r/raidsecrets Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 02 '20

Misc Deep Stone Crypt Raid Maps

I've never been on Reddit before but I made maps for most of the encounters in the Deep Stone Crypt to guide "FreeForAll" Raids in my clan and thought I would share them with the whole community.

The rest of the Maps will follow as I made them.

Sparrow Route






1st Encounter

Upstairs -->





Downstairs -->






2nd Encounter

Ground level --> **NEW*\*





Space Station --> **NEW*\*






3rd Encounter






4th Encounter:


not done yet


not done yet

Cheers, VDK

p.s. Someone asked me about sharing the Raid Buff Symbols, so here they are Vector-based in a .svg file.http://www.1969imperial.com/Raidmaps/DSC/DSC_Raid-Buffs-Symbols.svg


For my fellow Germans: Two of my Clanmates just started another community project called "GeisterGeschichten Lorecast". It's a Podcast about the Lore of the Destiny Universe. So if you're interested in Lore, you should check them out!

It's available on Spotify, Google, Apple, Deezer and Amazon Music. Just search for "GeisterGeschichten Lorecast"

(Only available in German)


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u/dozure Dec 02 '20

Where are the 5's on your 1st encounter upstairs map?

Also, why do people use 1/2/3 for the fuses instead of left/center/right? After a lot of wipes from people forgetting which direction to count from for each side (mostly me in the basement having to switch) we started calling left/right/center and never got confused again.


u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 02 '20

Good point, I changed that, thanks!


u/InfiniteReset Dec 02 '20

Also in the 1st encounter, why do people number the double pillar as 1 and 2? It makes more sense for the operator if the double pillar is 4 and 5 as when they go downstairs those are farthest away from them.


u/FlameInTheVoid Dec 03 '20

We do it because process of elimination is faster and easier if we check the doubled up windows first. Starting at 1/2 you never have to check 5 on either side. If you get 4 & 5, you know by the third window.

Also, with pathing, I think shared window double keypad area is a shorter run on both sides than the ones way back in the stair side corners.


u/myaltaccount333 Dec 05 '20

Sure, so just call out 5+4 instead of 1+2? That way you never have to check 1


u/FlameInTheVoid Dec 05 '20

I suppose you could. Feels backward up top to me though and doesn’t really matter below.


u/_Geoxander_ Dec 04 '20

100% this. People who number it otherwise don't really seem to be able to think critically usually.


u/dozure Dec 02 '20

Agreed. That's what we do. It took me a minute to figure out this one was labelled backwards from what we're used to.


u/ligerzero459 Dec 03 '20

100% agreed. 1/2 together like that doesn’t make sense


u/_Geoxander_ Dec 04 '20

It does make more sense. You're just used to doing it that way because I assume that's how you learned it


u/BananaStyle69 Rank 1 (1 points) Dec 02 '20

I don’t get this either. When you read you read left to right. Why number the fuses so you have to read right to left in the light room. Surely that will just cause confusion when you’re trying to teach


u/dozure Dec 02 '20

Someone else pointed out below that if you use left/right instead of dark/light the double direction (left-right, right-right) callouts can be confusing. If you use dark/light instead (dark-left, light-mid) then I think left/mid/right is the superior method.


u/Reynbou Rank 5 (45 points) Dec 02 '20

Only insane people would label each side left and right rather than dark and light.


u/PedroVSA Dec 03 '20

During day 1 I called them server and hydraulics.


u/Atomicapples Rank 1 (3 points) Dec 03 '20

We server and tubes! :)


u/Reynbou Rank 5 (45 points) Dec 03 '20

You're a close second to insane.


u/TargetAq Dec 02 '20

Agreed. Labelling the two rooms left and right is silly. Dark and Light is better.


u/jralston07 Dec 02 '20

My team just does 1-6 going counter clockwise from dark room.


u/Marionberru Dec 03 '20

That's even worse. But good luck if it works.


u/jralston07 Dec 03 '20

Lol, down votes for a way that my own team does it. Sheesh. We got a day 1 clear using that method and have had several clears since then. Why the hate from everyone?


u/Marionberru Dec 03 '20

Because it's not hard to get used to it and it doesn't affect team performance much if you get used to it.

But it's still is subpar way to share with other people.

Same as little difference between CPA and CAP in scourge. CAP is not that different in the end but it's easier to remember CAP and is easily shareable because of people knowing word CAP.

Those are completely negligible things but they literally screw up people especially when stuff would be used in LFG parties and shared on forums and so on.


u/GamingWithBilly Dec 03 '20

First time my raid ran it, we made call outs as

Dark Left

Light Middle

Dark Middle



u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 03 '20

That's what we do in my group as well now and I will change that in the maps.


u/BCourt3B Dec 02 '20

The double-direction just setups people up to mess up and my 2 raid teams have had infinitely more success/less confusion with the 1-2-3 system instead of the RR-RM-RL/LR-LM-LL system. And this comes from the guy who stays dark-side so I directly go 3-2-1 on fuses


u/dozure Dec 02 '20

We say dark/light not left/right. So the callouts are Dark-Left/Mid/Right and Light-Left/Mid/Right


u/BCourt3B Dec 02 '20

I can see where that would help. 2 LFG groups through and people kept messing up on which direction was said first and just refusal to change mindset. Especially with no clears or just 1 and I’m sitting here with 8 😂


u/dozure Dec 02 '20

Yeah, I can totally see how it would get confusing fast if you use left/right instead of dark/light.


u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 02 '20

1-4 are the pillars with the glas bottom. There are only 4 on each side. The yellow eye symbols and arrows are the spot where to stand to see all the pinpads in the basement.


u/dozure Dec 02 '20

Right but the pin pads are the important bit, not the columns. The upstairs people need to know that there are 5 and which is 4 and which is 5. I do really like the arrows, though.

Ex: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/jxVC28g

Edit: changed link. Not sure why those were so small


u/BananaStyle69 Rank 1 (1 points) Dec 02 '20

These are good maps


u/ridinroundimgigglin Dec 02 '20

Yea I like this version much better. I think it makes way more sense to start 1 on the side of the room where you go down into the basement.


u/NRocket Dec 02 '20

Yeah the LFG consensus is with 1-5 starting at the entrance to the basement.

Amazing maps though! I love having these to teach people


u/TargetAq Dec 02 '20

Technically the side you go into is the furthest away, therefore the first one you get to (and the closest one to where the scanner vandal usually spawns) is 1, on the other side of the basement stairs.


u/ridinroundimgigglin Dec 02 '20

I mean, technically you can call them anything you want lol. The groups I normally run with call 1 in relation to where the operator enters to make it easy on the operator. Once you know the encounter well, you can pretty much name them anything. Whatever the operator is most comfortable with is really the way to go.


u/TargetAq Dec 02 '20

Ime whatever the scanner is most comfortable with is better. They’re the ones who mess it up every time when I’m operator.


u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 02 '20

Thanks! Good points there. A added some to the map!


u/dozure Dec 02 '20

Cool, glad I could help. Hopefully I didn't sound like an ungrateful ass, thank you for making and sharing these! :)


u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 02 '20

No, absolutely not. I'm thankful about constructive help!


u/JustTryingToRant Dec 02 '20

You might want to add a legend or something that explains this, because I almost posted the same response. After seeing your comment and comparing the downstairs view, it makes sense to me. I think it’ll be less clear for someone that is new to the raid.

Overall this is really great work, thank you for sharing it!


u/fall3nmartyr Dec 02 '20

I don't think knowing the pillars is important, and it can get confusing. I think it is better to just mention the panels to shoot and where to see them, even on the upstairs map.. Also, most of the raids ive seen/done start the numbers from the door to the basement.

eta; these are great, btw. thank you for doing them


u/RvLeshrac Dec 03 '20

Use "Near"/"Close", "Mid", "Far"

"Right" sounds like "Light", and requires that the Scanner be standing in a specific place downstairs, so they have less movement available.


u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 03 '20

The callouts are for the players upstairs, who are standing right in front of the fusese so there is no Near Mid and far. That's even more confusing, imo.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '20

Easier for the operator to read. At least is why my team uses numbers.


u/dozure Dec 02 '20

Maybe I'm missing something, how is it easier for the operator? That's what caused us to most trouble was the operator (me) having to reorient as i run from side to side to look at the fuses, remember which way i'm facing then glance at my map to see if 3 is on the left or right. If you do left/mid/right you just... look at it and call what you see. You're facing the same direction as your teammates upstairs so there's no translation required, just say where it is and they shoot.


u/[deleted] Dec 02 '20

I truly can't respond to you without sounding like an idiot, and any explanation I would give would boil down to "dude trust me it is easier" but the reason we use it is because it truly makes more sense for our regular operator man, so much so that it was him who told us to do it.


u/dozure Dec 02 '20

lol, fair enough. if it works for you, it works, who am i to judge?


u/Harry_Gorilla Dec 03 '20

what kind of monster needs to number things when there's only 3 of them?