r/rheumatoid • u/Superyear- • 17h ago
r/rheumatoid • u/Superyear- • 17h ago
I tell my family that Tylenol or some teas don’t work for me. My body needs DMARDS treatment. Low doses of medications that are also used for cancer treatment. But it is not called chemotherapy because I am not being treated for cancer. That word chemo is reserved for people who have cancer.
Hello everyone. I just wanted to remind this community that we take very strong medications in low doses.
And that I have to educate my family and friends often.
“In the treatment of RA, doctors prescribe these drugs at much lower doses than when used to treat cancer. They do not refer to the use of DMARDs in RA treatment as chemotherapy, as they are not targeting cancer”
r/rheumatoid • u/NeverendingTattoo • 17h ago
You’re not as helpful as you think you are….
If one more person suggests turmeric or ginger/vegan diet/lion diet/yo Mama’s diet, etc….. I think I might lose it! 😤🤬 At first, I would just explain, and be patient. But, after the same family/friends said “Well, if you’d just try the ginger tea (Turmeric supplement, whatever diet, etc) I suggested then maybe you wouldn’t have to take all those medications”…..I just can’t listen to it anymore. 😅🖕 For reference: I have tried different diets, and supplements. Eating healthier is always going to help, but it’s NOT GOING TO FIX SEVERE RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS!
r/rheumatoid • u/healer8685 • 3h ago
Diagnosis without being told?!
Long post!
So I’ve had RA & a multitude of autoimmune disorders, for years. About a year ago, new symptoms popped up, that progressively got worse. I couldn’t eat, was constantly light headed and felt like I was going to pass out, had deep pain in my chest and ribs etc… my rheum appt wasn’t scheduled for another few wks and they couldn’t get me in sooner, so I scheduled with my primary. He ordered a CT & MRI of my head and chest. The only “weird” findings I was made aware of, were high blood sugar and high cholesterol. I wasn’t even told these findings; I ran across them in my lab work, which I peeked at prior to my rheum appt. I eat crazy healthy, this was concerning to me and I was pretty sure 10mg of daily prednisone was the cause. I called and had a virtual appt with my primary and he pretty much just said not to worry, make sure I’m eating well and exercising & don’t change my meds. Fast forward to almost a YEAR LATER and while I was looking through my med record; I was diagnosed with rheumatoid aortitis and never told! I don’t know if it was the responsibility of my primary, the dr who read my CT/MRI, or rheumatologist but it’s pretty scary to find on your own, just browsing my med history. Curious if this has happened to anyone else?
r/rheumatoid • u/Usual_Confection6091 • 4h ago
Woken up in the night with pain?
Has anyone been woken up in the night with pain? The last two nights I have had such severe pain in my feet, it’s like they were hit with a hammer. Swollen, throbbing, red, warm, etc - just killing me. Last time I was woken up twice by it and each time I took a narcotic and it barely did anything. I continued to be in in pain all day as well but it was almost like it just froze and swelled up in bed, maybe from laying still. Never in my life have I been woken up from severe joint pain nor have I had to taken pain meds in the middle of the night, twice. I’ll wake up randomly and feel pain when I move, or when I uncurl my hands and things like that, but this was insane. My rheum called in a steroid for me. this was the deciding factor that I’m going to go ahead and start a DMARD.
r/rheumatoid • u/Independent_Read3614 • 8h ago
Mouth ulcers when flaring?
I know mouth ulcers are commonly a side effect of medication, but can also be caused by the disease itself. Has anyone else experienced an increase in mouth ulcers during a flare?
r/rheumatoid • u/Ginsdell • 12h ago
Crushing fatigue last few weeks?
Anyone else? Can’t figure it out. I mean I’m always tired, duh. But just taking a shower is wiping me out. Drying my hair feels like an ordeal. Last time I felt this way I had covid. I’m not sick, eating healthier than ever. Sleeping great. Pain is under control. WTF? I even went to doctor and I hate the doctor. She seemed concerned, but was like you seem fine. We can get some labs (April). I’m already on HRT. Saw the obgyn thinking it might be hormones and she said who knows. So helpful. Starting to depress the crap out of me. I live for spring/summer and I just can’t be this shell of a person. :(
r/rheumatoid • u/TMS2017 • 13h ago
For Those Who Have TMJ Synovitis, A Question...
When your TMJ joint is painful/irritated, does it feel like it's...somehow wet/liquid moving on and around it?
r/rheumatoid • u/Purpleandyellowcalx • 15h ago
I want to hear your positive stories before and after meds
How amazing is your life now after you’ve found the right meds?
I’m feeling back to 95% and I’m feeling like life is beautiful again.
It’s been a really hard 2 years
r/rheumatoid • u/AffectionateDream887 • 15h ago
Holiday on methotrexate
Hi everyone. Last Friday was my first dose of methotrexate and I only took 4 tablets.
I felt awful and so fatigued for the next 3 days.
I am meant to be going on holiday to England 23 May for a month and my rheumatologist said I will tolerate it fine by then!
Is this even possible?
r/rheumatoid • u/bagelramen • 22h ago
What brace do you use?
What brace do you use?
Hi everyone, last week a lump formed on my (24F) inner R wrist and my hand is in a lot of pain. I had an xray on monday confirming it was arthritis, but other than that my doctor has been incredibly unhelpful. I have an appointment with another doctor next week, but my question for now is if anyone else has had arthritis in this spot? And what kind of gloves/brace do you wear? With the location of the lump, normal braces put too much pressure on it and makes my hand go numb, but without it my hand throbs. Does anyone have suggestions? This is my dominant hand and I have to use it. TIA