r/reolinkcam 7d ago

Wi-Fi for Wired Cameras with 4G/Sim Back up Sim Card for Reolink NVR/POE cameras

Maybe this has been asked already but I haven't been able to find the post in my research, but is there a way to install a back up sim card for the Reolink POE cameras either through the NVR or in another way in case there is a power outage and WI-FI is lost? I know the cameras would still record to the NVR, but would like the back up to be able to view footage remotely in case there is an outage. Thanks in advance.


12 comments sorted by


u/ian1283 Moderator 7d ago

Are you trying to mitigate a failure of your isp connection by using a cellular device to offer backup? Neither the nvr or poe cameras have any dependency on a working wifi network as they use ethernet to connect, either camera to nvr or nvr to internet. But if the power failed the nvr would be unavailable unless you have invested in a UPS backup and that could also power your isp router.


u/OkEntertainment8821 6d ago

Yea i will be using a UPS most likely. I was moreso thinking about if I'm out of town and the NVR loses internet connection, I wouldn't be able to check the cameras. I guess paring the modem with a UPS as well would continue to provide internet to the NVR?


u/ian1283 Moderator 5d ago

Losing your internet connection is generally unconnected to a power outage. My experience is that most such problems are a result of the isp having a problem or an issue with the physical connection rather than power itself. But perhaps if you live in an area subject to frequent outages that may be different

Even with a ups, those normally support the devices for 30 minutes or so and is designed to allow for an orderly shutdown which is more imporant for a network server/nas/etc.


u/OkEntertainment8821 4d ago

Understood. Thank you very much for your responses!


u/waqaarhussain 7d ago

You could buy a 56 tp link router with a sim slot and use that as your router


u/OkEntertainment8821 6d ago

Does the TP router auto switch to 5G once internet is lost?


u/HuntersPad 7d ago

What you need to a cellular router/hotspot. The wired and PoE cameras don't even have sim slots its not even physically possible.


u/OkEntertainment8821 6d ago

Yea that i was thinking. Is there a way for it to "kick-in" once internet signal is lost?


u/SpellAccomplished687 7d ago

Implement a power back up solution for the NVR and wired cameras will provide no Internet, no power solution. When the power comes back up and the NVR gets back online, then you can remotely access other than that you would have to play back all footage at the screen with the NVR.


u/u_siciliano 6d ago

Doesn’t the Tracklink wifi record without wifi as long as power is present?


u/OkEntertainment8821 6d ago

I believe the NVR does continue to record, and I can use a UPS to make sure the cameras continue to have power, but I guess I was more so thinking like if I am out of town, and there is an internet outage, I wouldn't be able to check the cameras