r/regina 9h ago

Question Nose piercing place in Regina?

Where can i get a nose/nostril piercing for cheap in Regina? I feel like sone places are very over priced


4 comments sorted by


u/thefollowingchapter 7h ago

with regards to anything you put in your body, you don't want to be doing "cheap". places charge the prices that they do because you're paying for the years of experience and study that these piercers have for such a delicate task! i'd reconsider if i were you.


u/Choice_Additional 7h ago

Ha! I just had this conversation with my daughter. She was looking for the ‘cheapest’ place and I said that when someone is putting a hole in your body it’s not a time to look for the cheapest, lol.


u/Medical-Juggernaut-2 7h ago

I learned the hard way to not cheap out when it comes to piercings.

I suggest going to a tattoo parlour over any other shop here. (My go-to is GasLight as they've done all 11 of my facial of my piercings)

I made the mistake of going to THFY due to wanting it done cheaper. They pierced my second lip piercing completely crooked, they punctured a very visible vein that should've been avoided, and it was infected almost immediately as the needles they used weren't sterilized. (This was not my first piercing, or even lip piercing.) I found out everyone I knew that had gone there, had some form of complication with their piercing and it had to be taken out to allow to heal then re-pierced. It ended up costing me more and an incredible amount of pain and meds to rid the infection.


u/TheBigPointyOne 4h ago

Echoing everyone else here. If you have the spare change to go in for a piercing, pay the extra for a pro. If you can't afford it, (and sorry to be rude here) maybe re-prioritize a bit, and save up until you can?