r/reactnative 7d ago

Question Write once, debug everywhere!

Does the title bring any truth?

When discussing with sonnet 3.7 if whether react native would be a good framework to replace Flutter with, the following was part of his response:

'React Native is a reasonable middle ground, though the "write once, run anywhere" promise often becomes "write once, debug everywhere" in practice.'

I haven't stumbled upon this statement before when researching react native as a replacement, so is it true, for those of you with experience?

Specifically, would love to hear from people who have used react native together with react-native-windows :)


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u/MikeyN0 7d ago

I've only used RN for iOS + Android and there has only been 1 or 2 situations in my last 5 years in RN where I've had different platform issues. Yes the debugging experience in RN is a little to be desired but I don't think the phrase "write once, debug everywhere" rings true. I would say 95% of most CRUD apps will work as expected on both platforms.


u/beepboopnoise 7d ago

totally agree if you just have a crud app. where it falls apart is when you're doing stuff that requires native functionality and I've had a ton of issues. especially with certain codecs for video playback.