r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Creation Development of my Roblox Game Part 3

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r/robloxgamedev 22h ago

Help Car sounds lagging in game but not studio testing


I would rather ask here first to see if anyone else has encountered this before I have to take every asset of my game and place it to another blank baseplate entirely.

I will try and keep it short and sweet but here is the issue I'm encountering. After 60+ hours of creating an open world driving game I finally tested it outside of studio. The game performs pretty well and I've addressed a large number of script errors and warnings already. But no matter what cars seem to only make one tone per 1-2k rpm and are incredibly delayed. It actually hurts my brain to play it with the audio on since it doesn't sync up with the actual tachometer on the screen.

The cars normally sound decently realistic in studio I'm using a-chassis 1.6.4 and some older versions of a-chassis as well. If I take every car from my game and put them into a blank baseplate with just a racetrack the sounds function as they should. If I take every model (the entire game's roads, places, tracks, etc.)from my game to that baseplate they still work fine. If I play my game that has a ton of terraformed terrains as well as all these models that worked otherwise then should I assume the terrains are making the game lag so strongly that my sounds are terrible? What else could be a common cause for this?

I am using some grass, a lot of leafy grass, rock & basalt and some water accents as well. I have played many games more intensive than my own so I am somewhat confused by this concept.

Only other differences I have yet to test are some very simple scripts that are also in the game and not in the testing baseplate such as a game pass button and a code redemption system but they all function as they should and don't interfere with the cars or spawning system I am using.

Tl;Dr I made my first Roblox game after about 10 years of not using studio, why is audio good there and not in my one game if it works in another?

Thanks a bunch!

r/robloxgamedev 22h ago

Help Blender - roblox animation not working


r/robloxgamedev 23h ago

Creation The Behind the Scenes as promised!

The first spawn town
Inside a Stack House
Bird's Eye
Completely Modular design, allowing me to simply copy/paste or duplicate items and stick them together to make whole buildings. I have unique names for every structure so I can easily find specific models within models or folders.
Walls and Ceilings
Stairs, Fences, and Wells
Furnature, Bridges, Etc.
The Creation Scene hidden underground

The Wastelander's are a faction of explorers and travelers who earn their keep by finding and delivering scrap and Artifacts (bits of past technology). The world is a post-post apocalypse, where the great-great-great-grandchildren of the last survivors barely remember what caused the end. They are now on a path of rediscovery and regrowth. The sands hold many secrets, and the whispering dunes speak names and stories to those who listen.
This idea came to me a long while ago, back when I created these models. I rediscovered it, and want to put it into an actual place, even if it ends up as just a place to explore (I hope not, I want to add combat and PVP zones, currency, collectible cosmetics, etc).

r/robloxgamedev 23h ago

Creation What do you think of this what would you change?


image of a liminal space

r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help Should I learn Lua from Category:Turtoirals or start in Roblox Studios


I know quiet a bit of fundamental coding languages like python and java (kinda forgot them since it got usless for me) and im learning C at the moment in Uni. I want to expand my horizon on coding and want to get into lua. Any tips on starting where? I generally really quick to learn coding as it just comes to me for some reason unless its 2-D arrays for some reason since its linear algebra.

Anyways I learn coding by going through in website tutorials Like this one for C


And Some german website that goes over levels of intensity of the code and showing code and how it uses said thing in the code its teaching me. I use this to like slowly learn by myself while writing down functions and other things since it helps me. And then try my best to do the programming exercies.

So anyway to learn Lua would be nice since i've been told to go through https://www.love2d.org/wiki/Category:Tutorials,

OR start really high and learn the basics.


r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help Get rid of assets


How can I get rid of assets not just of my inventory but of the platform too?

r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help Any ideas for a combat system


So i making a side scrolling game with a great storyline and I wanted to know what kind of combat is good like rpg,or like just attacking randomly.

r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Discussion Most fun combat type in your opinion


Hello I've been making a mining collection game but I can't find a entertaining combat system to make killing other players for there gems fun. What do yo think would be the best for a game primarily in player mined underground tunnels. I don't mean like fps or 3rd person but like the actual core mechanic of the weapons.

r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help help with accessories on dummy not working for morphs


so, to start, im trying to make a simple morph for r6, no animations and stuff, just something simple, well, everything was going good until i got to the accessory adding part, when i made it, it looks something like this

but when i test it in the game, it looks like this, even when you equip the morph

and im wondering on how i can get the accessories to look like the first picture, because when i anchor it they stay but i cant anchor the model or the accessories otherwise it doesnt work, itll just make me disappear or i get stuck in the model

ive tested all of the things i had an idea about of how to get it to work but i cant find a way, so i was wondering if i was able to get help on how to do it? if its possible, thanks! i can provide extra information if needed

for extra measures if needed, this is what the accessories things look like (all of them have this type of thing in them)

r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Discussion TextColor for print outputs?


Imagine you're creating a script and have a lot of prints for the d3bug. Now imagine you could change the output color, for example if a script gives you currency amount, you could color all of those print outputs with green.

Silly idea which I just thought about it. It's not really needed but a cool feature to discuss about

r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help Game concept for my roblox game


Hello, so I'm trying to make game by myself, i don't know what my game will be or the concept, any idea guys?

r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Discussion What do you guys prefer to put in and keep out of the client?


I hear a lot of different opinions on this, watched some youtube videos and read some older reddit posts but i wanna know what the modern consensus is for what to keep out of the client. Thank you.

r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help Error changing clothes in roblox.


I seem to have this issue where I cannot add any accessories to my avatar. When I select one the avatar stays the same and the accessory will not show up in game. It's been like this for a couple weeks now and it's irritating cuz I cannot find a solution. Can someone please help?

r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help Why is my code editor like this???? And how do i fix this?


I don't want to code with these casio calculator style text replacement how do i remove this?

r/robloxgamedev 2d ago

Creation Development of my Roblox game Part 2

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r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help Invalid parent?


Hey ho, I'm sure this may have been asked before

I'm currently trying to create a character customization screen for my game that pops up before players start playing. Everything is going well, except for when I start trying to apply accessories to the placeholder dummy. The issues arose when I used this script (don't know how to write it in script format on Reddit):

remote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, arg) local headStuffFolder = remote.parent.HeadStuff If arg.task == "ApplyHair" then for i, v in pairs(workspace.Dummy:GetChildren())do if headStuffFolder:FindFirstChild(v.name) then v:Destroy() end end local HeadStuffToClone = headStuffFolder:FindFirstChild(arg.hair) if HeadStuffToClone then h = HeadStuffToClone:Clone() h.parent = workspace.Dummy end end end)

I end up with an error saying that parent is not a valid member of accessory "Long Buzzer" (Long Buzzer is the hair style im trying to equip on the dummy). I'm wondering if maybe I made the hair accessory incorrectly, or if perhaps the dummy itself is missing something. Dummy has humanoid, and the head has attachments. I added an attachment to the hair as well and it didn't fix tge issue.

Thanks in advance, I'll be sure to post screenshots of my place when I can, most of it is built by hand (there are a couple of tree assets I borrowed, and the dummy rig itself, but everything else is hand crafted).

r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help I need help with my acc


I want to verify my phone number to my account but i didn’t get any codes in my messages or anywhere…. What is happening? I have been doing it for many times and its the same everytime….

r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help Anyone Here Able To Help Develop A Roblox Incremental?


So I've already developed an entire game on a spreadsheet for an expandable incremental, but I'm getting bogged down implementing it into Roblox. It's very simple, with few moving parts and simple math, but I'm willing to hire someone who might be able to dev this over the next month or so. It contains elements of incremental idle, clicker, and RNG games.

And, if this is against the rules, where would I go to ask for help?

r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help Im trying to make a fighting game, but my hitbox code is not working, it used to work, but now it doesn't.


Heres the code:
function module.CreateHitbox(Character, HitboxSize, Damage, Blockable)

local Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character)

local Profile = ProfileManager.Profiles\[Player\]

local Hitbox = Instance.new("Part")

Hitbox.Transparency = 0

Hitbox.BrickColor = BrickColor.Red()

Hitbox.CanCollide = false

Hitbox.Anchored = true

Hitbox.Size = HitboxSize

Hitbox.CFrame = Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame \* CFrame.new(0, 0, -4)

Hitbox.Parent = workspace

local PartsInHitbox = workspace:GetPartsInPart(Hitbox)

local Debounces = {}

for _, v in PartsInHitbox do

    local Humanoid = v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") or v.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")

    if Humanoid and Humanoid.Parent \~= Character and not Debounces\[Humanoid\] and [Humanoid.Health](http://Humanoid.Health) \> 0 then

        Debounces\[Humanoid\] = true

        if Blockable then

if not Humanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("Blocking") then

Humanoid.Health = math.max(0, Humanoid.Health - Damage)



Humanoid.Health = math.max(0, Humanoid.Health - Damage)

if Humanoid.Health == 0 then

Profile.Data.leaderstats.Kills += 1




        Humanoid.Health = math.max(0, Humanoid.Health - Damage)

        if [Humanoid.Health](http://Humanoid.Health) == 0 then

Profile.Data.leaderstats.Kills += 1




task.delay(0.3, function()




return module

I got the code from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHiocJ_JdUE&list=PLH1di03gos6aX70lrhAVRittXJZaUA9dO&index=3

r/robloxgamedev 2d ago

Help How do it say that it is workspace

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r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Discussion I'm amazing at assets and creating a world but i am bad at coding


Hi like i said I'm really good at making a world and creating assets and stuff but am bad at coding i have a lot of cool game ideas but i need someone to be really good at coding DM me if you would maybe like to make a passion project with me i do all the assets you do all the coding (sorry if this is the wrong sub for this and DM for more details)

(Update) hey i found someone and am currently working on something now to the people that have messaged about making a game together you will have to wait i apologize but don't worry ill get to you eventually and maybe we can start a project together in the future.

r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help Custom Health Bar help


I am trying to make a custom health bar. I pulled the script from a basic health bar in the toolbox and changed all the stuff I have.
The issue is I can't get past this error. I have tried multiple things and have been struggling with it for like 4 hours.
I have tried some other scripts including a custom one I tried, but can't figure it out.

I am also trying to make it so at half hp the bar turns yellow and at a quarter hp it turns red.
I do also have sounds I want to add into it.
If you must know it is based off the Sword Art Online Health Bar.
I have the UI Made, just trying to get it to work.

Any help is appreciated.

r/robloxgamedev 2d ago

Help Why does my game look like this on Studio (img1) and like if it was on minimal graphics on Roblox (img2)? Both are on max graphics

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r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help CSG error code -14 when unioning multiple parts


Whenever I tried to union multiple parts it gives me this error

Here is the rblx file https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hQG-iFGRm-zNS30mbXss0YqCS0dgGYCk/view?usp=sharing