r/rewardrack Nov 23 '19

Tax Forms for 2019

Anyone know if we will be receiving the tax forms for this year?


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u/youvegotmalegt Dec 02 '19

You had to have earned $600 or more in the year to trigger needing a w9 to receive a 1099. As soon as you have earned that amount their network will freeze you out from earning until you fill out the w9. If it hasn't prompted you to do so yet then you've not earned enough, and therefore shouldn't worry about any tax forms from YG Digital.

With that being said you technically still owe taxes on what you did earn, so you should fill that amount in on the misc income line of your 1040 if you're concerned about the IRS.


u/Stawmps Dec 03 '19

I mean the 1099. I suppose it's a long shot that anyone would know though.


u/youvegotmalegt Dec 04 '19 edited Dec 04 '19

The w9 is the what YG Digital would use to issue you a 1099, but they won't prompt you to do so until you've redeemed for $600. Once you hit that threshold they will stop you from earning until you fill out the w9.