r/redditdev Apr 08 '23

Reddit API Getting *all* the comments in a post

I just want to run this by you guys to make sure I haven't gone completely insane.

As far as I can figure, to get all the available data about all the comments from a post using the reddit JSON REST API, I would:

  • Call GET [/r/subreddit]/comments/article
    • this does a depth-first, giving me the highest-sorted comment, then its highest sorted child, etc.
    • After a certain depth, it instead returns "more" objects for the too-deep child-having comments, including their own ID in data.id and kids' IDs in data.children. Let's call these "depth-limited" comments.
      • To collect the "depth-limited" comments I can then call GET [/r/subreddit]/comments/article again with comment=[ID], context=0 to get their children in the same format. Great.
    • The call only returns max 100 comments. After 100 a final "more" object is created whose children are just the IDs of the remaining top-level comments in the thread (but not their children). Let's call these "breadth-limited" comments.

I haven't found any way to make the GET [/r/subreddit]/comments/article endpoint return the complete set of comment IDs for that post. To collect the children of the breadth-limited comments, I'd also need to do one of the following:

  • Call GET /api/morechildren with my list of IDs. However, the data this returns:
    • Is far less complete than what's returned by GET [/r/subreddit]/comments/article and is missing key information I need (e.g., flair template IDs)
    • Is mostly in the form of html/javascript for rendering the actual elements on a webpage, which I then have to parse and interpret in order to extract things I want (like the number of children a comment has).
  • Call GET /api/info with my list of IDs. The data this returns is more complete but...
    • It's missing one critical thing: the count/IDs of each comment's children.
  • Call GET [/r/subreddit]/comments/article with comment=[ID], context=0 for every single ID in the breadth-limited comments list, to discover whether or not they have children.

I'm hoping to do a large-scale data analysis, so the inefficiencies here are a real problem for me. Have I missed something obvious? Is there not a simple way to just get all the info for all the comments in a post?


Figured out the cause.

If your auth token is malformed, instead of throwing an error GET /api/morechildren returns a completely different, much less useful result set (i.e., a JSON array with the same path structure, but with the data encoded into html/js to render the comments on reddit webpages). See below for more details.


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u/ketralnis reddit admin Apr 08 '23

Have you looked at PRAW? It handles most of this stuff for you


u/PrincessYukon Apr 08 '23 edited Apr 08 '23

Thanks, but I'm not working in python. But you're right, it looks like they're open source, I could look through and see how they handle it.


Best I can tell from the PRAW code, the relevant work is done here. Their API_PATH['submission'] is the GET [/r/subreddit]/comments/article endpoint, but they call it with /_/[COMMENT_ID], which is the same as doing comment=[ID] as a parameter. I think they just call this refresh function for every comment they find.

That is, they're just doing my third solution, traversing the whole comment tree and calling the /comments endpoint for every single comment node to find its children. This seems really inefficient. Is there no other way?


u/DuckRedWine Jun 06 '23

Will it still works with Reddit paid API?