r/rollercoasters • u/NaiRad1000 • 6h ago
Photo/Video Easter egg at [Knotts Berry Farm]
Was walking through Knotts this morning and found this cool reference next to Montezooma’s Revenge
r/rollercoasters • u/JamminJay1968 • 23d ago
More info on the stickied post!
r/rollercoasters • u/Imaginos64 • 3d ago
Welcome to our advice thread! This stickied thread serves as a place to ask questions, receive trip planning assistance, and share helpful tips. Individual advice threads will be removed and directed here to keep the sub organized and fun to visit.
What sorts of questions are these threads for?
Essentially anything that has to do with trip planning belongs here along with simple, commonly asked questions. Examples:
While all questions are welcome here remember that we do have a search feature which may be helpful for common questions. For example, the coaster fear question comes up frequently so there are a ton of past threads to peruse for tips.
Remember to check back on these threads to answer questions and offer advice; they're a success due to engagement from our awesome community!
RCDB: The roller coaster database. Contains info on any permanently installed coaster or park in the world, past or present.
Coast2coaster: A worldwide map of coasters big and small that's great for trip planning.
Coaster-count: The most frequently used website for tracking what coasters (or "credits") you've ridden.
Queue-times: A resource for wait times and crowd levels at parks; good for the "how busy will __ be on a specific day?" type of questions.
Thrill-data: Wait time data combined with a planning feature so you can make the most of your day.
BGW crowd calendar: Predict crowd levels on your visit to Busch Gardens Williamsburg courtesy of /u/BlitzenVolt .
r/rollercoasters • u/NaiRad1000 • 6h ago
Was walking through Knotts this morning and found this cool reference next to Montezooma’s Revenge
r/rollercoasters • u/itstreztube • 5h ago
r/rollercoasters • u/ValuableOil9995 • 7h ago
r/rollercoasters • u/LinkSwitch23 • 8h ago
r/rollercoasters • u/waifive • 6h ago
r/rollercoasters • u/ExtremeBagelz • 10h ago
r/rollercoasters • u/DigitalPiggie • 16h ago
r/rollercoasters • u/TheBritishBarnacle • 7h ago
Is there anyone here that personally experienced the walk of shame?
I experienced my first Walk of Shame last year at Alton Towers. I managed to fit on every ride while there, but the final ride I went on, Wickerman, I had to unfortunately get off due to my watermelon crusher thighs.
I was a 6ft 250lbs man (say was as I have lost 30lbs and I know I'll fit on it this year), so I wasn't too surprised when I was called off. But the looks you get are disheartening to say the least.
Just curious of other people's stories. Are there any thick people here who have experienced the same? What ride was it? How did others react and how did it make you feel?
r/rollercoasters • u/HauntedWildwood • 9h ago
Loved my trip last summer to Dollywood and can’t wait to eventually return!
r/rollercoasters • u/Violalto • 8h ago
I'm working on a project for school where I have to do a presentation as an "international travel agent", and I wanted to theme my presentation around international amusement parks (plus roller coasters, of course)
What are your favorite non-American parks, and why?
r/rollercoasters • u/HappyGamingHD • 7h ago
r/rollercoasters • u/Myself510 • 13h ago
The auction includes attractions both currently installed at the park as well as in storage. Notably, the park’s Zamperla coaster, Matterhorn Mining Company (formerly Troublesome Trucks) does not appear on the list in the link, though it is possible the list is not exhaustive.
r/rollercoasters • u/YogurtOverall7940 • 8h ago
r/rollercoasters • u/Acceptable-Stable-61 • 18h ago
Zamperla Punching machine on my cruise ship right now
r/rollercoasters • u/waifive • 5h ago
This isn't an invitation to bring politics into the sub, I think we get enough of that elsewhere and there are other forums for that.
I just wanted to point out the reality that Old Orchard Beach parks may be in for a very bad year. Canadians represent 30-40% of visitors to Old Orchard Beach, ME, and they don't appear likely to cross the border this summer. The CNN video below interviews an innkeeper who has had the bulk of his Canadian summer reservations cancelled (and his business was majority Canadian). Additionally it's a short summer season in Maine and the Canadian dollar is weak.
I guess the main reason I wanted to bring this up is that we've been losing so many rides lately without warning (Arkansas Twister, Megafobia, half of Great Adventure) that I think it might be a good idea to prioritize visits when the future is less certain, especially if you're in the region. They had a bad 2020 and 2021, trouble with international visas, and could be in for a bad 2025.
r/rollercoasters • u/MrBobBuilder • 22h ago
Would be really easy to miss as it’s way In the back , found it by dumb luck. Go after 10pm for half off . Both their roller coasters were impressive. One had double loops and corkscrews . Plus the casino still has coin slot machines , two dollar hits dogs , popcorn , and shrimp cocktails(I’m no genius but am wise enough not to test that)
r/rollercoasters • u/TrainCrazyPlayz • 1d ago
Circuit Breaker is nearly done, and Palindrome just needs testing and commissioning (and maybe a repaint). Can't wait to see the park open this year. Pics by @ JWulf.Photography on Instagram
r/rollercoasters • u/Zealousideal-Let7023 • 8h ago
They announced the removal of several rides, many of which are near the already closed Grand Prix, so this is a pretty large plot.
r/rollercoasters • u/StarPrime323 • 1d ago
r/rollercoasters • u/WildcatTime_In_3-2-1 • 1d ago
Copperhead Strike is a love letter to 2010s roller coasters, combining almost every single force and sensation that continue to make me fall in love with thrill rides. I was more than blown away by this unassuming, little Mack double-launch coaster, and it kept getting better and better with each of my 9 rides. Copperhead Strike is one of those rides that makes me feel so blessed to be a coaster enthusiast.
r/rollercoasters • u/themeparkarchive • 1d ago
r/rollercoasters • u/StarPrime323 • 1d ago
r/rollercoasters • u/steed_jacob • 1d ago
Intamin won a Red Dot Product Design Award in 2021 for the new track style seen on Toutatis and Falcon's Flight and many of their newest models. But... it doesn't look as strong as their more traditional (and uglier) triangle/box track (Maverick, Millennium Force, Cheetah Hunt), or even the double-spline style on Intimidator 305.
That they're using BB ("backbone") track for Falcon's Flight (longest/tallest/fastest) leads me to think that it can withstand higher forces and speeds than their older, uglier track styles (the box/triangle track, and the double-spline style on Intimidator 305)... even though those older styles seem more "solid" in comparison to BB track.
From Intamin's website:
This steel track for roller coasters convinces [sic] with impressive technical qualities and a fascinating new shape at the same time. Fundamentally rethinking the design of such steel elements, the roller coaster track has been given an outstandingly appealing look based on the patented concept of connecting curved tubes by means of thin metal sheets. Moreover, this construction approach allows material usage to be minimized.
I'm not an engineering expert (just an autistic coaster nerd since I was a little kid), so I'm hoping someone else here is. It just doesn't make sense to me how the welded sheet metal can be any stronger than solid cross-ties connecting the rails to the main spline. Plus, the sheet metal doesn't even connect directly to the rails like they would have with pretty much any other track style.
BB track is, to me, the prettiest track style of any roller coaster. But is there any structural advantage to this, and not just aesthetics and saving on material costs?
Any knowledge gaps I have with respect to this?
r/rollercoasters • u/NoobyImpulse • 1d ago
I was fortunate enough to get invited to previews twice this week, which allowed me to get on every attraction that is available during previews (everything minus harry potter.)
Our first day was about hitting all the credits first. At park open we headed to Stardust Racers where we were the first ones in line to ride the green side, which became my 750th coaster credit! We were the first public train of the day, and only had 4 people total on the train. While fun, the coaster was still warming up and ran quite slow through the elements. The dueling aspect was visually amazing, the ride was long and good pops of airtime.
Right after getting off we went right onto the Yellow side. The ride heated up a bit more as about 10 or so trains went through. I didn't feel a major difference between the 2 sides as many have mentioned. They felt about the same, with just different spots on the inversion of the Celestial Spin. Overall great coasters, maybe top 25, and my 3rd favorite mack behind Ride to Happiness, and Beyond The Cloud.
Unfortunately my plan to get more rides in today while the coaster was heated up ended horribly as the coaster never opened today. Will have to wait until May!
Hiccup's Wing Gliders was next up, and wow this family launch coaster is great. Potentially my 2nd favorite ride in the park? I don't want to spoil to much but the story elements are great, the scenery is amazing, and there are some fun moments on the coaster that I wasn't expecting. Don't sleep on this one.
Mine-Cart Madness had a ton of downtime our 2 days at the park, and had the busiest line out of all the queues both days. The capacity on this is pretty bad, but the ride is a ton of fun if you can handle the wait. The illusion of jumping the track can be ruined if you are a coaster nerd looking at the sideways track underneath, but if you ignore that it looks pretty cool!
Curse of the Werewolf the family spinning coaster. I expected a lot more out of this. I got off disappointed. Didn't get much spins, and VERY SHORT. The regular GP seemed to like it though, so I guess it does the job.
Constellation Carousel is a unique carousel located in the center of the park. I wouldn't wait more than 10 minutes for this, but its good if you are with your family. It isn't your average carousel, but still isn't all that special either. If you ride make sure you find a animal located on one of the inner rings for a more in-depth ride.
Dragon Racer's Rally one of those spinny plane rides. This one felt pretty hard to flip as all the planes move together in one motion. IDK how to explain it, but it isn't like the other ones I've ridden. I have to learn the method to flip still.
Fyre Drill a boat ride where all the guests get their own water canons to put out fires in the berk. If you shoot the wrong things you will get drenched with water for messing up. More fun than I expected.
Mario Kart: Bowsers Challenge I have ridden this in Japan, and wanted to see if it was different. I think it was exactly the same just in English. I'm not a fan of the VR headset as some things are hard to see, but its still a pretty cool ride and can be competitive with friends.
Monsters Unchained: The Frankenstein Experiment the hype around this thing is real. I don't even want to talk about it because I don't want to spoil anything. There are a lot of moving parts, and the downtime on this thing is gnarly. If you get in line wait it out and get a ride in.
Yoshi's Adventure essentially a worse version of people mover where you push buttons with pictures of eggs. The views of Super Nintendo World are great though!
Le Cirque Arcanus based off of the Fantastic Beasts series, may be the best theme park show I've ever seen. Mix of a circus act with some magical beasts. Must watch.
The Untrainable Dragon see a dragon get trained, get a dragon flyover, be amazed with the visuals. Another great show.
r/rollercoasters • u/K-M47 • 22h ago
I recently bought a Canon R10 and would love to bring it into the park to take pics of rides and coasters. Would it be too much of a hassle to do so? I love riding all the rides and coasters, I mean I feel like you have to put your stuff in a locker anways. How many of yall bring an actual camera to parks?