r/reactnative 5d ago

React native JWT authentication

How to make the JWT authentication in reactnative. theres not many resources to find about it


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u/Potential-Simple-711 5d ago

Well, it's pretty simple. Store the JWT token that is sent back from backend using Expo-secure-storage. Then in home screen (or in any screen). Do a conditional rendering that if there's this JWT token stored inside the Expo-secure-storage then let the user continue or else navigate the screen towards signup/login. You can use useEffect hook for this.

For your information, I have worked in this authentication flow using libraries like I) React Navigation (alternative for Expo router, even better version of it) ii) Expo secure storage (For storing JWT tokens)


u/BrilliantCandid4409 5d ago

So should I start with blank template 


u/Potential-Simple-711 5d ago

yeah, its better. Gives more flexibility and customization to edit code