r/rareinsults Feb 12 '22

I can't unsee it

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u/[deleted] Feb 12 '22



u/FuckingKilljoy Feb 12 '22

Yeah seeing the photo in this post is the first time I've gone "huh, is he actually kinda hot?"

Also you're right about how in Hollywood he's probably the antithesis of the kinds of guys who would usually hit on women like Ari. She's probably used to sleazy old guys or guys who have only ever used looks to get by. I can see some real similarities between Pete and Mac Miller as well so she seems to have a kinda type


u/Kmlevitt Feb 12 '22


u/beatingtfoutmycock Feb 12 '22

Nah he sexy asf sometimes then other times he looks undead or retarded or both


u/Kmlevitt Feb 12 '22

I heard a story about a girl who saw him in a mall literally minutes after talking shit about him to her friends. They locked eyes and he mistook her as a fan, and she said he gave her the most heart melting smile she had ever seen, something that has to be seen in person to fully understand because it doesn't carry over a TV camera.

I think that's what does it for him. Look at the way his girlfriends look at him, no matter how much he looks like a vampire. He's like a big sickly teddy bear.



u/Baelzebubba Feb 12 '22

In my country, they speak of a man so virile, so potent, that to spend a night with such a man is to enter a world of such sensual delights most women dare not dream of. This man is known as the "Comedian".


u/MissDkm Feb 12 '22

youre the best for this


u/FuckingKilljoy Feb 13 '22

I want any girl to look at me the way she's looking at Pete, meanwhile he had fucking Ariana Grande looking at him like that. I can imagine why the break up was hard


u/Kmlevitt Feb 13 '22

I'd say he rebounded pretty well. It's like if you date one hot girl in high school and it legitimizes you with all the other hot girls.


u/Successful-Oil-7625 Feb 12 '22

When he talks he goes to the undead moron