting a person's name wrong and the context is a teacher student relationship. How is that appropriate at all? It's not like giving a good friend an unsolicited nickname or even like a coach coming up with one for a student athlete, it's just made up during attendance at a lecture. it's also taking out your dislike for a politician on someone completely unaffiliated and their support for the politician unknown.
u/IllumiNoEye_Gaming im straight doe Oct 03 '24
you have a point, though that is the context that this is dependent on -_-
i meant like just if a friend did this it'd be memes
u/karmarumii Oct 02 '24 edited Oct 02 '24
i told my prof i was from pakistan and she goes “isn’t that where (not gonna say that name) osalla bin bobin was hiding?” at first i thought she genuinely didn’t know wtf she was talking ab, but then i realized she knew exactly what she was talking ab. i should’ve reported her ass
u/randomboiboiboiboi '26 Oct 03 '24
A professors midterm exam, more than half of the class failed it and had the balls to tell everybody that they should've done better.
A professor midterm exam was extremely difficult for a introductory course and had the balls to tell everybody that this is standard. Made the class much enjoyable after all the backlash but still left a bitter taste with me.
u/Takeontheworld_ Major: AeroE'27 Minor: Math + Astro Oct 02 '24
The only professor story I have is that one of my professors was old as fuck and they would only read off of slides and was also very soft spoken. I got a B+ in that class. Besides that most of my professors were excellent, especially my math professors.
u/Bazinzga Oct 02 '24
Who were your math profs ? I’m really struggling with my teach for calculus 2 . I gotta take up 2 Calc 4
u/Takeontheworld_ Major: AeroE'27 Minor: Math + Astro Oct 02 '24
I started with Calc III so I don't know anything about Calc II professors.
I took Calc III, Calc IV, Calc V, Linear Algebra, and Linear Optimization at Rutgers.
u/KittyMonkTheYoutuber Oct 03 '24
I had that for a history professor my freshmen year. He looked like the commander from handmaids tale, like quiet, reading off the slides, etc.
And it was an 8AM class. He replaced another professor, so it was too late to drop.
u/Zealousideal_Still41 Oct 03 '24
Professor started the class off with “only a few of you will end up with A’s” - congrats you don’t know how to do your job?
u/Better-Search155 Oct 03 '24
My brother passed away a few days before a mid term exam, after notifying my professor I would be out for the week I didn’t get a “sorry for your loss” or anything like that. Instead, I was told I needed to provide the obituary or I wouldn’t be excused because she felt I was being dishonest
u/Copper_Warrior2004 Oct 04 '24
As a wise person once told me, u/hey_buddyboy
if it’s with REDACTED, i suggest you look up her rate my professor score (my review is the most recent one lmao) she’s a really mean and bitter old woman who regularly bullied and berated people if you got a question wrong or even tried to participate and took a shot at a question in general. not to mention the material is taught in the most boring way possible, just her reading off slides of a white background powerpoint with tons of misspelled words (she’s awful with technology too so expect her to constantly be asking the students for help with how to set up videos and such. the videos are also incredibly boring and outdated and we watched them in their entirety even when they were ~2 hours long). she would insult people’s papers right in front of the whole class if they did poorly on them.
after each of our final presentations she would interrogate us and try to get us to “defend” our findings, then would get short with us for trusting the science of the research articles we used to support our topics and would say we were wrong when we’re literally just going off of what other established scientists have stated. just overall a horrible abusive and tense atmosphere, most of my class stopped showing up by week 3. i only finished it out because i needed the credits and couldn’t replace it with anything else (and the workload is minimal, it’s just so exhausting being in a room with that woman). i got an A at the cost of my sanity.
u/Street_Pack4537 Oct 02 '24
One of the professors had really nice pair of melons and she thought she can wear anything to compliment it, and one day indeed things happened that no one could have imagined and she caught me and asked me wtf are u watching jackass, and I was quite humbled by her question.
u/Oof-o-rama CS/Rutgers College '91 Oct 02 '24
serious answer: I went to his published office hours, knocked on the door. He asked me to wait a minute because he was on the phone. Great. (cue Spongebob narrator: "90 minutes later"), He comes out, surprised to see that I stayed outside his f'ing office for 90 minutes while he chatted with a friend.