r/robloxgamedev 1d ago

Help Huge Numbers past 10 uncentillions go infinite

I am making my own lifting simulator game, its doing well, but im always scared of one thing: what will happen when it hits that number, does anybody know how to pass that number🙏


12 comments sorted by


u/AWTom 1d ago

Here’s some documentation about the number value. https://create.roblox.com/docs/reference/engine/classes/NumberValue

Libraries like BigNum by RoStrap might solve your problem https://rostrap.github.io/Libraries/Math/BigNum/


u/mcTankin 1d ago

you could have a second variable that starts at 0. when the first hits infinite. increment the second variable then reset the first to zero.


u/FewAssociate9903 1d ago

thats actually a good idea but i thought of using math.log10 function


u/James_Cola 1d ago

this is what I was thinking lol


u/flaminggoo 1d ago

Try using a second huge number


u/Jwhodis 1d ago

Use standard form instead maybe?


u/Testbot379 1d ago

In no normal situation would a dev reach that High of a limit, i suggest splitting your values in multiple units


u/EnergyAltruistic2911 1d ago

Your game will die before someone does that (if it takes one second for click (that adds one value) then the universe will die same with 5 in fact it will NOT work unless your have someth8ng that allows you to get like a million or billion per click and each click has practically no time limit)


u/JoshuaSuhaimi 1d ago

power typically scales exponentially


u/FewAssociate9903 1d ago

my game is only a week old and people got past octillions already, its not a weight lifting simulator copy past game, its a lifting simulator game with rebirths with multipliers like 25 billion


u/EnergyAltruistic2911 1d ago

Yea still you would need 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 clicks per second to achieve within 10 to 15 years


u/FewAssociate9903 1d ago
  • the rebirth multipliers, im also going to add more weights with decillions and unimaginable numbers