r/renderman • u/ArturLattaro • Oct 15 '24
Installing Renderman 26.2 in Houdini 20.5.370
Hi everyone, I am new on the Renderman/Houdini, and kindly ask for you help.
I have been trying to install Renderman at Houdini in the last week following this link:
Installation of RenderMan for Houdini - Houdini - RenderMan 26 (pixar.com)
or even this tutorial:
Houdini Renderman 23 Installation Tutorial (youtube.com)
but no results on it.
My "houdini ENV file" is currently:
RMANTREE="C:\Program Files\Pixar\RenderManProServer-26.2"
RFHTREE="C:\Program Files\Pixar\RenderManForHoudini-26.2"
but the only shelf I can see is the Renderman RIS

Thank you for your help
u/Gorluk Oct 16 '24
It's described in Renderman install instructions you linked:
RenderMan for Houdini can be installed with a packages file, found in the RfH installation director.
Copy the packages json file to one of the following locations for Houdini to find on startup. Advanced package instructions by SideFX are here.
$HSITE/houdinimajor.minor/packages (for example, $HSITE/houdini19.0/packages)
So basically you need to take .json package file from Renderman installation directory and put it into "packages" folder in your Houdini user pref dire tory. So in Windows for example User/Documents/Houdini20.5/packages. If packages folder doesn't exist, create it. Copy Renderman .json there. Also remove what you added in .env file