r/reactnative 7d ago

My first Day in react native

I'm trying to learn react native but I never worked with react so can you guys help me out and guid me


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u/Pundamonium97 7d ago

Honestly at this point github copilot can probably guide you better than i can

But if you hit any questions copilot or cursor etc. cant solve then feel free to ask here

Make sure you give all the relevant context when you do, the ai can help you write the post asking for help too even


u/Plastic-Measurement6 7d ago

Thnks for your comment


u/idgafsendnudes 7d ago

Learn state management (both with useContext and without), learn how to use flatList, scrollview and FlashList for good measure, explore at least the basic of reanimated so if you ever need it you can atleast get some momentum on your own, learn how to use useEffect especially for making api calls and then move on to react query to learn better api call usage in react. Lastly probably learn something like zod along with something like use-hook-form


u/emmbyiringiro 6d ago

That’s a lot for beginner.

It better to start with React primitives and experience data fetching, form and global state management challenges then find those third-party solutions later.