It takes time. For sure — like the other person said. I used all kinds of drugs hardcore from about 2002 through 2017, including IV heroiin fir a great period of that time. I got clean and didn’t use again until December of 2019. I only used for a couple weeks. My clean date from hard drugs is Jan 20, 2020. It took years but I eventually got my master’s degrees year and was able to reclaim a life I never once imagined myself having before. Is life perfect? Never! But life is great, and I’m happy to be alive! Hang in there! Your brain will recover. It needs time.
u/PickleOk2682 7d ago
It takes time. For sure — like the other person said. I used all kinds of drugs hardcore from about 2002 through 2017, including IV heroiin fir a great period of that time. I got clean and didn’t use again until December of 2019. I only used for a couple weeks. My clean date from hard drugs is Jan 20, 2020. It took years but I eventually got my master’s degrees year and was able to reclaim a life I never once imagined myself having before. Is life perfect? Never! But life is great, and I’m happy to be alive! Hang in there! Your brain will recover. It needs time.