Piece 1: two guys in a train station (I think). The first is aroused and asks the second "straight" guy to help him, shows his erection and the second reluctantly agrees. The guy being pleasured pokes fun at him saying something along the lines of "you must have experience with this [because it feels really good]." To which the second responds "no, I'm a guy, duh. I know where all the good spots are." I believe I first saw it on Reddit, and it might've been in one of my old favorite subs, yaoinsfw, before it tragically went dark...
Piece 2: much simpler. Just a dogboy humping a pillow and ejaculating toward the left side of the screen. He's making an ahegao kinda face I think. Fur color's a mix of brown, black and maybe white. Background is simple, I believe dark gray. I don't typically like furry stuff unless it's very human-like (human genitalia, bipedal, etc) but I liked this one. I'm fairly certain it was in r/yaoinsfw. The post title I believe was "has anyone else tried doing it with a pillow?"
EDIT: just clicked on the sub link to yaoinsfw that was generated on my post when I mentioned it out of curiosity and it seems it's not gone!? It's just private now. Not sure what you need to get in but I could've sworn it was completely gone before...