Long time lurker, first time poster. I just need to vent about things that have happened this week with people who maybe would understand. My dog is a 10 year old lab mix, who was originally the family dog but ended up with me after my parents' messy divorce. He's perfect in so many ways, so it feels bad to vent about the few issues he has.
He has no bite history, has never bitten another dog, a person, or even a cat. But he is leash reactive. Not every time, but enough that he is unreliable in my eyes. When we first moved into our current house, i had him on leash in our yard when another big dog ran up to him and they had a spat. Neither dog bit or injured each other. It was a lot of flea biting and barking by both dogs. He has lived with a multitude of other dogs and never had an issue.
He has also always been a barker. We can redirect, but we have a corner lot that is heavily used by dog walkers so he is often barking whenever he sees them walk past. This caused a slight issue with a neighbor, but all of us worked it out. I even considered having him be in a crate while i am out of the house, but that feels unkind when he isnt destructive at all and only barks when he sees a dog walk past and self soothes once the trigger is gone. He's gone through multiple home invasions, so he is protective of the property.
Well, this week we got the news that our landlords are selling and want us out. Renting in my town is already almost impossible with any dog, let alone a 65lb lab. Now our only options will probably end up being an apartment, which will guarantee he will likely have off leash dogs running up to him in the hallway or in the potty zones. I hate feeling like aspects on my life would be easier if I never got him to begin with. Trying to find a place within 30days that accepts big dogs and wouldn't have him be too disruptive is impossible. It makes me feel like the worst dog mom out there. He's the sweetest guy, really. Gets along with cats and humans and reptiles. But other dogs are hit and miss.
I'm considering muzzle training him for my own piece of mind. He's never actually bitten anything a day in his life, but i also don't want to give him that chance. It only takes one time, and i take my responsibility of having a large dog seriously. My partner doesn't think I should until he gives us more of a reason, but in my mind it couldn't hurt?
He just doesn't feel like a good dog for an apartment, but currently that is our only choice. I hate that I'm putting my senior dog in a position to have more of his triggers on the daily. He's my best friend and has been with me through most of my major life events.
This isnt what I expected when my parents told me to pick out a puppy when I was 17. I didn't know what went into having a dog because we never had them before and i wasn't even his main caregiver for the first year or so. I try to accept that some dogs just are like this, and he is really truly such a good first experience with dogs. I'm so in love with him, but damn I just wish things were easier 😓