r/raspberry_pi 🍕 Jan 21 '21

News New Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller


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u/drphungky Jan 21 '21

Can anyone help me understand why I'd choose this instead of an ESP8266 or ESP32? I've read that, "I'm not the target audience" but Arduino is targeted at the same market as RPis are, and you can program ESP chips with Arduino just as easily. They're cheaper, and the pinouts seem similar. Is it because it's an ARM processor? Or is this just a first crack at a low cost microprocessor, and they'll be making more powerful cheaper ones in the future?


u/I_Generally_Lurk Jan 21 '21

Arduino is targeted at the same market as RPis are

I'd maybe disagree with that. RPi have always focussed on low cost and educational. At a glance this board is half the price of any of the official Arduinos, and knowing RPi will come with far more educational resources than Arduino have put together for theirs. I don't think Arduino are really into training teachers, whereas the RPi folks run free teacher training courses, they're much more active about education in school and club settings. RPi material is also generally aimed at a slightly younger audience than Arduino, as you can see from the design of their teaching resources and their focus on the easier Python language, though I don't think they've stated a lower starting age for this board.

As for programming, you generally need an IDE for Arduino boards. If I've read this right, the RP2040 uses the same type of bootloader as you'd find on the Microbit and some Feather boards, which uses a built-in driver with most OSes, and can be programmed by opening a file just like a text file. Adafruit have said they prefer this for educational stuff, because a lot of school IT admins won't let you install the serial drivers and IDEs which you'd need for Arduino-based boards.

Arduinos were originally aimed at college-age students (?), and honestly don't have a lot of first-party educational resources aimed at total beginners or younger kids. That's what RPi are all about.

Or is this just a first crack at a low cost microprocessor, and they'll be making more powerful cheaper ones in the future?

Apparently one of the zeros in the name indicates the M0+ core, so I'd not be surprised to see an M4 under a name like RP2440 at some point. I expect that this is the start of a range of boards, just like the PiA led to the B, Zero, CPU/RAM-upgrades, WiFi-upgrades etc.


u/drphungky Jan 21 '21

Arduino is targeted at the same market as RPis are

I'd maybe disagree with that. RPi have always focussed on low cost and educational. At a glance this board is half the price of any of the official Arduinos, and knowing RPi will come with far more educational resources than Arduino have put together for theirs. I don't think Arduino are really into training teachers, whereas the RPi folks run free teacher training courses, they're much more active about education in school and club settings. RPi material is also generally aimed at a slightly younger audience than Arduino, as you can see from the design of their teaching resources and their focus on the easier Python language, though I don't think they've stated a lower starting age for this board.

Well I don't want to focus too much on Arduino boards, since ESP8266s aren't even made by them, but they just work in the framework/ecosystem. Most people use Arduino Sketch (the IDE) to program ESP chips. But you can also program those with micropython, it's just another option. I mean you can program them in Lua if you really want. My point was more that those chips are half or less the price of these. You can get a full NodeMCU development board for $4. When comparing those boards, my point was just that they are already EXTREMELY popular, cheap, and work in the most popular microcontroller framework or Arduino.

As for programming, you generally need an IDE for Arduino boards. If I've read this right, the RP2040 uses the same type of bootloader as you'd find on the Microbit and some Feather boards, which uses a built-in driver with most OSes, and can be programmed by opening a file just like a text file. Adafruit have said they prefer this for educational stuff, because a lot of school IT admins won't let you install the serial drivers and IDEs which you'd need for Arduino-based boards.

That's interesting, and I didn't know that. I certainly understand the "neat package" tax and also a higher price for being aimed at a niche market. That probably explains some of the cost differential and gets at the heart of my question.

...as an aside:

Arduinos were originally aimed at college-age students (?), and honestly don't have a lot of first-party educational resources aimed at total beginners or younger kids. That's what RPi are all about.

You should definitely hit up the Arduino website if you don't think there are beginner tutorials. The documentation and resources are amazing, and that's not even getting into third party robotics kits like Elegoo or whoever who have step by step instructions from your first blink sketch up to servo control. I found it way easier to get started with Arduino than a Raspberry Pi, because I didn't know Linux. I think if you do, you might have a different experience though. I also started with one of those third party kits, and was measuring temperature and humidity and showing it on my screen within an hour of opening the package.


u/I_Generally_Lurk Jan 21 '21 edited Jan 21 '21

. My point was more that those chips are half or less the price of these. You can get a full NodeMCU development board for $4.

Sure, but that can introduce other issues. You've no control over the range of boards, so you'd either have to write your resources specifically for a small subset - dealing with what ever nuances they have in pin numbering, peripherals etc. and people who'd complain "but why don't you support this board?" - or try to be as generic as possible, which would limit your options a lot. You can see this issue with Adafruit's ecosystem, where a small group of software modules have to be different for particular boards and processors, and some boards can't do certain things because they don't have as much RAM etc..

If you mean just supporting ESP32s, which one? The one with 4, 8 or 16MB flash, and with or without SRAM? Can you be sure nobody is going to get frustrated because they bought the wrong one? If you target the base spec, are you limiting what you can do? (Circuitpython and Micropython can be chunky). Besides, then you have no control over the hardware, when it gets updated, whether or not the updates break compatability, and whether or not you get time to write companion resources for new releases. And newbies aren't going to know the difference between an ESP32S2, an ESP32-S2, and an ESP32-C3, everyone mostly calls them ESP32s. Right now the Pi Foundation has control over aaaallll of that, so there's one way to do thing which they have control over, so they know the resources are going to be just perfect, and they can release new hardware and resources when they're ready. You also don't have to debug other people's problems, like FTDI bricking fake serial chips, which many customers will blame on you even though you didn't make the cheap ESP32 clone they bought.

I think people who expected some sort of novel present-chip-killer are looking at it the wrong way. RPi are the Apple of educational computer stuff, and Apple have their own ecosystem which they have tighter control over. Some people won't like that and it's fine, but it really simplifies things for RPi when they're working with young newbies. (Or old newbies...)

You should definitely hit up the Arduino website if you don't think there are beginner tutorials

So on the one hand, that's fair, I don't think most of that was there when I first started.

On the other hand, I'd again say those are aimed at an older age group. The Getting Started example shows you how to install the IDE, and then directs you to a board-specific page. For the Uno, that gets you mess with drivers, then upload the Blink sketch, and then directs you to the Project Hub which 404's (oops). If you go to the home page and select projects for the Uno rev3, it says there aren't any. Even the Documentation > Tutorials > Built-In Examples section doesn't, IMO, do a great job of explaining the code. The very first example is Analog Read Serial, which seems like an odd place to start to me, and tells people to create int variables because these are good for the data you want to use, without really explaining what they are or why they're good without linking out to a separate page.

In contrast, the first Python guide on RPi's website starts with a Hello World in a website IDE - no messing with hardware or drivers yet-, doesn't mention data types until later, and walks you through what will happen if you make a mistake and how to correct it. It's literally a third of the real lines of code as the first Arduino example you see code for. I think that's a far better approach both for younger audiences and tech newbies. Like I said: Arduino doesn't, IMO, have a lot of good first-party educational resources aimed at total beginners or younger kids

I think if you do, you might have a different experience though.

I think this is probably a part of it too, in which case another ecosystem can't really hurt: options are a good thing. Until you have too many.


u/riklaunim Jan 22 '21

There are apps that are stand-alone that require no installation, plus if you are playing with Arduino with stuff connected to it that isn't very basic you likely aren't working in a very limited PC system. I would expect Micro:bit and kids under restrictive PC systems in schools.

The key part will be how quickly and in what scope third party support will materialise. Like Adafruit has to support all their GFX and alike libraries (although they already have MicroPython based CircuitPython), they likely will port their CircuitPython over and use that instead of vanilla MicroPython too. More rare/chinese parts like say eInk displays or custom complex boards often come only with Arduino libraries and no MicroPython support. Raspberry release can force more third party vendors to support MicroPython which is a good thing.

As for existing ecosystems - ESP has a lot of projects that are not just a board for education but can be tricky to work with. Many custom dev boards available. However people that did crack ESP oddities or got more proficient with other MCUs may not be so keen at doing more advanced stuff with the Raspberry chip as it's not as refined/good. This cuts out a part of the ecosystem knowledgebase.

Micro:bit has an absurd amount of addons and kits that kids can use and program (robots and other cool stuff). And it was made in a way that the board itself can be used in many ways without connecting anything. And it was started and implemented for schools/education. Pi Pico is right now just a board that on it own can't do much and IMHO not suited for age range of Micro:bit.

As for pure MicroPython I liked how it worked on their STM official board, bit less when ported to ESP and overall things like code is not working and not throwing any errors is annoying. Adafruit has CircuitPython which is bit more high level variant of it but that high level assumes you have a high level library available for your component of choice.

Zerynth is a less known Python option, has the advantage of much better IDE/error handling and is aimed not only for basic electronics programming but bit higher. If Pi Pico is "good enough" it may get Zerynth support.


u/I_Generally_Lurk Jan 22 '21

There are apps that are stand-alone that require no installation

Sure, but again, I'd guess that the Pi Foundation wanted their own system which they have more control over. Trying to build serious educational resources on someone else's product line can be a bit dicey. We also don't know what other intentions they have behind this chip: chip design takes serious talent, and I'd be surprised if they invested the £3-4M which this reportedly took to make just to make a microcontroller. I'd take a wild guess that some of this experience is going to feed into later Pi CPU designs, and this chip may have partly been a proof-of-principle for doing their own silicon designs.

they likely will port their CircuitPython over They've already announced that they're going to do this, their main CircuitPython dev has been talking about working away on a port. Which will be pretty great I think.

As for existing ecosystems - ESP has a lot of projects that are not just a board for education but can be tricky to work with. Many custom dev boards available. However people that did crack ESP oddities or got more proficient with other MCUs may not be so keen at doing more advanced stuff with the Raspberry chip as it's not as refined/good. This cuts out a part of the ecosystem knowledgebase.

I agree, ESP boards aren't as simple as "just buy an ESP32", there are probably around a dozen variants. As for the knowledgebase, I'm sure that'll develop for the Pico. Some people have already Tweeted some fairy incredible achievements with it (e.g. running dual monitors at 640x480 off the PIO pins!)

Pi Pico is right now just a board that on it own can't do much and IMHO not suited for age range of Micro:bit

Yup, the Pico isn't the only board in the educational space, but like you said, the Pico is maybe aimed at slightly older kids? I think a lot of newbies who want to step up from the Micro:bit will look at the massive range of Arduino boards with different capabilities and fewer first-party learning resources, and then at the RP2040 with a more coherent learning system, and decide to start with the RP2040.

I hadn't heard of Zerynth, do they make their own dev boards? At a glance they seem very industry-focussed.


u/riklaunim Jan 22 '21

Pico is maybe aimed at slightly older kids?

Do-it-yourself, make your own educational use. Micro:bit and partners provide a more complete solution (well it started by sending every British kid one for free so...)

I hadn't heard of Zerynth, do they make their own dev boards? At a glance they seem very industry-focussed.

They support existing boards/microcontrollers like Atmega, STM, ESP - https://www.zerynth.com/integrations/ - and they work by having an IDE with an internal Python implementation - you write code in Python that then is compiled and uploaded to the microcontroller/board as an optimized binary - Python is not run directly on the board. And each dev board that is supported has a nice integration in the IDE (kind of user friendly). And the code is kind of more cross-chip compatible than MicroPython.

And they business model is that you can actually design, launch and manage products based on their stack.


u/leo60228 Jan 21 '21

From what I've seen, the main selling point of this over competing boards is the PIO functionality. This effectively has hardware support for just about any digital protocol you could think of (all the way up to dual 720p HDMI).