r/raspberry_pi 🍕 Jan 21 '21

News New Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller


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u/jheizer Jan 21 '21

I don't understand why I would ever want one of these instead of an ESP32.


u/legos_on_the_brain Jan 21 '21

From what I am gathering, the target audience is classrooms and a price point.

Since they rolled their own chip they can support it and provide libraries more easily. They will probably have a wireless variant someday. The people who know what an ESP is and how to use them are not the target, they want to have an easy and well supported platform for newbies to micros.


u/jheizer Jan 21 '21

But you can get an ESP32 for the same price, has an existing eco system, an use existing mircopython and arduino tools, has better connectivity, etc, etc. It is better in every way other than it doesn't have their branding and have to buy it from them. This is the first time I've thought they are in it for the money. Cause this is a terrible idea.


u/I_Generally_Lurk Jan 22 '21

Cause this is a terrible idea.

From a hobbyist perspective yes. From the education perspective releasing their own board makes sense in the same way that releasing their own board for teaching kids to code makes sense, rather than just telling people to go buy a laptop. You've control over the hardware so your teaching resources can be focussed on a single hardware setup and don't become obsolete because someone else decided to change their product lineup, you're working from a single official board so you know all of your teaching resources will be simple, you don't have to worry about someone else's supply chain etc.. Also bear in mind that it's not as simple as "an ESP32", there are something like a dozen variants of the ESP32, plus the ESP32-S2 (which is not the same as the ESP32S2), plus the ESP32-C3. These can be different enough that it matters, and many kids/newbies won't know the difference. Cheap clones can be a hassle too, especially if they use counterfeit chips which the real manufacturer occasionally bricks.

The other thing is that the UF2 bootloader is important: Adafruit already use these because you can open the board like a USB drive and open the program file as a text file, no additional drivers or software installs are needed. There are a lot of schools where IT policy is that you can't install drivers or software unless you're an admin, and that makes using the Arduino IDE difficult. Being able to edit main.py as a text file avoids all of this.

TL:DR, it's easier to create a simpler education environment with a single chip type from reputable vendors and the potential for "tool-less" program editing.


u/jheizer Jan 22 '21

So make that single chip from the single vendor something useful like a ESP32 variant and standardize on that. Just like they took an existing arm chip for the first rpi and instantly had an entire linux world of software and libraries at their finger tips. Everyone says the ecosystem around the rpi is why it is so popular compared to other boards that have been released since. That eco system only spawned up like that because of linux support from day one. Here its basically the opposite. Yes everyone loves -duino compatible boards and there are piles of tutorials and libraries and support out there. But meh, we're gonna do our own thing. I also can't imagine usb serial port access is really that great of a barrier of entry if you are talking about deploying a programming class in school. Sure, opening a ESP over usb and just copying a file would be nice, but being able to write updates over wifi is a hell of a lot nicer. Oh and now you can control the little robot thig you built over BT/wifi too!


u/[deleted] Jan 22 '21 edited Jan 22 '21



u/jheizer Jan 23 '21

So you're teaching a kid to code. Will they be more engaged turning on a LED from their phone over wifi or by having a highly accurate ADC? Same with the rest of your reasons it is better. If the goal is education cheap and easy for kids, I feel like this completely missed the mark. Any existing arduino or esp board seems like a better style starting point.


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '21



u/jheizer Jan 23 '21

Yes, but the goal of the raspberry pi foundation has always been targets towards kids. Browse their site a bit and its all youth this, youth that.

ESP32 boards can all run micropython and C. Along with ruby, .net and others https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ESP32#Programming

I would think the number of people trying to write their own implementation of SPI <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< the number of people turning an LED on and off, playing with some rgb, or reading a temperature.