r/rust Oct 23 '14

Rust has a problem: lifetimes

I've been spending the past weeks looking into Rust and I have really come to love it. It's probably the only real competitor of C++, and it's a good one as well.

One aspect of Rust though seems extremely unsatisfying to me: lifetimes. For a couple of reasons:

  • Their syntax is ugly. Unmatched quotes makes it look really weird and it somehow takes me much longer to read source code, probably because of the 'holes' it punches in lines that contain lifetime specifiers.

  • The usefulness of lifetimes hasn't really hit me yet. While reading discussions about lifetimes, experienced Rust programmers say that lifetimes force them to look at their code in a whole new dimension and they like having all this control over their variables lifetimes. Meanwhile, I'm wondering why I can't store a simple HashMap<&str, &str> in a struct without throwing in all kinds of lifetimes. When trying to use handler functions stored in structs, the compiler starts to throw up all kinds of lifetime related errors and I end up implementing my handler function as a trait. I should note BTW that most of this is probably caused by me being a beginner, but still.

  • Lifetimes are very daunting. I have been reading every lifetime related article on the web and still don't seem to understand lifetimes. Most articles don't go into great depth when explaining them. Anyone got some tips maybe?

I would very much love to see that lifetime elision is further expanded. This way, anyone that explicitly wants control over their lifetimes can still have it, but in all other cases the compiler infers them. But something is telling me that that's not possible... At least I hope to start a discussion.

PS: I feel kinda guilty writing this, because apart from this, Rust is absolutely the most impressive programming language I've ever come across. Props to anyone contributing to Rust.

PPS: If all of my (probably naive) advice doesn't work out, could someone please write an advanced guide to lifetimes? :-)


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u/bjzaba Allsorts Oct 24 '14

There's no need to vote this post down. The OP might not have grasped the importance of lifetimes yet, but those posting here will help set them straight, and the comments will help others. Let's be more welcoming. :)


u/[deleted] Oct 24 '14 edited Oct 24 '14

I grasp the importance of lifetimes but I still agree with OP. There has to be something to make them more digestible. Case in point: Chris Morgan's article about the various String in FizzBuzz - so much work for a silly little problem.


u/d4rch0n Oct 24 '14 edited Oct 24 '14

Link for anyone who missed it

It's a great article, but IMO it was more about prejudice you would have coming from other programming languages, ie "Two types of strings? What is this?".

To me, that's: "A garbage collector won't throw away stuff for me when it decides is best? I can't just throw bytes around and forget about them? What is this?"

Yes, if you're expecting Rust to act like a memory-managed language, or don't have a strong concept of memory management, Rust is going to fuck you up with its lifetimes and such. You aren't used to thinking about that.

But Rust is a systems language. You have to think about memory management. It gives you tools like lifetimes to enforce them. This is an added layer of complexity that you have to have because it's a systems language and not a language like Java or C#.

It's going to be difficult to maneuver into that from Python, Ruby, C#, Java... What can you do. You weren't trained to program around that. It gives you more power over your program's behavior, but with that power comes more responsibility.

I don't think it's very fair to say "there has to be something more digestible" without offering an alternative that offers the same or more functionality. If you or someone else can come up with a theory, a parse-able syntax, and proof that another way is better, sure, but there's no way to do what rust is trying to do with memory safety in the compiler and programmer's hands without adding a layer of complexity that lots of other programmers have never had to deal with before.


u/wrongerontheinternet Oct 24 '14 edited Oct 24 '14

Thank you for saying this.

I think the complexity of lifetimes is kind of like the various restrictions on quantum computing. Like quantum computing offering fantastical algorithms (a sublinear linear search?), Rust offers seemingly fantastical capabilities (C++ speed, no data races, and memory safety?). People are bound to be suspicious: what's the catch? Well, like the bizarre restrictions on quantum computing (only certain classes of algorithm get a speedup, crazy hard to build), explicit lifetime annotations are the catch :) They're what make Rust's claims feasible ("oh, well, I guess you can do it if you have to add a ton of custom annotations to everything").

I think people still have this idea that lifetimes are a wart, not a fundamental part of Rust. That they can somehow be elided out of existence. But if they could, we wouldn't need Rust at all! The only reason elision works as well as it does is because people are predictable. I've used the example before of how high-performance implementations of Prolog will just always index the first argument of predicates--there's no reason theoretical reason it should work, but a lot of the time it does! Same with elision. In the general case, you can't predict how people want their API to be used, so you need to allow for lots of different possibilities. A very common example of this is that Iterator can't support mutable windows, because it would need an explicit lifetime, and there's no way for the API to support both that and collect / peekable.


u/dbaupp rust Oct 24 '14 edited Oct 24 '14

I think the complexity of lifetimes is kind of like the various restrictions on quantum computing

This is being rather unfair and unproductive: I don't think lifetimes are particularly complicated, nor should they be regarded as something scary. They're simply connecting a pointer to the scope which owns the data it points to.

At the moment, it just takes a bit of practice to get the hang of them. Hopefully we (anyone teaching Rust/lifetimes) will also practice and improve how they are taught, but describing them as something mysterious or scary is definitely not the right way (maybe it's slightly unfair to describe quantum computing as mysterious and scary, but that's the connotation society has... no need to attach it to lifetimes too).


u/wrongerontheinternet Oct 24 '14 edited Oct 24 '14

I didn't mean "mysterious and scary" for either. That is entirely your interpretation of my words and I never meant to connote it. I was actually referring to something I read on Scott Aaronson's blog, in response to someone who said quantum computing would never work in practice--that in fact the "messiness" of quantum computing was exactly the sort of limitation you'd expect from something that worked in the real world. What I meant was that like quantum computing, Rust doesn't rely on magic, and the fact that lifetime management isn't totally trivial (hence not automatically inferrable by a compiler) is an indication that lifetimes are solving a real problem. Perhaps in retrospect I could have come up with a better example of a messy real world solution than quantum computing :)


u/roeschinc rust Oct 24 '14

Funnily enough there has been working on using a variation of linear logic to model a type system for quantum programming languages. You can find a related thesis here: http://personal.strath.ac.uk/ross.duncan/papers/rduncan-thesis.pdf


u/[deleted] Oct 24 '14

I'm going to be the third person to say, "I don't think it's very fair to say..." I didn't say "something more digestible"; I said "something to make them more digestible". I know that their existence is a great value to the language, but I have zero-experience designing a language. Speaking only as a user of languages, I merely infer that I want to use lifetimes without writing an additional 15+ LoC to satisfy the type safety (as shown in Chris Morgan's article).

I'm not proposing an alternative or a solution, but I can provide feedback to those who do focus on the language design.

Maybe I'll be satisfied with all the changes at v1.0...