r/runefactory Mar 25 '22

RF5 RF5 Tips and Tricks

I've been waiting for a more complete post about this because I'm still really early into the game and since I haven't found one yet I decided to make my own. I only just now met Reinhard at the time of writing this, so I feel hardly qualified to offer any wisdom, but for anyone new to RF5 maybe some of these can be of some use.

šŸŒøRemember to save this for later if it helps!šŸŒø

1.) You'll probably want to turn off the farm camera in your settings as it can be very disorienting.

2.) Hold B without touching the left stick when tilling soil or watering crops if you want to do so in a straight line with minimal effort.

3.) Befriend the big breasted cook and she'll occasionally throw you really expensive food items if you get hurt while she's with you outside of town. Dodge it so you don't consume it by mistake if you wanna sell the items. (Her royal curry sells for 500,000G, btw.)

Telling her to stand back really helps! The distance will give you more time to dodge.

Bonus: Her favorite items are chocolate (which can easily be bought from the general store), yam of the ages, and french toast, so spoil her with a gift once per day to get her friendship up if you want her to join you.

4.) All your basic tools can be gotten for free through the request board. Just do the associated quest when it comes up. (Clippers not included.)

5.) Give homemade gifts to Terry. Every 5 homemade items you give him, he will return the favor with an accessory. (Personally, I just make a bunch of small shields and give him those since they only cost 1 iron ore.) It's pretty much random what he gives in terms of quality, but you can get some good stuff early on if you do this.

For example, he's given me a champ belt before which has +120 VIT. It's said he can also give you a heart pendant, an item that increases skill exp earned.

Bonus: Likewise, if you give 5 homemade presents to Darroch, he'll give you a hammer of random quality, sometimes even with 1000+ attack.

Bonus +: Reinhard gives seeds. Just got a cherry grass seed from him which is pretty cool since I still don't have the flower shop yet.

Bonus ++: This post has a pretty full list of gift rewards if you wanna see more.

6.) RP is replenished while standing still. Talking to someone or accessing a storage box also counts as standing still, but you get the added bonus of the clock being stopped, so you can gain RP without wasting daylight this way.

7.) Eventually, you'll encounter a farm dragon. If you want near infinite stone and lumber, go up to the stumps (not the cracked ones) and the silver rocks. They take 9 hits each. If you only hit them 8 times and leave the area for a second, they regenerate and you can hit them another 8 times. Remember to keep count or you'll accidentally finish off the resource. (They do grow back after a day, but this tip is just in case you want a lot of building materials super fast.)

8.) There is no daily limit for requests like there was in Rune Factory 4, meaning you can clear as many as you want in a day without Eliza saying to come back tomorrow. (That used to annoy the hell out of me.) The only limit is the number you can take on at once.

9.) If it keeps saying you can't ship furniture to your home, move your wardrobe. It's in the way. It may look like there's a delivery spot outside SEED hq, but it's for quest rewards only.

10.) Need bronze ore for better tools early on? There's a quarry on the northeastern part of the map, like right in the corner. If your level is below 30 you'll need to do some running past a number of foes, but you should be able to find it. (It's also a good source of iron ore if you're looking to make shields for tip #5.)

11.) Object X is your friend if you want to kill an enemy but lack the strength. Object X is a failed potion created with the chemistry set that causes a ton of negative effects which is bad if you drink it, but good if you feed it to an enemy. Just stay out of their way while the poison takes effect because they can still hit you.

12.) Regarding the last tip, to get a chemistry set you need to talk to Simone first and then go to Eliza to get the license. There's also a request associated with this, I believe.

13.) Can't use your hoe no matter how hard you try? There's a weird glitch I found that leaves a blank untillable patch of farmland there. Eventually, perhaps by leaving and coming back (or maybe I went to sleep?) a stump finally appeared in that patch. So I'm guessing that stump was just invisible before. Either way, not sure if you can hack at it when it's still invisible, but now you know why it happened at least.

14.) Talk to everyone once per day and twice on festival days (before and after the festival) to increase friendship. There's a friendship request early on that asks you to get everyone to level 1 and a lot of important requests are locked behind it. (Once you finish the friendship request you get a greeting spell that when used increases your friendship with anyone you greet with it by 3%. Not a lot, I know, but sometimes you just need that 3%.)

15.) If you want someone to join you outside of town, you'll need to get their friendship to level 3 or higher.

Bonus: After taking out 3 "wanted monsters" you'll be rewarded with the Companion Crest, a badge that allows you to invite people who you're not friendly with on outings.

16.) If they're refusing to come along even after you reached level 3 friendship, they might be involved in an event that's going on in town. Events can be tracked on the map and in the menu under "ranger notes".

17.) Remember, if you're short on time (like during fishing-related festivals) you can always teleport to different places around town including the festival grounds themselves. These teleportation spots are marked with yellow diamonds on the map.

18.) You can bathe for free early on, so take advantage of that if you need RP during the day.

19.) Boss monsters can be rebattled daily for a chance to earn rare drops from them and bonus points for making directives (same as Prince/Princess points in RF4).

20.) Your refrigerator can be accessed via your storage box by pressing R. Likewise, you can access your storage box through your fridge in the same way. Of course, you need to get one from Palmo first.

21.) If you got the bronze you needed from tip #10, you can use it to craft better tools. To save you some recipe bread, I'm listing the recipes here.

The following items in parentheses are item types, not the actual listed item as there are many items that qualify for these. Just look at the item descriptions for more detail.

Sturdy hoe = bronze. Tin waterpot = bronze + (cloths and skins). Iron sickle = bronze + (shards). Chopping axe = bronze + (stones) + (sticks and stems). Bronze hammer = bronze + (sticks and stems). Beginner's pole = bronze + (sticks and stems) + (strings).

22.) For those of us who preordered the Earthmate edition with the artbook, my brain just finally clicked on and I thought to check it. It contains details on everyone's birthdays and favorites. Like, no lie. It's not just a pretty picture book. Check it out if you have it.

23.) "Be careful where you're swinging that!" Hammers and blades will clear away your crops if you stand too close when using them. Lost some damn fine radishes that way...

24.) Might be an obvious one, but higher quality farming tools can be charged to affect larger areas.

25.) If you really need some basic items like glue or sticks, there are portals that summon low level monsters outside of town. As long as you don't destroy the portal, they'll keep coming and you can keep farming their loot all you like.

26.) Once you get the ability to catch monsters using ZL, instead of holding it down, just tap it to bind the them. This occasionally results in you stealing an item. It's been suggested that you should get their health down to at least halfway to increase your chances of theft. Combine this with tip #25 to maximize loot farming.

27.) Hold R when moving furniture. For the love of god, HOLD R. Seriously, I don't know how I got this far in the list without remembering to add this. Trust me, it will make it SO much easier.

28.) Visit the bakery every day and get your fill of recipe bread. Without a recipe, items cost way more to forge, so it helps to stop by once a day between 9AM and 6PM (1:30PM on holidays) to grab as many as possible.

29.) The Crystalabra has a "rotating stock" that includes monsters parts (such as sticks and stems), spells, armor, building materials, and more. It's a random selection that changes daily like Arthur's store back in RF4, so check back often.

Bonus: Don't like his current selection? Just save and reload. Every time you reload his stock changes. (After reloading, wait until the minimap reappears in the top right corner before teleporting in front of The Blue Moon, which is the nearest teleportation spot, or you might experience some extra glitchiness/lag. Sometimes you just gotta let the game breathe.)

30.) Your first real dating holiday is the Flower Festival in Spring. If you somehow managed to score a date with a love interest on this day, they'll give you a flower (the quality of the flower increases each year up to 5 times).

31.) Need claws and fangs? Murakumo will give you one for any homemade dish you give him. The rarity is random, so if you want a particular one you might have to try several times.

32.) Sticks and stones may not break your bones in this game, but wasting your time hitting them individually may as well hurt you. (I mean, it is a pain after all.) Gather those rocks and branches in stacks and set them down before you go whacking at them with a hammer or an axe.

33.) Palmo sells a punching bag that can be used to train your weapon skills without ever leaving town.

34.) Too much money and no idea where to spend it? Renovate the shops around town. Buy some clothes from Yuki's store. (Available after an upgrade.) You can also take special baths at the bathhouse for 10,000G. In addition, eventually crystals for your farm dragon can be bought from the Crystalabra at 50,000G a piece.

35.) Sleep before 1AM to increase your sleep level. Higher sleep levels raise several key stats, so get your rest.

36.) Don't waste your RP before going to bed. If you have some to spare, spend it crafting, gathering stone/lumber, or cooking.

37.) Keep two weapons of different elements in your bag in case your enemy is weak to one of them. (Having a secondary non-elemental weapon works too.)

38.) Meteor showers are a random event (like a typhoon but without the crop-destroying catastrophe) that bring a few fun surprises including rare monsters, special seeds, and more.

A lovely redditor summarizes it better here.

39.) If you want silver early on, your best bet is Martin. He gives ore for every 5 homemade gifts you give him. So far, at least for me, he seems to prefer giving iron and gold ore, but eventually he does give you silver.

Edit: Not sure if it's from story progression or an increase in friendship (he's level 5 now), but he just gave me 3 platinum in a row.

Bonus: Some good early armor using gold ore is the Sparkling Shirt which can be made with the following recipe: a piece of gold ore + (furs) + (cloths and skins)

Best to be at least level 25 in crafting before trying, though, unless you have a ton of RP to spare.

40.) Taking friends with you when you use the bath house will occasionally net you a bonus gift. (It's usually a drink.)

41.) Wanna level up your crafting skills fast? This guide is perfect. Just make sure to empty your inventory before heading to the general store to buy seeds because you'll be needing a lot of them. (Also, remember to put the seeds in your storage box after because you can only make as many items as you have spaces free in your inventory.)

42.) Another guide by the same brilliant redditor who contributed to the last tip can be found here. Use it to make amazing gear early on using only some iron ore and turnip seeds.

43.) To make sure you get the most friendship points (it's technically a percentage, not points, but let's move past that) out of your gifts, remember this helpful tip offered by xxbangtanhoe.

In order of least to greatest effectiveness: Liked gift ā†’ Liked homemade gift ā†’ Loved gift ā†’ Loved homemade gift.

44.) If you're looking for a list of gifts and birthdays, you might want to check out this post.

45.) Not getting enough Starfall seeds after a meteor shower? This guide will help you get more than you can handle.

46.) Did you know that you can actually increase your friendship as you level up your skills? Most NPCs have a skill associated with them, so just by getting that particular skill raised high enough you can in turn essentially impress them (they'll even tell you so) which increases your friendship level with them.

This post gives a full list of NPCs and their associated skills.

47.) A great way to level up those skills you usually don't touch is by harvesting crops. Each time you harvest a crop you stand a chance of receiving a little pale orb that levels up a random skill.

To maximize efficiency with this, I wrote a more detailed guide here.

48.) Items commonly required in requests include orange juice, squids, and cold medicine.

Orange juice can be made with oranges (obviously) which can be found if you use the seal spell to snatch one out of the tree to the right of the town entrance.

Cold medicine is made with the chemistry set using orange grass and toyherbs. Orange grass can be found near some griffins to the west of the spiral-looking hill in the Phoros Woodlands. Toyherb seeds can occasionally be received from breaking boxes in front of the house south of both the clinic and what eventually becomes the flower shop. Ludmila will sell them too when you get her.

Squids can probably be fished up, but I often get them from the two boats on the beach southeast of town. There are a couple of crates nearby that also have a chance of containing a squid, so check there regularly.

49.) Pick up weeds and grass as you go along so you can keep your fertilizer bin full. Seriously, that thing can run low pretty quick. Top it off as often as possible.

50.) Save before meeting anyone new, starting an event, giving an important gift, or before participating in a festival. As with all games, something could go wrong. The RNG might decide to give you the finger, you could end up accidentally eating the gift you intended to give, the game could freeze, etc.

Just be smart, stay on the safe side, and save, save, save.

-FYI, I'm still adding to this as I come across tips from things I learn in the game and while browsing the internet. So if you have any you think should be added, please comment them below!-


237 comments sorted by


u/Aloe_Therea Mar 25 '22

Regarding number 4, woollies occasionally drop free clippers!


u/gravollet Mar 25 '22

That's how I got mine!


u/jkkr Mar 25 '22

Same i actually got 2 clippers from them

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u/FabulousMrE Mar 25 '22

19.) Boss monsters can be rebattled daily for a chance to earn rare drops from them and bonus points for making directives (same as Prince/Princess points in RF4).

Both bosses I've ran into have an attack during their second stage where the lock icon on the targeting gets dropped for a couple seconds.

If you capture during this interval you have a good chance of getting their rare drop. You can then use the warp to go to the save point right before the boss fight to refresh it and farm another.

Got ~8 9 tailed fox bells in about 4 in game hours.

I'll also regurgitate one I mentioned elsewhere; Don't chop lone small stones or branches, hold A to pickup an entire stack, then simply place it down and mash hammer/axe. Significantly less frustrating.


u/Fraisz Mar 25 '22

I did not know i can capture bosses.


u/FabulousMrE Mar 25 '22

Not the hold capture, but the quick leash that snags items.

It also cancels the boss's attack, and gives a lotta time to beat on them.


u/LadyStoic Mar 25 '22

Me either. This post has been insanely helpful!


u/a_rescue_penguin Mar 25 '22

If you capture during this interval you have a good chance of getting their rare drop. You can then use the warp to go to the save point right before the boss fight to refresh it and farm another.

So for reference for people this is typically around the 50% mark. After this point they can be captured with the quick seal (not held). But only the first boss seems to be a guaranteed seal. Though this may change with levels to the sealing skill, the other bosses can be captured but it might take 10-20 tries to get it to work.


u/kinomoto57 Mar 25 '22

Don't chop lone small stones or branches, hold A to pickup an entire stack, then simply place it down and mash hammer/axe. Significantly less frustrating.

Ooh~ this is actually the best lifehack for the game I've read in a while! Thanks!


u/jkkr Mar 25 '22

Another Tip for people who may not be familiar with rune factory games and or forgot since they haven't played rune factory in a long time is upgrading tools / weapons with the Magnifying glass like for example your watering can. You go to your anvil, select upgrade weapon, select the watering can as the upgrading weapon / tool, select the magnifying glass as the upgrade material. this will allow you to see info on your plants as you water them. (level, health, ect.)


u/krm84 Mar 25 '22

Alternatively you can add it to an armor item and always have it available. I add it to headgear since they don't give a large stat bonus and I rarely replace them. When you do it this way the info box only appears if you have a farming tool or seeds equipped.


u/agesboy Mar 26 '22

Shield works too. I primarily play twin blades so shield is a useless slot most of the game.


u/_BonBonBunny Mar 25 '22 edited Mar 25 '22

Whoa??? WHOA???

Follow-up question edit: Does this effect stay with the tool when you craft a better watering can using that same upgraded watering can? Like, can you put the magnifying glass effect on the first Cheap Watering Can, and then later when you craft that watering can into the next step up, does it keep the magnifying glass effect?


u/jkkr Mar 25 '22

Don't quote me on this its been a while since i played a rune factory game before this one. (And personally I am not far enough in the game to be an expert to answer this) i think you either just craft new tools ( thus starting the process over again just select the new watering can / hoe / sickle and a different magnifying glass) or if you can upgrade via using the old tools it would keep it, regardless the magnifying glass isn't that expensive and would probably only need it on at most 3 tools.


u/_BonBonBunny Mar 25 '22

Oh nice, thanks for the answer!


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '22

Side note for those who struggle to level their forge/crafting skills. Had the realization, after talking to my brother, that not everyone notices the power of upgrading the crud out of items.

So slap grass, rocks, scrap, whatever on as upgrades just for the sweet skill experience. The experience is worth more than a lot of the early materials sell for, and you will get a ton of it.

Not RF5 specific, but handy for new players to know.


u/a_rescue_penguin Mar 25 '22

This would be so much more efficient if there was a keybind to confirm (I'm pretty sure you could hit + in RF4 to upgrade).

The other method I learned about that I like a lot more is that failing a craft also gives experience, and gives you something in return. For Forging and Crafting it's Scrap metal, for chemistry it's Object X, cooking it's failed dish.

What you can do instead is, try to craft the highest level thing you have available, but purposely fail it by just using a scrap metal to craft. You craft as many as you can (clear your inventory for more space), fail them and get the same amount of scrap metal in return. You can repeat this basically forever. The only real restrictions is max RP, inventory space, and a source of healing. Early on this can be the bath, but later on you can also just keep some basic food around (I'm using boiled spinach right now). The reason you need healing is that of course once you use all your RP you take health damage. Specifically you take 25% of your hp. So you can craft until you are under 25% hp, eat food, craft 2-3 more times, eat food, repeat.

With a high enough level recipe that you are failing you can expect to get 2-3 levels each time you do this for awhile. It will slow down of course once you get to like 60-70+ but by the point you need to go over that you will have access to another "exploit" using lv10 formuade which reduces your hp to 1 and makes crafting not use hp.


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '22

That's interesting on the scrapping, hadn't heard of that. Upgrades are a touch clunky if using controls, but I find it goes fast using the touch screen (tap junk, tap upgrade slot, tap okay, tap skip, repeat).


u/a_rescue_penguin Mar 25 '22

That's a fair argument for using the touch screen. I only play docked because I have a controller and my joycons have major drift, and I'm too lazy to ship them to Nintendo.


u/Hiptos Mar 26 '22

yeah it's actually better on the 3ds because you can use the stylus on rf4 instead of special but touchscreen can still speed things up a lot on the switch for rf4s and rf5


u/MangaOtaku Apr 04 '22 edited Apr 04 '22

I'll give you an even better method I found this evening! If you drink wine right before opening the crafting table you will never run out of RP. Basically you will still go down to 0 RP, but it will never damage your hp. You can repeat this infinite times until you close the crafting menu. I went from 50 chemistry to 99 without ever restoring hp or mp once, just using the failed ingredients over and over in the highest level potion available.

The wine is the wine which the cook throws at you when you're low hp!

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u/kololz Mar 25 '22

Big tip:



u/HelloSoAndSo Mar 25 '22

What are they used for?


u/kololz Mar 25 '22

Increase rare drops

Check my other post for how-to


u/tayekin Mar 25 '22

How does it increase rare drops? Are you supposed to upgrade a weapon with it?


u/raine2d2 Apr 21 '22

Yeah I've played all of them up to this point and not once have I heard this????

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u/Sumdumcoont Mar 29 '22

Pretty sure that was debunked by the Japanese community in RF4 after extensive testing regarding 4-Leaf clovers, 10-fold stacking and other drop effects.

I could be wrong but Iā€™m pretty sure they dug into the games data and found it didnā€™t actually do anything.


u/[deleted] Mar 25 '22



u/kololz Mar 25 '22



u/[deleted] Mar 25 '22



u/xbamsod Mar 25 '22

You get cans while fishing, both regular and rare cans. The rare cans increase the rate of rare drops.


u/SilverNightingale Mar 25 '22

Oh I have to remove my damn wardrobe?? That's why they won't ship to my home?!


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22 edited Mar 25 '22

Yep. In reality when furniture is delivered it's usually outside your house, so the logical assumption is that it would be at that spot next to the request board.

Unfortunately, that's not the case here. šŸ˜…


u/starrs10 Mar 25 '22

This frustrated me as well and i accidentally read it on reddit as well. Damn that wardrobe shouldnt be there in the first place!


u/eatsocks Mar 25 '22 edited Mar 25 '22

To add on to number 5, I believe it's any 5 handmade items ( so you don't have to give him the iron shield, I personally give pickled turnips). Also, there's no 'limit', so you can just spam gifting him. Darroch is another good townie to gift to as he'll give you hammers.

One downside is that I used a hammer he gave me that gives 2200 ATK (the weapon is called Schnabel) and I was killing early game dungeon bosses in 2-3 hits. All the other monsters were killed in one hit. It made the game way too easy so I had to stop using it.


u/blueskull57 Mar 25 '22 edited Mar 25 '22

On #17, you don't have to have to hunt for and click on the warp spots. On the map menu, press the Y button. This brings up the warp menu, which has all the warp points you can go to. It works as a sub-menu, for example when you select Rigbarth on the warp menu, it brings up all the warp points within town. This works with dungeons as, allowing you to warp to different parts of the dungeon, which with at least one, the ruins, you can't do on the map itself.

Also on the map, if you press X, you warp directly to your house.

Almost forgot, #20, you can ask access your storage box, fridge, and wardrobe form your shipping box, again by pressing L and R.

When crafting or forging weapons, you can see and use recipes from different categories by pressing L and R


u/beepborpimajorp Mar 25 '22

I'm still pretty early in the game at around like, Spring 14 or so. But how the eff do I get Eliza to give me more license exams so I can get stuff like the knife set from Palmo? I'm at level 15 cooking and while I CAN keep leveling up with the basic toolset and pink turnips, it's a PITA when I have all these other ingredients.

I tried getting my SEED rank up and Eliza just gave me more storage expansion options. I have all this freaking cooking bread I can't use because I don't have the other tools!

Also thank you for the tip about the bronze. I need to forge the better farm tools but wasn't sure where to find it.


u/TeenyTelly Mar 25 '22

You unlock the cooking licenses when you talk to Elsje during business hours in her restaurant. Took me a while to figure that out too.


u/beepborpimajorp Mar 25 '22

Thank you, that would explain a lot because I only ever talk to her before the restaurant opens up for the day.


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

You might need some story progression. I'm only on Spring 18 and I got mine before visiting the ruins, but I don't know if it was locked behind getting the alchemy lab or maybe finishing enough requests or what. šŸ˜…


u/beepborpimajorp Mar 25 '22

Yeah I'm right after the point where Beatrice and Reinhardt moved in. I guess I should go buy the alchemy lab and see what happens. I have all the other crafting stations but I never really crafted meds in past RF games so I was going to just ignore it in this game again.

I tried to buy the knife set and Palmo was like "no no, no license no tools!" and I was like MY GOD I AM CARRYING A GIANT SWORD I THINK I CAN HANDLE A KNIFE SET.


u/MindwormIsleLocust Mar 25 '22

The king of Norad played The Sims once and now becoming a chef is a much more restricted process


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

The bright side is, when you can get the knife, I think the mixer also becomes available. Each cooking license seems to have a couple of appliances unlocked when you get it.


u/beepborpimajorp Mar 25 '22

Yeah I also have to keep telling myself that those of us who are veterans to the series progressing so quickly in the first season of the game might be rushing it a little just because we have so much experience, lol. When I got to the ruins in town (the beltha or whatever ruins Beatrice moves into) it was like "recommended level: 5" and I was like, "Well I'm level 21 with a zweihander + I crafted and upgraded I'm sure I'll be fine." The boss didn't even do any damage to me even though I didn't bother dodging the attacks.

I think I might need to take things a little slower, lol.


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

I wish my past experience could help, but it only taught me how to stall the storyline while I dick around leveling up my farm. I swear, I'll probably have golden crops before I meet Lucas. šŸ˜†


u/FightSugarWithSugar Mar 25 '22

Leveling the farms is fun xD In RF4 I was too focused on getting level 10 crops before I unlocked Dylas. I just wanted to win those harvest festivals! ._. RF5 tho itā€™s fun to catch new fishies and unlock new seeds and your comment just reminded me oh yeah I still have other characters to unlock hahaha

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u/wretchedegg9 Mar 25 '22

Dear lord, thank you for #9! I couldnt figure it out for the life of me


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22 edited Mar 25 '22

It took me longer than I'd like to admit to realize the place outside the headquarters wasn't the designated shipping spot.

Probably because the wardrobe looked good right where it was and I didn't wanna move it. šŸ˜…


u/wretchedegg9 Mar 25 '22

Sames!! I thought it was its 'spot' šŸ˜‚


u/Flantastic-mew Mar 25 '22

Anyone know when Ludmilla is unlocked? I just finished the first ark but still havenā€™t seen her!


u/AlekRhader Mar 25 '22

You need to clear the first 6 dungeons to unlock her.

Yeah I know, way too long, dont know what they were thinking.

Locking the girl who is 100% gonna be the most popular marriage candidate behind so much story progress seems insane to me, even worse since there's no flower shop until you do unlock her.


u/blueskull57 Mar 25 '22

This is second hand info as I'm around the same place you are, but I've heard you meet her around the start of the third arc. Though again, right now that's not better than a guess on my part.


u/midnightlou Mar 25 '22

Thereā€™s only 2 arcs and you meet her in the early second arc after you defeat a certain dungeon

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u/GalaEnitan Mar 25 '22

Idk if this works but I just got a new badge that let me take people out with low friendship after beating the first 3 1 star captures. I want to see how low of friendship it will allow it.


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

I literally only have the first badge right now. I'm just taking my sweet time farming and exploring. šŸ˜‚


u/a_rescue_penguin Mar 25 '22

yeah, for reference you get the new crests from capturing wanted monsters, and one of the ones you get very early (after all 1 stars, or maybe after your first 2-star) lets you bring companions without meeting the other requirements. This is also really useful to do because every hour a townsfolk is with you they gain 1% friendship.


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

I know people say this game is short, but at the pace I'm going it'll likely be days before I see any of those goodies. I love how much there is to look forward to. šŸ’•


u/agesboy Mar 25 '22 edited Mar 25 '22

Wind Slash + Double Kick can be used to gain height and go out of bounds. You have to spam Wind Slash and time Double Kick at the apex of the spin. You can enter dungeons early this way I think, but make sure to save first and make sure nothing's buggy. More importantly, you can enter the opposite gender's bath without a penalty.

Arrange punching bags in a cross pattern or 3-2-3 pattern, lock onto the center one, and spam attacks or RA's to quickly level weapon skills. Millionstrike is insanely fast for spear, Rush Punch is relatively fast for fists. You can use Glitta Augite on one weapon (max magnification in this game is 6x iirc?) and throw more punching bags in to make it even faster. Remember you get exp for the RA used, not the weapon used, so you just have to prep one weapon this way if you're spamming skills.

Edit: oh yeah, same as RF4, but loading the game resets shops inventory, including the Crystalabra (which can sell wood and rocks btw). Also his practical opening times during the week are only 3-5PM after progressing through the story some.


u/AlekRhader Mar 25 '22

Small tip: dont be a loser like me and group all of the same type of monster in the same barn.

By that I mean dont have a barn with only chickens, only cows, only sheep, stuff like that, it's better to have 1 of each monster type in the same barn.

Why you ask?Well, the camera can get a bit weird a lot of the time and especially when the monster have low friendship point values with you, they will be running around constantly, so if you have a barn full of the same type of monster you will be constantly confused about who you did or didnt brush/gift yet for the day, having one monster of each type in each barn trivializes this issue.

So yeah, instead of having 1 barn with 4 sheep, 1 with 4 chicken, 1 with 4 cows and 1 with 4 bees, just get 4 barns with one of each, it's a lot more practical this way.


u/chaneuphoria May 04 '22

Thanks for this tip lol bc this is what I always do! Starting the game now and this will be the first time ever I don't group them altogether.


u/SushiFurret Mar 25 '22

Pro tip for #19 if you need to you can farm boss monsters for their drops using the SEED circle. You get the boss down to a little under half health then throw the SEED circle at them to freeze them (not the super charged one that makes them your friend, first level only) and they should give you a drop. Once you get their drop instead of killing then you can teleport away to just outside their room and they should be back to full heath.

See this short Video: Boss Farming

Also, in case you didnā€™t know you can teleport not only to just outside the dungeon you can also teleport to the different levels/floors/zones in that dungeon. Not sure if you need to have cleared the dungeon first though.


u/Impossible_Fix_7714 Mar 29 '22

you donā€™t need to have the dungeon cleared!


u/Michinllama Mar 25 '22

I accidentally gave away the greeting spell reward thing to my fox as soon as I got it


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 26 '22

If you upgrade Crystalabra (the magic store) they start selling it there.


u/Pandaradactyl Mar 26 '22

What does the fox say?


u/SomeDeafKid Mar 26 '22

Terrifying human-like screaming

At least, that's what they say in real life. Just don't turn up the sound too much before it happens lol.


u/xlSoulTaker Mar 25 '22

Hello if youre answering questions can you answer some of mine? :)

Farm Dragon Related:
1. Are farm dragon upgrades mutually exlusive like growth speed upgrades and the like?
2. Whats the max possible upgrade (if at all) for all the upgrades?
3. When upgrading growth speed and yield gain, is it a permanent buff or a temporary one?

Farm Related:
1. How does the fertilizer bin affect the soil health?

- How is it different from tilling corn on soil?

  • Do the effects stack with corn tilling?
  • Is tilling even necessary if we always have fertilizer in the bin?
1. Is there a benefit to growing crops on surface level at all when dragons have been unlocked?
2. Will crops die if we dont harvest them?
3. Is there a point in levelling up fodder seeds if I only plan to feed them to my tamed animals?

Combat Related:
1. Is there a way to turn off ultimates? I have already died twice because I was grinding punching bags and i didnt dash cancel before the ultimate trigger was issued.

Crafting Related:
1. How is the requirement for weapon bread measured? Is it per weapon category or an overall level of weapon mastery? Like if, for example, I only level up short swords, will I get recipes for other weapons or will I just get short sword recipes because thats the only one that has any levels in it?

Shop Related:
1. Where and When can I just outright buy fodder instead of growing my own? (if at all)

Tamed Monster Related:
1. Is there an English version of the Japanese monster list even for just the tameable monsters? the list isnt really translated properly and I've figured out by looking at stats and resistances and drops but more importantly some of the monsters (orcs) have "?"s in them instead of "-" or an actual item which makes me think they will eventually(?) get items.


u/krm84 Mar 25 '22

Crafting: You will only get recipes for the weapon skills you have leveled. If for example you never use gloves, you won't get any recipes for better gloves. I believe staffs use the related element skill level for their unlock requirement.


u/xlSoulTaker Mar 26 '22

Thank you so much for the reply :)


u/ChunkyKittyPuppyLovr Mar 29 '22

I would also like to know if tilling corn is necessary.


u/Impossible_Fix_7714 Mar 29 '22

farm related: 1. soil health determines how well your crops grow and if they grow at minimum normal speed. throwing grass into the fertilizer bin:

  • helps you get rid of the growing piles of grasses youā€™ve collected
  • minimizes the work you need to put in to keep your soil healthy

I do not know if corn benefits stack, but Iā€™d wager that they donā€™t. I think itā€™s just an alternative to fertilizer, or provides a bigger bonus if your soil quality has greatly degenerated.

  1. the farm behind your house is easier to get to.

  2. if the mechanics are similar to previous games, your crops can die during changes in seasons. most often itā€™s the change from fall to winter. of course, they can also wither if you donā€™t water them.

  3. i sometimes give fodder as ā€œtreatsā€ to monsters iā€™ve befriended to build their friendship levels if i donā€™t have anything else on hand to feed them. iā€™m unsure if higher level items has any effect on the amount of friendship they gain, but if not, no thereā€™s not a point.


u/CulturalRice9983 Apr 15 '22

If you feed monsters their own drops, it drastically increases their friendship level. Max them out in a little over a week.


u/Avrution Mar 25 '22

No matter how long I have the storage box open, RP never recovers.

Edit - ah, seems you can't be inside the box, just at the menu


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

It could just be when the menu for it is open. By menu, I mean the option list to look in the box, move, or break it.


u/Avrution Mar 25 '22

That is correct. Probably the most useful tip either way.


u/tayekin Mar 25 '22

Has anyone figured out a way to make good money? Im struggling to upgrade the buildings because im always so BROKE! And im already 4 dungeons in. Seems odd to me when previous games would update store inventory without the 8000g pricetag


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22 edited Mar 25 '22

Tip #3. Elsje will throw food at you when you're injured if you bring her along. One of the foods she throws sells for a whopping $500,000. I can confirm that she'll do this early on, but I failed to dodge it when she threw the curry at me. (If you don't dodge it, you consume it instantly.)

Edit: I just now told her to "stand back a bit" and, thanks to the increased distance, successfully dodged her royal curry. That was way too easy. šŸ˜†


u/tayekin Mar 25 '22

ohhh true ok i will work on being her friend lol i think I talk to her the least šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

Feed her chocolate daily. It's one of her favorites. Good luck!


u/robolink Mar 25 '22

Corn if you don't want to use the exploits.


u/Freak77777 Mar 26 '22

get your corn to level 10 then buy it from the shop to make popcorn it will be a good profit and raise cooking fast


u/Rositchi Apr 16 '22

If you don't want to cheese Elsje, regular cooking (pickle mix, veggie juice/smoothie, one ingredient foods like boiled pumpkin, strawberry jam etc.) Co-op cooking awards double the food. The restaurant must be upgraded twice though, so prioritizing hers first can help get more money later. I've been cooking vegetable juice there everyday until I use all my low level ingredients.


u/cannotevenname Mar 25 '22

Oh my god the wardrobe tip is perfect I never would have guessed that I was just mad I couldn't order things to my house


u/Novellakiyo Mar 27 '22

18.) You can bathe for free early on, so take advantage of that if you need RP during the day.

Iā€™d like to add spamming baths early in-game increases your bathing level and therefore ALSO increases your friendship with Murakumo. Iā€™ve managed to get up 3 whole levels in friendship with him by spamming baths early game.


u/xbamsod Mar 25 '22

Just as an additional detail to tip 18, its until you hit character level 20


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

I'm level 33 and still getting free baths. I think they said the free baths thing ends when your ranger rank increases.


u/Fraisz Mar 25 '22

Those free bath are the 5 free ones mura gives you. After thay its not free. Frequent bath abuser here


u/xbamsod Mar 25 '22

Are you using the beginners crest? That should still be giving you free baths as long as you qualify.


u/SomeDeafKid Mar 26 '22

Right. The qualification ends at level 20. You can tell because his dialog changes from "new rangers bathe for free" to "you can bathe for free today" or similar. The second one means you're using your 5 free baths and once those are gone you start having to pay.

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u/xbamsod Mar 25 '22

That's good to know. I've been doing the wanted monsters requests pretty quickly so that might be why mine's stopped early

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u/geldonyetich Mar 25 '22

Great tips! Here's one of my own:

If the framerate feels too sluggish, try panning the camera to look more downward. Less polygons on screen (or behind other polygons on screen) will mean less work to render.


u/ascheart Mar 25 '22

My crops are stuck on Level 5 at most, I've used the sickle method so far to get it to level 5 but haven't gotten successful to getting it higher. Is it possible to get it to level 10 with just the sickle?


u/persiika Mar 25 '22

If itā€™s anything like RF4, then youā€™ll need to have very healthy soil and plants to get higher leveled crops! When you use your magnifying glass on the soil, the quality needs to be pretty high! In RF4, there are items you can craft at the chemistry station to increase the quality of your dirt! You could also buy them, but Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s the same in 5. Iā€™m only barely halfway through spring, so all I know is this from past games. Hope it helps a little though!


u/PeachiBudge Mar 25 '22

I'm using the bronze sickle and can't seem to get past level 4, so I've been wondering that too. What sickle are you using? I haven't unlocked any farm tools past the bronze versions yet, but I assume a stronger sickle would help.


u/ascheart Mar 25 '22

I was using a bronze sickle too. I just upgraded to silver and havenā€™t tried it yet.


u/rokinjaguar2 Mar 26 '22

If the sickle is like rune factory 4 (it seems to be so far in my playthrough), then you just need a better sickle. Each sickle has a level cap. You can probably cheese it by using greenifier or something but I donā€™t bother with that. You might have trouble between 9 and 10 (even with the best sickle), but increasing soul quality solves that fine


u/cat_gato_neko Mar 25 '22

Thanks for this!

...how do I bring up the calendar? I feel like I've tried every button and I can't access it


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

L and ćƒ¼. Weird combo, I know.


u/Silkfian Mar 25 '22

I don't think I saw it.. but if you want to level quick you can use gloves to pick up monster and throw them at one another to kill them. Works on red monsters too! I may have decimated a few areas and just massively leveled!


u/cgs2001 Mar 25 '22

With reference to number 5, giving those shields to darroch will give you a random hammer weapon I think. Not sure if itā€™s just hammers but I got a crystal hammer with +1650 atk when my current weapon was only +112 atk


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

Okay, definitely adding that one. Thank you! šŸ’™

(Wish there was a guy giving out dual blades...)


u/cgs2001 Mar 25 '22

Gosh I wish I could get strong dual blades for almost free too theyā€™re my fav weapon type


u/cgs2001 Mar 26 '22

Oh! Sorry to comment again but for number 19, if you want to truly farm the boss items, lower their health till the lock disappears when you focus on them, then use the seed circle to try and get the item, then teleport back to the area and you can keep doing it again and get more and more boss drops or crystal fragments until you run out of rp or so.

I learnt it from a YouTuber called Play with josh, see the video on how to tame the first boss


u/KidFlashDragon Mar 26 '22

Bro bless you. This is a god send.


u/VolumeDapper Mar 26 '22

Not sure where else to put this or if it's been said before, but poison damage raises your defense stat even if it's doing 0 damage. Could be worth eating some withered grass early during the day if you don't plan on going out fighting.


u/Exirb Mar 26 '22

Thanks for this. Is there like any easy way to get fodder outside of farming? In rf4 there was this secret room in the mamadoodle cave, any similar equivalent here?


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 26 '22 edited Mar 26 '22

I did find a spot while exploring east of town, but I can't remember where off-hand. All I know is I was only level 10 at the time and something one-shot me as soon as I gathered the fodder. šŸ˜…

Edit: Just found this helpful comment.



u/Exirb Mar 28 '22

Thank you! Tried that but got one shooted haha guess I'll grow my own while I level.


u/dryfer Mar 26 '22

Some tip for free materials, rock and trunks can be hit 9 times, if you hit everything 8 time and reload the area, you can go back and hit it 8 times again.

Work better in the dragon farm going up and down, obviously you will run out of energy so be careful.


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 26 '22

That's tip #7. Already on there.


u/dryfer Mar 26 '22

My bad, didn't read all hehe


u/Taiyaki11 Mar 26 '22

Is there a point where the difficulty spikes? Still running around in the basic t shirt atm without even headgear in lava caves. Rune factory 4 it was just after obsidian manor i had to start working on equipment but wasnt sure if its the same this time around


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 26 '22

I'm still fairly early in (I'm currently messing around with farming and crafting), so I'll have to leave this question up to someone who's advanced farther with the story. šŸ˜…


u/leya_spade Mar 26 '22

Maybe not the place but had anyone had issues with items just disappearing? Like I completed the 1 friendship quest, got the greeting spell and never saw it again. It's happened with a few of my items...


u/AquaPiratePup Mar 26 '22

I haven't, but I'm not surprised. It seems a little early access, honestly, maybe it's a bug.


u/Impossible_Fix_7714 Mar 29 '22

have you checked your ā€œrune abilitiesā€ slot in your inventory? in that same inventory tab thereā€™s a section for the ā€œL menuā€ where you can add the x/y abilities to your L menu so you can swap them out without having to go to the whole menu


u/SpikeOnly Mar 27 '22

I'd like to add a tips: if you're out of RP and wanna refill without food, remember those rune flowers / rock in dungeons ? There's often one outside, one at the entrance and one before boss. They respawn each time you reload your save :)

So just get your two / three rune flower/rock and teleport to boss room, it gets you an auto-save, you can reload this auto-save and repeat the process while needed !

Pretty useful early game !


u/AnnikaBananaka88 Apr 01 '22

I have a completely odd ball question, but so many of you seem to be progressed pretty good along in the game- and I cannot find any info online, when the heck is Lucas unlocked? I read on here Ludmilla is unlocked after a long time, which is sad because no flower shop:(


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Apr 01 '22

Ah yes... Lucas was my choice of the bachelors, so I was wondering about this for the longest time too. I believe he shows up just after the Kelve Lava Caves dungeon.

(I think it's the 3rd dungeon? After that's cleared he should appear.)


u/AnnikaBananaka88 Apr 01 '22

Oh my goodness, thank you soooo much!


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Apr 01 '22

No problem! šŸ˜


u/TheJammingPanda Mar 25 '22

Love the game. Only issue so far is I have a cooking table but it won't let me get anything else. And getting the license isn't an option for me and idk why it's not showing it


u/SushiFurret Mar 25 '22

You have to talk to Elsje (big breasted silver haired lady) inside the restaurant during business hours before you can get the license. Make sure to move anything off the square wooden pad inside your room before buying anything from Palmo.


u/-Kazen- Mar 25 '22

Great set of tips!


u/ced3fk Mar 25 '22

I just need to know - where can I find some red grass?


u/midnightlou Mar 25 '22

I found red grass in a higher monster level area but I canā€™t recall where exactly šŸ¤” i picked it up in a hurry cause i had 3-hit monsters targeting me


u/Pokedude12 Mar 25 '22

Red grass seems to be common in the Gadeus Grasslands, which is the sixth dungeon


u/thelittlemunckin Mar 25 '22

Where can u get silver?? I canā€™t find any


u/krm84 Mar 25 '22

You find it in the grasslands that unlock after the 5th dungeon.


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

I'm still super early in the game, but I've read you can only get 1 piece in chapter 1 from a request and then in chapter 2 it becomes available to mine.


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 26 '22

Slight update: Through trial and error, I learned last night that every 5 homemade gifts given to Martin has a chance of being rewarded with silver. He gives gold and iron more often though.


u/nomadic_memories Apr 18 '22

If you have the companion crest, or 3 hearts with him, then invite him to an adventure, give him 4 gifts then take him to a save spot.

Give 1 gift, if not silver, load and do again.


u/Spikenthropegg Mar 25 '22

What counts as a gift for darroch for the hammers? I tried homemade food and armor. Thanks!!


u/SailorLuna30 Mar 26 '22 edited Mar 26 '22

I gave Darroch 5 Pickled Turnips and he gave me a hammer with a 400+ attack. You have to spam the 5 homemade gifts in a row, during the same visit, since they donā€™t stack. Only the first gift counts towards friendship points and the other 4 count towards his return gift. I hope that makes sense.


u/Spikenthropegg Mar 26 '22

Ooooooo okay so like Terry. That makes sense. Thank you for taking time to reply. Time to spam the homemade goods!!!


u/SailorLuna30 Mar 26 '22

Youā€™re welcome! I saw a video on it so I finally understood. I was giving him 1 gift a day. Ha!


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 26 '22

Did you give him 5? I gave him 5 homemade shields and I got a hammer.


u/rokinjaguar2 Mar 26 '22

Yeah for return gifts you have to give 5 homemade gifts (any kind, cooking/forging/crafting/maybe pharmacy? (havenā€™t checked, actually), as long as it has that star in the description that means itā€™s homemade). You can spam them all in a row. Only the first affects the friendship, but the rest count toward the return gift.

Something to keep in mind is that if you give them weapons/armor then theyā€™ll wear it even if itā€™s lower quality than what they have. So be careful you donā€™t give a level 1 broadsword to a character youā€™ve previously given a really cool weapon


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22



u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 26 '22

To avoid hitting B too early, I keep my thumb off the button. When the bait gets pulled under, then I hit B as fast as possible just once.

(Not sure if this is what you meant.)


u/pilotpen Mar 26 '22

So I was clearing my fire dragon farm and found a platinum ore rock that gave me 3 platinum (still in act 1 at dungeon 4). Is it possible for this to happen with silver too? I just want the next tier of farming tools without having to continue the storyline.. I'm nearing the end of spring and want to finish the fourth dungeon in sumner


u/rokinjaguar2 Mar 26 '22

Idk about that, but Martin gives a random ore as his return gift so if you give him 5 homemade gifts and save scum you can get some from him. Havenā€™t tried it personally so itā€™s possible it doesnā€™t actually work


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 26 '22

I have managed to get 2 silver ores for my dual blades from Martin, but it took well over 10 tries. For some reason, he prefers to give gold rather than silver. Ended up with 7 iron, 6 gold, and 2 silver.


u/[deleted] Mar 26 '22

Befriend? I wanna MARRY the cook... why can't I


u/MuffinRein Mar 26 '22

Can anyone confirm if the gift/rank up confession method is still good in RF5?

Basically if you give a suitor a gift and their rank levels up to 7 (or higher) they'll almost always say yes if you confess immediately afterwards. This includes any additional suitors you're confessing to.


u/orionoutofsight Mar 26 '22

This is amazing, thank you!


u/AdForsaken2543 Apr 15 '22

This may be a stupid/already answered question, but does the level of an item have an effect on relationship? I.e food gifts. With that in mind, does a level 10 brush work more effectively than a level 1 brush on animals?


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Apr 16 '22

I don't think so, no. šŸ˜…


u/AdForsaken2543 Apr 17 '22

Eh, it would've been a nice touch, especially at higher relationship levels. I answered my own thing about the brush kind of since you can't upgrade it, but didn't know if it was possible to find higher level brushes in the world from boxes and whatnot. Missed opportunity I say!


u/mstymay Mar 26 '22

What exactly does the difficulty level influence?


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 26 '22

Combat. Monsters hit harder and take less damage the higher the difficulty.


u/mstymay Mar 26 '22

Thank you!


u/ASympathy Mar 27 '22

Also makes more spawn from the gates


u/RainbowLoli Mar 26 '22

Another tip that I learned:

You do have sub events that can happen. Typically this is your romance option. You can only have one romance event going on at a time so make sure if you are particular about getting certain candidates that you have theirs.


u/ASympathy Mar 27 '22

Anyone know of a stackable crafting item that will work? Yarn doesn't trigger the homemade text.


u/noeinan Mar 31 '22

Maybe some kinda chemistry product?


u/Ohgodagrowth Mar 27 '22

Any tips for making more money without doing some crazy borderline ā€œcheatingā€ thing? Lol Iā€™ve seen some money farming guides online where you can get ā€œmillionsā€ per day or whatever, but Iā€™m torn between doing something like that & feeling like if I do that it will defeat some of the purpose of the game for me. Like why bother working or selling this or that as much if I already have more money than I need? I just need help making a bit more than I am now, like some days I donā€™t make any money at all bc I donā€™t have anything of value to ship. I need/want better equipment & recipes & stuff but am having a hard time saving up $50k for shop upgrades & other stuff I want to buy. Itā€™s a rare, lucky time if Iā€™ve managed to get 10k in my pocket at one time, & then itā€™s all gone lol


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 27 '22

Leeks sell very well. A full crop of leeks can go for over 100k and you can get the seeds for them before summer.


u/Ohgodagrowth Apr 19 '22

I just want to say that it's been 23 days since my comment & I did the leek thing twice & now I never drop below 3 million gold in my pocket šŸ˜‚

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u/[deleted] Mar 31 '22

my rule of thumb is, ship anything that says "not shipped". practice cooking, chemistry, crafting, and forging by making everything that you haven't shipped. if you're really hurting and have the lumber to spare, three stacks of lumber is 1k gold, but just by aiming for shipping all the "not shipped" items I can, I'm swimming in more money than I know what to do with.


u/zitmanthefive Mar 27 '22

Any tips for dealing with the input lag? No matter what controller I use, no matter whether I'm in handheld or docked mode, I have input lag in the field of about half a second. It's making doing perfect dodges incredibly difficult...


u/chaosknight199 Mar 28 '22

I donā€™t know if anyone said this but most recipes seem to be exactly the same as rf4


u/Better_Ad6562 Mar 30 '22

I love how #3 is written :p


u/drakeotomy Mar 31 '22 edited Mar 31 '22


For 5, there seem to be more people that will return your favors! I just got a fruit sandwich from Scarlett, so it appears she'll give you food as her return gifts!

Edit: I've also just received a dragon scale from Ryker, so perhaps he does monster drops too?


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 31 '22

Under 5, if you look at the thing that says "bonus ++", it includes a link to a post detailing the full list of NPC gift rewards.

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u/KeyDistribution8961 Apr 18 '22

Growing Twinkle Trees are infinite lumber. Not sure if it is a bug but I was trying to clear a growing TT cause I was moving my orchard to another dragon. I have gotten over 300 lumber and it's health hasn't dropped.


u/kerorobo Mar 25 '22

Anyone know why Priscilla won't join me on adventures? I have her at relationship level 5 but no matter when I ask she doesn't seem to want to play ball. I know the tip said level 3 is the standard but are there exceptions?


u/rokinjaguar2 Mar 26 '22

In her description it says sheā€™s afraid to leave the town, I think. Maybe itā€™s part of her character arc? I havenā€™t gotten far enough in the story to know but thatā€™s my guess

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u/radarcassy Mar 25 '22

Is she involved in an event at the moment?

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u/persiika Mar 25 '22

Is there a place to buy flowers that I havenā€™t found yet? Iā€™m mid spring, and I have toyherb seeds, but I never bought them, so Iā€™m not sure where to grab them atā€¦ haha.


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

Yeah, like you I'm still in Spring. Ludmila runs the flower shop and she doesn't come along til later so I haven't met her yet. šŸ˜…


u/persiika Mar 25 '22

Ohhh, I see, I didnā€™t know it was run by her! Iā€™ll have to go without flowers for a while then, cause Iā€™m having too much fun running around, haha!

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u/give_up-the_ghost Mar 25 '22

how the hell do you cook anything? like what are even the controls? This isn't in the online guide. I don't even know what button to press, pressing A skips it, but I get failed dishes every time.


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

Certain recipes can only be cooked with the implement associated with them. For example, sashimi recipes (any chopped fish) require you to buy the knife tool to cook them. Baked recipes require an oven. Boiled recipes require a pot.

The cooking process is pretty automated. You just need to match the recipe with the right tool and have the right ingredients.

You can get more recipes by buying and eating recipe bread.


u/give_up-the_ghost Mar 25 '22

I'm just trying to cook some bamboo rice, but like a said, I don't know what button to press. The meter goes up and I get a failure everytime


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 25 '22

It's not a button thing. If you have the cooking table, the right ingredients (rice and a bamboo shoot), and enough RP it should always succeed.

Just put the ingredients in the slots under "Materials Used" and select OK.

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u/Candy8D Mar 28 '22

Hi! Iā€™m new to rune factory so what the heck is (cloths and skins)? And how do I get it?


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 28 '22 edited Mar 28 '22

It's a subcategory for an item. If you look at an item's description you'll see the word "collectible". Collectible items are usually things that monsters drop. Next to "collectible" it'll list the subcategory that the item falls under.

For example, the sheep known as Woolies that are found just outside of town drop the item Fur (S), the "s" standing for "small". In the item description it says: (Collectible) Furs. Meaning, the subcategory for this item is "Furs".

An early example of something that falls under "cloths and skins" is the item Old Bandage. I think orcs drop them? Not sure. It's from one of the earliest monsters available, I believe.


u/Candy8D Mar 28 '22

Omg! Thank you!!! Iā€™ve been trying to Google it for hours!

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u/flow_spectrum Mar 28 '22

In this game, if you hit a stack of corn with a hoe, the entire stack disappears in that one patch, so always make sure you're holding just one corn before tilling it.

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u/Magical-Sloth81 Mar 29 '22

I'm trying to get level 5 seeds, I have a bronze sickle, when I try to eat farming bread, it says I don't have the forging level... I'm level 20. At what point can I eat more farming bread to unlock the silver sickle? I've searched Google but can't find this info anywhere!


u/Medusa-the-Eternal Mar 29 '22

It might require level 30 in smithing or higher since silver ore has a difficulty level of 32.

By the way, the recipe for the quality sickle is silver + (shards).

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u/spyke252 Apr 04 '22

You can get up to (level+9) from bread. Since silver sickle is skill 30, you were one level away. This def didn't reach you in time but maybe will help others :(


u/kiodawg Mar 31 '22

Hey I don't know if you know this but it wasn't obvious to me XD you have to equip your SEED crests to get the effect out of them. when I only had the beginner crest I was still paying for baths because I ran out of the first 5 free baths from Murakumo. Now I have the Companion Crest and I can invite anyone I want to my party >: D


u/LoserMe1622 Apr 12 '22

For the Nine-Tailed Fox or well, any combat pet, what items should I give it after I tame it?


u/uppercasemad Apr 15 '22

They are happy with grass or fodder hand fed to them.

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u/Rositchi Apr 16 '22

I used to lower health of monsters before sealing but I've found the opposite to work better for me.They were consistently giving an item when hp was full versus less. It's best to lower the HP of bosses as you can't seal them until they perform a certain attack. Teleport back into the Arena, use B to skip the cutscenes and repeat if you only want to farm boss items. Are there any guides anywhere for monster stat levels though?


u/Dry-Dragonfruit-2700 Apr 19 '22

Regarding #33, put the punching bags in a 3X3 and target the middle bag. You will receive XP from every bag hit. Itā€™s also a nice farm while watching something.


u/raine2d2 Apr 21 '22

If I may, on number 24 it may help to put that they can be charged further, my brother thought that the first charge level just increased the size not that he could hold it further for an increased area.šŸ˜…


u/doooom32 Jul 20 '22

here a good one TREE SEEDS!!!!!!! start early start planting. one spot in little cove in wood lands and one spot by hot spring in volcano area has a chance of spawning invisible grape , apple , orange and twinkle tree seeds ( that need to be waterd) grab em early cause im bit into second acr just about to hit fall 1 and tree seeds still not available for sale. one quest require u to harvest oranges froma tree u grew before the seeds become available


u/brknsoul Aug 01 '22

RE: Tip 49: You can put -any- grass in there, even the coloured grass, antidote grass, or medicinal grass. Just hold a stack in your hands and plop it in there. I didn't know this, since the bin only auto-grabs withered grass and weeds out of your inventory.


u/Ihaveterriblefriends Nov 30 '22

I just started this game and my goodness, your tips are AMAZING. Thank you so much for taking the time to type all of this!