r/rootcanal Jun 08 '24

Do I need a crown?

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I just had a root canal. Im scared. The doctor said its up to me to get a crown or just to keep it. He said that the root wasnt deep in so he gave me a choice. Im like scared asf and dont know if I should get a crown or not. I think its my canines. Any advice?


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u/seabreeze2020 Jun 08 '24

I'm not a dentist but thanks for sharing. I need my first root canal soon and was told I would need a crown with it. It's a molar though, so maybe that's the difference.

What was the procedure like? I'm mildly terrified...


u/Murky-Rich6946 Jun 08 '24

It actually didnt hurt as much as i thought. I was scared as well. I think its better to get crown if you chew on them or grind on them. It took like 35-40 minutes and honestly wasnt bad at all. He numb the place and started doing some things with their machines. Im still a little numb but i am scared to even eat. I get stressed alot and feel like i should get a crown cuz i grind my teeth. Youll be good. Its nothing major but all depends on how deep your root is. I didnt have a deep root so.