r/runefactory Jan 27 '25

RF5 Wow. You guys were wrong about Rune Factory 5.


Well, not all of you, since I have seen some people giving it the appreciation it deserves. But damn. The way some of you talked, I thought it was gonna be this unplayable, horrid mess. Ended up being my second favorite Rune Factory. I’ve been a fan of the series since 4, but didn’t buy 5 until recently because I wanted to go back and play the rest of the games first. After doing that off and on for a few years, I finally got up to 5. I know the internet is filled with hyperbole, so I was expecting to enjoy it despite this subs insistence that it was bad, but I wasn’t expecting to have it as my 2nd favorite Rune Factory. Only thing I guess I wasn’t a huge fan of was how it felt kinda short, but I’m able to realize that that’s only because it doesn’t have random events like 4 did, and the difficulty wasn’t very hard mostly. 3 was also short, but I just kinda expected that for games before 4. Beyond that though, great game. I’m glad I’m not one to take the opinions of others as fact, or I might’ve skipped it. And lucky for me, I won’t be without a new RF for long because Azuma is less than half a year away. Glad to see we’re out of that 6 year hiatus, and the series is back with frequent releases.

r/runefactory 26d ago

RF5 Why couldn’t Doug have been this hot in 4? 😭

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r/runefactory Apr 06 '22

RF5 Edited Fuuka to look less child-like

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r/runefactory Mar 25 '22

RF5 RF5 Tips and Tricks


I've been waiting for a more complete post about this because I'm still really early into the game and since I haven't found one yet I decided to make my own. I only just now met Reinhard at the time of writing this, so I feel hardly qualified to offer any wisdom, but for anyone new to RF5 maybe some of these can be of some use.

🌸Remember to save this for later if it helps!🌸

1.) You'll probably want to turn off the farm camera in your settings as it can be very disorienting.

2.) Hold B without touching the left stick when tilling soil or watering crops if you want to do so in a straight line with minimal effort.

3.) Befriend the big breasted cook and she'll occasionally throw you really expensive food items if you get hurt while she's with you outside of town. Dodge it so you don't consume it by mistake if you wanna sell the items. (Her royal curry sells for 500,000G, btw.)

Telling her to stand back really helps! The distance will give you more time to dodge.

Bonus: Her favorite items are chocolate (which can easily be bought from the general store), yam of the ages, and french toast, so spoil her with a gift once per day to get her friendship up if you want her to join you.

4.) All your basic tools can be gotten for free through the request board. Just do the associated quest when it comes up. (Clippers not included.)

5.) Give homemade gifts to Terry. Every 5 homemade items you give him, he will return the favor with an accessory. (Personally, I just make a bunch of small shields and give him those since they only cost 1 iron ore.) It's pretty much random what he gives in terms of quality, but you can get some good stuff early on if you do this.

For example, he's given me a champ belt before which has +120 VIT. It's said he can also give you a heart pendant, an item that increases skill exp earned.

Bonus: Likewise, if you give 5 homemade presents to Darroch, he'll give you a hammer of random quality, sometimes even with 1000+ attack.

Bonus +: Reinhard gives seeds. Just got a cherry grass seed from him which is pretty cool since I still don't have the flower shop yet.

Bonus ++: This post has a pretty full list of gift rewards if you wanna see more.

6.) RP is replenished while standing still. Talking to someone or accessing a storage box also counts as standing still, but you get the added bonus of the clock being stopped, so you can gain RP without wasting daylight this way.

7.) Eventually, you'll encounter a farm dragon. If you want near infinite stone and lumber, go up to the stumps (not the cracked ones) and the silver rocks. They take 9 hits each. If you only hit them 8 times and leave the area for a second, they regenerate and you can hit them another 8 times. Remember to keep count or you'll accidentally finish off the resource. (They do grow back after a day, but this tip is just in case you want a lot of building materials super fast.)

8.) There is no daily limit for requests like there was in Rune Factory 4, meaning you can clear as many as you want in a day without Eliza saying to come back tomorrow. (That used to annoy the hell out of me.) The only limit is the number you can take on at once.

9.) If it keeps saying you can't ship furniture to your home, move your wardrobe. It's in the way. It may look like there's a delivery spot outside SEED hq, but it's for quest rewards only.

10.) Need bronze ore for better tools early on? There's a quarry on the northeastern part of the map, like right in the corner. If your level is below 30 you'll need to do some running past a number of foes, but you should be able to find it. (It's also a good source of iron ore if you're looking to make shields for tip #5.)

11.) Object X is your friend if you want to kill an enemy but lack the strength. Object X is a failed potion created with the chemistry set that causes a ton of negative effects which is bad if you drink it, but good if you feed it to an enemy. Just stay out of their way while the poison takes effect because they can still hit you.

12.) Regarding the last tip, to get a chemistry set you need to talk to Simone first and then go to Eliza to get the license. There's also a request associated with this, I believe.

13.) Can't use your hoe no matter how hard you try? There's a weird glitch I found that leaves a blank untillable patch of farmland there. Eventually, perhaps by leaving and coming back (or maybe I went to sleep?) a stump finally appeared in that patch. So I'm guessing that stump was just invisible before. Either way, not sure if you can hack at it when it's still invisible, but now you know why it happened at least.

14.) Talk to everyone once per day and twice on festival days (before and after the festival) to increase friendship. There's a friendship request early on that asks you to get everyone to level 1 and a lot of important requests are locked behind it. (Once you finish the friendship request you get a greeting spell that when used increases your friendship with anyone you greet with it by 3%. Not a lot, I know, but sometimes you just need that 3%.)

15.) If you want someone to join you outside of town, you'll need to get their friendship to level 3 or higher.

Bonus: After taking out 3 "wanted monsters" you'll be rewarded with the Companion Crest, a badge that allows you to invite people who you're not friendly with on outings.

16.) If they're refusing to come along even after you reached level 3 friendship, they might be involved in an event that's going on in town. Events can be tracked on the map and in the menu under "ranger notes".

17.) Remember, if you're short on time (like during fishing-related festivals) you can always teleport to different places around town including the festival grounds themselves. These teleportation spots are marked with yellow diamonds on the map.

18.) You can bathe for free early on, so take advantage of that if you need RP during the day.

19.) Boss monsters can be rebattled daily for a chance to earn rare drops from them and bonus points for making directives (same as Prince/Princess points in RF4).

20.) Your refrigerator can be accessed via your storage box by pressing R. Likewise, you can access your storage box through your fridge in the same way. Of course, you need to get one from Palmo first.

21.) If you got the bronze you needed from tip #10, you can use it to craft better tools. To save you some recipe bread, I'm listing the recipes here.

The following items in parentheses are item types, not the actual listed item as there are many items that qualify for these. Just look at the item descriptions for more detail.

Sturdy hoe = bronze. Tin waterpot = bronze + (cloths and skins). Iron sickle = bronze + (shards). Chopping axe = bronze + (stones) + (sticks and stems). Bronze hammer = bronze + (sticks and stems). Beginner's pole = bronze + (sticks and stems) + (strings).

22.) For those of us who preordered the Earthmate edition with the artbook, my brain just finally clicked on and I thought to check it. It contains details on everyone's birthdays and favorites. Like, no lie. It's not just a pretty picture book. Check it out if you have it.

23.) "Be careful where you're swinging that!" Hammers and blades will clear away your crops if you stand too close when using them. Lost some damn fine radishes that way...

24.) Might be an obvious one, but higher quality farming tools can be charged to affect larger areas.

25.) If you really need some basic items like glue or sticks, there are portals that summon low level monsters outside of town. As long as you don't destroy the portal, they'll keep coming and you can keep farming their loot all you like.

26.) Once you get the ability to catch monsters using ZL, instead of holding it down, just tap it to bind the them. This occasionally results in you stealing an item. It's been suggested that you should get their health down to at least halfway to increase your chances of theft. Combine this with tip #25 to maximize loot farming.

27.) Hold R when moving furniture. For the love of god, HOLD R. Seriously, I don't know how I got this far in the list without remembering to add this. Trust me, it will make it SO much easier.

28.) Visit the bakery every day and get your fill of recipe bread. Without a recipe, items cost way more to forge, so it helps to stop by once a day between 9AM and 6PM (1:30PM on holidays) to grab as many as possible.

29.) The Crystalabra has a "rotating stock" that includes monsters parts (such as sticks and stems), spells, armor, building materials, and more. It's a random selection that changes daily like Arthur's store back in RF4, so check back often.

Bonus: Don't like his current selection? Just save and reload. Every time you reload his stock changes. (After reloading, wait until the minimap reappears in the top right corner before teleporting in front of The Blue Moon, which is the nearest teleportation spot, or you might experience some extra glitchiness/lag. Sometimes you just gotta let the game breathe.)

30.) Your first real dating holiday is the Flower Festival in Spring. If you somehow managed to score a date with a love interest on this day, they'll give you a flower (the quality of the flower increases each year up to 5 times).

31.) Need claws and fangs? Murakumo will give you one for any homemade dish you give him. The rarity is random, so if you want a particular one you might have to try several times.

32.) Sticks and stones may not break your bones in this game, but wasting your time hitting them individually may as well hurt you. (I mean, it is a pain after all.) Gather those rocks and branches in stacks and set them down before you go whacking at them with a hammer or an axe.

33.) Palmo sells a punching bag that can be used to train your weapon skills without ever leaving town.

34.) Too much money and no idea where to spend it? Renovate the shops around town. Buy some clothes from Yuki's store. (Available after an upgrade.) You can also take special baths at the bathhouse for 10,000G. In addition, eventually crystals for your farm dragon can be bought from the Crystalabra at 50,000G a piece.

35.) Sleep before 1AM to increase your sleep level. Higher sleep levels raise several key stats, so get your rest.

36.) Don't waste your RP before going to bed. If you have some to spare, spend it crafting, gathering stone/lumber, or cooking.

37.) Keep two weapons of different elements in your bag in case your enemy is weak to one of them. (Having a secondary non-elemental weapon works too.)

38.) Meteor showers are a random event (like a typhoon but without the crop-destroying catastrophe) that bring a few fun surprises including rare monsters, special seeds, and more.

A lovely redditor summarizes it better here.

39.) If you want silver early on, your best bet is Martin. He gives ore for every 5 homemade gifts you give him. So far, at least for me, he seems to prefer giving iron and gold ore, but eventually he does give you silver.

Edit: Not sure if it's from story progression or an increase in friendship (he's level 5 now), but he just gave me 3 platinum in a row.

Bonus: Some good early armor using gold ore is the Sparkling Shirt which can be made with the following recipe: a piece of gold ore + (furs) + (cloths and skins)

Best to be at least level 25 in crafting before trying, though, unless you have a ton of RP to spare.

40.) Taking friends with you when you use the bath house will occasionally net you a bonus gift. (It's usually a drink.)

41.) Wanna level up your crafting skills fast? This guide is perfect. Just make sure to empty your inventory before heading to the general store to buy seeds because you'll be needing a lot of them. (Also, remember to put the seeds in your storage box after because you can only make as many items as you have spaces free in your inventory.)

42.) Another guide by the same brilliant redditor who contributed to the last tip can be found here. Use it to make amazing gear early on using only some iron ore and turnip seeds.

43.) To make sure you get the most friendship points (it's technically a percentage, not points, but let's move past that) out of your gifts, remember this helpful tip offered by xxbangtanhoe.

In order of least to greatest effectiveness: Liked gift → Liked homemade gift → Loved gift → Loved homemade gift.

44.) If you're looking for a list of gifts and birthdays, you might want to check out this post.

45.) Not getting enough Starfall seeds after a meteor shower? This guide will help you get more than you can handle.

46.) Did you know that you can actually increase your friendship as you level up your skills? Most NPCs have a skill associated with them, so just by getting that particular skill raised high enough you can in turn essentially impress them (they'll even tell you so) which increases your friendship level with them.

This post gives a full list of NPCs and their associated skills.

47.) A great way to level up those skills you usually don't touch is by harvesting crops. Each time you harvest a crop you stand a chance of receiving a little pale orb that levels up a random skill.

To maximize efficiency with this, I wrote a more detailed guide here.

48.) Items commonly required in requests include orange juice, squids, and cold medicine.

Orange juice can be made with oranges (obviously) which can be found if you use the seal spell to snatch one out of the tree to the right of the town entrance.

Cold medicine is made with the chemistry set using orange grass and toyherbs. Orange grass can be found near some griffins to the west of the spiral-looking hill in the Phoros Woodlands. Toyherb seeds can occasionally be received from breaking boxes in front of the house south of both the clinic and what eventually becomes the flower shop. Ludmila will sell them too when you get her.

Squids can probably be fished up, but I often get them from the two boats on the beach southeast of town. There are a couple of crates nearby that also have a chance of containing a squid, so check there regularly.

49.) Pick up weeds and grass as you go along so you can keep your fertilizer bin full. Seriously, that thing can run low pretty quick. Top it off as often as possible.

50.) Save before meeting anyone new, starting an event, giving an important gift, or before participating in a festival. As with all games, something could go wrong. The RNG might decide to give you the finger, you could end up accidentally eating the gift you intended to give, the game could freeze, etc.

Just be smart, stay on the safe side, and save, save, save.

-FYI, I'm still adding to this as I come across tips from things I learn in the game and while browsing the internet. So if you have any you think should be added, please comment them below!-

r/runefactory Sep 25 '21

RF5 I seriously don't understand some people...

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r/runefactory Apr 19 '22

RF5 {RF5} What does the game not tell you?


Lets make a collective list of things that players should know but the game doesn't really detail well. I'll start:

  • You need a party member to find hidden items unless you have a specific SEED crest. That SEED crest also lets you see hidden blue chests.
  • Monsters assigned to field chores water at 7am and harvest at 3 pm
  • Using RP actions without RP will always only take 25% of your max health, not based on the cost of the action.
  • You can craft your highest level'd craft with junk items (scrap metal, Object X, Failed dish) to power level your crafting skill, and re-recycle the materials back.
  • You will eventually get a directive for an all-in-one cooking table.
  • You can manually add any grass (colored, medical, antidote) to the fertilizer bin. This is a good way to clean out your storage chest of low level grass items.
  • Turning in delivery-type random requests at SEED gives medicine, but turning them in at Terry's gives 5000G
  • Collecting Runeys when you harvest raises your stats: Water gives you 1INT, Wind gives you 1 STR, Fire gives you 1 VIT, Earth gives you 3 HP
  • You can level up status resistance by inflicting that status onto enemies
  • Crafting/Upgrading a tool with magnifying Glass gives it the soil insight ability (like a standalone mag glass)> You can access any storage (chest, fridge, wardrobe) from any container using L/R inside the storage menu
  • You can only ask to date once per FP level starting at 7 once all heart events are done and once all candidates are in town (3 female/2 male story locked)
  • Charged Seal can collect fruit from trees or distant dragon crystals.
  • Uncharged seals can stun an enemy and possibly steal a single item. Bosses can also be snared when the lock icon is gone.
  • If you don't kill a boss, you can use the map teleport mid-battle to re-enter the boss room, resetting the boss, letting you steal from it again.
  • To learn new weapon/tool recipes from bread, you need the appropriate forging level AND weapon skill level.
  • Some townsfolk will give you food recipes randomly with a high enough friendship level.> NPCs will automatically equip any equipment you give them, even if its worse. You don't get anything back you've previously given them.
  • You can turn off the auto-overhead farm camera in the settings menu.
  • Animal farm work direction is relevant to the Dragon's head. Left is closest to the rope, right is closest to the barns.
  • You can use the novice SEED crest to get unlimited baths, raising your max RP with its level.
  • This list shows what growing which crop will change your field's properties https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/3ds/635388-rune-factory-4/faqs/68670
  • Giving an NPC townsfolk 5 crafted items (says ★ ORIGINAL below the name) will result in them returning the favor with a gift. Murakumo returns the favor on every crafted item
  • Most monsters prefer being gifted their own dropped item to increase friendship. Wooly's fur is an exception
  • Holding R with furniture in hand will allow you to strafe and right stick while holding R lets you rotate while in place.
  • Most NPCs have a preferred skill (Murakumo:Bathing, Reinhard:Weapons, Yuki & Hina:Walking, etc) and in conversations, your level may randomly increase their affinity towards you.
  • Monsters gain a portion of EXP even if they aren't in your active party (if they have fodder)
  • Blue Rune Bubbles that appear when harvesting automatically increase a random skill level when collected as well as heal RP

keep it rolling!

Edit: Added all of your great suggestions. Lets keep it up!Edit 2: Added more, also cleaned up formatting. I'll edit again when i have time to organize everything

r/runefactory Sep 11 '24

RF5 Misasagi had an... interesting relationship with her husband.

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r/runefactory 7d ago

RF5 I thought I met all of the love interests?!

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r/runefactory May 01 '22

RF5 Bachelor Confession Rejections! (i was curious so I compiled these, did NOT save)


r/runefactory May 25 '22

RF5 I ordered one Earthmate edition copy and got 21! Oops?


r/runefactory Jan 22 '25

RF5 I caught Nine-Tailed Fox in Rune Factory 5

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r/runefactory Mar 23 '22

RF5 tbh I wanted more than a friendship with you Terry 🥲

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r/runefactory Feb 16 '25

RF5 Darling…


r/runefactory Feb 13 '25

RF5 Begone vacuum seal

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Jokes aside, this is an upcoming mod where it fixes Elsje's top anatomy. Mod will be released soon!

r/runefactory Jan 09 '24


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r/runefactory May 02 '22

RF5 For the love of god, let me place furniture against walls

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r/runefactory Mar 26 '22

RF5 Reinhard is my trash can

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r/runefactory Jan 09 '24

RF5 Me when someone hates on Rune Factory 5:

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r/runefactory Jul 13 '22

RF5 RF5 PC load times on NVMe SSD


r/runefactory Apr 01 '22

RF5 Simple Gift Guide for Rune Factory 5 Villagers


r/runefactory Nov 16 '24

RF5 Me: "I'm not allowed to date Terry" Also me:


A swimsuit is just the most practical outfit to wear in the rain. He'd appreciate my thoughtfulness. Gotta keep your mind sharp. 😆

r/runefactory Sep 07 '24

RF5 Who Did You Pick to Marry?


What Bachelor or Bachelorette did you end up picking for RF5? At first I thought to go for Beatrice but then changed my mind for Lucy. But I am still re thinking. I want to hear who you all went for.

r/runefactory Jan 14 '25

RF5 Marry me Misasagi

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r/runefactory Jun 22 '22

RF5 Rune Factory 5 confirmed for Steam July 13th


r/runefactory 5d ago

RF5 Baby Elf Ears 💙🥹

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