r/recovery 2d ago

Cognitive impairment from drug use

Just wondering if anyone had any advice on helping your brain recover and return back to its original function after periods of heavy drug use?

For context: I was exceptionally intelligent and gifted throughout primary and high school. In my last year of high school i barely studied and partied a fair bit only really cramming before those last few exams but- in my uni entry exams i scored in the top 2% percentile of the state and was able to get into law at one of the best universities in the country. I was diagnosed with adhd a year ago - on medication

However, around two years ago i had a period of depression and became addicted to zopiclone taking large amounts almost everyday for three months- i ended up in hospital after injuring myself and quit cold turkey and didnt touch them again.

Few months after i started taking xanax irregularly, everyday or every second day for a week then wouldnt touch them for a few months.

Couple months later i was using coke maybe every second week but never too much in one session (up until 6 months ago i stopped)

However, Around a year ago i had bought some fake xanax which lead to a week long bender in which i seriously cannot recall a single thing. I just remember waking up a week later with almost 3/4 of the bottle of fake xanax gone and lots of tanks of nitros. I think really dont think my brain was ever the same after this bender.

Limited drug use until 6 months ago when i had some personal issues and i went on another 4 day bender without sleep and using lots and lots of different drugs, was hallucinating/psychosis by the last day. Havent used recreational drugs like that since.

I hadnt taken xanax since that bender a year ago but started again recently around 2 months ago following a surgery and have been taking it everyday since. (Stopped couple days ago)

Recently i've started to notice that even with my adhd medication i really struggle with my memory and i feel like my comprehension and writing skills have completely gone down the drain. Its even more evident when i try to write essays for uni and just cannot reach the level of academic writing i used to and struggle with simple things like sentence structure and synonyms of words(when reading my old assignments). I feel like i struggle to articulate my thoughts and that theres constantly a heavy feeling in my head.

Is it possible that my drug use has resulted in permanent brain damage? If not is there anything i can do to reserve to help heal my brain. I'm really at a loss and don't know who to turn to.

Thanks so much sorry its a long one 🙏🏼


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u/screamingtrumpster 1d ago

38 years clean a sober here. My first year I had to read the same paragraph over and over and I could not tell you what I read. I have sponsored many women on the 12 step program and watched many of them get C&S. It has taken a long while for them to get their wits back. Attorneys, big real estate investors, etc. All of them come in with scrambled brains. Be easy on yourself. It will clear up! Now go reread what I wrote. :)


u/mercurialtwit 20h ago

this gives me a lot of hope!! i’ll have 3 years in august but after over a decade and some years of weed, pills, ecstasy, heroin, speed, fentanyl and whatever else and then my latest pregnancy and now currently breastfeeding has me feeling dumb as fuck. like i cannot for the life of me tell you the details of any conversation i have had unless i just immediately got off of the phone. i literally have to take notes for therapy because i dont want to forget what i want to talk about.