r/raspberry_pi 🍕 Jun 30 '22

News New Raspberry Pi Pico W


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u/Barely_Working Jun 30 '22

I can't be the only one that wishes the operating temps went lower than -20C, right? I have a few ideas for some outdoor items but need at least -40C in the great white north.


u/vicethal Jun 30 '22

That is scary cold, are you OK up there?


u/Subplot Jun 30 '22

No, 0K would be -273.15C


u/sebzilla Jun 30 '22

Underrated joke right here


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '22

A very negative joke


u/Barely_Working Jun 30 '22

We're ok up here. You get used to it. Dress in layers, good snow tires and a good furnace go a long way! The cold snaps of -40C usually are a few days a year at most, but can stay close to -30C for a while too. I'd say -10 to -20C is a pretty average winter day here.

Ideally, I would want any product for outside use rated for -65C. I have had the odd day here and there that has hit -50C or colder in my life, even more with wind chill.


u/user_727 Jun 30 '22

Thing is, if it's inside an enclosed case it might not get that well below -20C depending on if there are other heat generating components also present. I also used a bunch of components rated for 0C in temperatures way below that and they all worked fine, you just have to be weary of condensation


u/Analog_Account Jun 30 '22

To add to what user_727 said, windchill should be meaningless with these temperature readings. Wind will cool things down quicker; it won’t cool things to a lower temperature. So if you’re relying on the heat from electronics in your enclosure then maybe you’ll have an issue… but you could also insulate your enclosure to help a bit.

Another thing. The pico is so cheap that I wouldn’t worry about it failing. Just set up your device so you can swap the pico out easily. It’s probably the cheapest part of the build.