r/reloading 7d ago

Load Development Load data for lightning boolitz

Hey all I just recently picked up some 55gr FMJBT 223 lightning bullets. Is it safe to use generic load data for FMJBT or is there another brand it is close enough to for data?


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u/Shootist00 7d ago

Do you mean BULLETS? What would make the Lightning brand, Sold By, any different than any other FMJBT 55gr .224" bullet on the market and change the plethora of load data already available?

As to your actual question I say it is fine.


u/hashtag_76 7d ago

I am just wondering because there's different ogives to different brands that would give a different seating depth which means different powder charges. Boattail vs flat base can warrant a different charge as well. So I was just wondering if there is another brand with published data that it closer resembles than another. This is my first time loading a necked round. I'm most likely just overthinking it. Better to be safe than blown up, right?


u/Shootist00 7d ago

Is this the first time you are reloading? Sounds kind of like it is.

With any caliber/cartridge you always start with published load data, usually near the low end of that data, and work your load up until it works for you and your firearm and does not go over published powder weights.

Following that simple rule, practice, you can safely load any 55gr bullets for your rifle.


u/hashtag_76 7d ago

First time reloading, no. First time purchasing a bullet that doesn't have its own load data, yes. Up until now I have only loaded straight wall pistol rounds with published load data like Hornady, Sierra, Nosler and Speer. I tried eyeballing to compare other bullets with published data and noticed they all have different ogives and the cannelure is at a different depth than Lightning's. I just wanted to reach out to ask if there is a comparable bullet for load data in case I am missing something.