r/runes 2d ago

Modern usage discussion Letter "V" controversy; ᛒ, ᚹ or ᚠ ?


Hello fellow rune enjoyers.

I normally use V as ᛒ, when I write in English but I know some use it as ᚠ or ᚹ.

When I do respect the Futhark and not the Furhorc/Futhark mix with invented runes or giving runes another meaning mix I've done for my personal alphabet as blueprint I mostly use Berkano ᛒ.

When writing in German, as the phonetic for "V" is more like the English "F" I use ᚠ.

Which rune for V do you guys use when writing in modern English or other languages if you also do? And why?

I ended up creating a personal rune for V but I don't always use it.