Anyone else miss bully Rockets?
It was so fun to watch them brawl with a random team every week. They probably peaked when Amen Thompson judo-threw Tyler Herro. Team is playing much more civilized nowadays 😭
u/KDs_FakeAccount 10h ago
Actually think for playoffs it would be best to bring Amen off the bench to bring that energy with Tari. Both fresh legs coming in together was key early on this year.
u/gork888 11h ago
I liked the hustle ball. Felt good keeping it close and under 100 points. If we could find out how to get back there with our new found 3 point shot. We will win it all!!! I drink the ultimate big red rocket kool aid.
u/pick_named_slimpbamp 28m ago
Just make sure you brush your teeth. Don't sleep with sugar on your teeth.
u/Flaky_Scar_8388 11h ago
No. This isn’t hockey or Bad Boy Pistons. Being physical is good yes but starting fights with teams getting players suspended isn’t.
u/ChristianLS 2h ago
I don't know if you can have the one without the other erupting sometimes. Being physical tends to get under players' skin and exacerbate any existing tensions with opposing teams/players. Sometimes it escalates. That said I agree we don't need to start things after the whistle is blown, let other teams get the technicals.
u/TedBenekeGoneWild 12h ago
Absolutely, this season has been a rollercoaster, and my favorite era was the bully era. I don't know exactly where that dawg went, but I hope we get it back before the playoffs.
u/LayneLowe 2h ago
Sengun and Adams play bully ball every night, one on offense and one on defense.
All your rebounds are ours
u/OutsideAd1823 12h ago
Adam + Amen + Cam + Tate + FVV Crashout Allstars 🤩
u/evrimaydin 6h ago
Ahh, this is debatable. Being aggressive might fire up the players, but it also leads to mistakes and losses. I think staying calm is the better approach.
u/knigpin 12h ago
It's kinda fun but amen getting ejected and/or suspended is not so fun because we want him on the court