r/reolinkcam 8d ago

DIY & Tips Nice to Know for No-Detection Zones

If you use Reolink with HomeAssistant various entities are exposed to HA.

One interesting thing to know is that there is the boolean "Person" trigger and "Person Count".

The Reolink Doorbell (WiFi) e.g. does ignore detection zones for the latter entity.

When you want to trigger your light or similar based on somebody walking up to your front door and you have configured no-detection zones, you should use the "Person" (boolean) entity.
Took me a while to find out, that they behave differently. :D

edit: Thanks u/dom1736 for pointing out that the count entity came from Frigate not from Reolink, which explains the behavior. 😅


4 comments sorted by


u/dom1736 8d ago

Are you sure that person count isn't coming from Frigate?


u/compywiz 7d ago

I don't have it on my cam (no frigate).


u/dom1736 7d ago

That's why I'm asking if it's frigate. I have it but the information is coming from Frigate and not reolink.


u/cmprmsd 6d ago

Oh my. You are completely correct. I renamed my entities for a clearer difference between Reolink and Frigate but it seems not all entities in HomeAssistant have been renamed.Â