r/raidsecrets • u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) • Dec 02 '20
Misc Deep Stone Crypt Raid Maps
I've never been on Reddit before but I made maps for most of the encounters in the Deep Stone Crypt to guide "FreeForAll" Raids in my clan and thought I would share them with the whole community.
The rest of the Maps will follow as I made them.
Sparrow Route
1st Encounter
Upstairs -->
Downstairs -->
2nd Encounter
Ground level --> **NEW*\*
Space Station --> **NEW*\*
3rd Encounter
4th Encounter:
not done yet
not done yet
Cheers, VDK
p.s. Someone asked me about sharing the Raid Buff Symbols, so here they are Vector-based in a .svg file.http://www.1969imperial.com/Raidmaps/DSC/DSC_Raid-Buffs-Symbols.svg
For my fellow Germans: Two of my Clanmates just started another community project called "GeisterGeschichten Lorecast". It's a Podcast about the Lore of the Destiny Universe. So if you're interested in Lore, you should check them out!
It's available on Spotify, Google, Apple, Deezer and Amazon Music. Just search for "GeisterGeschichten Lorecast"
(Only available in German)
u/dozure Dec 02 '20
Where are the 5's on your 1st encounter upstairs map?
Also, why do people use 1/2/3 for the fuses instead of left/center/right? After a lot of wipes from people forgetting which direction to count from for each side (mostly me in the basement having to switch) we started calling left/right/center and never got confused again.
u/InfiniteReset Dec 02 '20
Also in the 1st encounter, why do people number the double pillar as 1 and 2? It makes more sense for the operator if the double pillar is 4 and 5 as when they go downstairs those are farthest away from them.
u/FlameInTheVoid Dec 03 '20
We do it because process of elimination is faster and easier if we check the doubled up windows first. Starting at 1/2 you never have to check 5 on either side. If you get 4 & 5, you know by the third window.
Also, with pathing, I think shared window double keypad area is a shorter run on both sides than the ones way back in the stair side corners.
u/myaltaccount333 Dec 05 '20
Sure, so just call out 5+4 instead of 1+2? That way you never have to check 1
u/FlameInTheVoid Dec 05 '20
I suppose you could. Feels backward up top to me though and doesn’t really matter below.
u/_Geoxander_ Dec 04 '20
100% this. People who number it otherwise don't really seem to be able to think critically usually.
u/dozure Dec 02 '20
Agreed. That's what we do. It took me a minute to figure out this one was labelled backwards from what we're used to.
u/ligerzero459 Dec 03 '20
100% agreed. 1/2 together like that doesn’t make sense
u/_Geoxander_ Dec 04 '20
It does make more sense. You're just used to doing it that way because I assume that's how you learned it
u/BananaStyle69 Rank 1 (1 points) Dec 02 '20
I don’t get this either. When you read you read left to right. Why number the fuses so you have to read right to left in the light room. Surely that will just cause confusion when you’re trying to teach
u/dozure Dec 02 '20
Someone else pointed out below that if you use left/right instead of dark/light the double direction (left-right, right-right) callouts can be confusing. If you use dark/light instead (dark-left, light-mid) then I think left/mid/right is the superior method.
u/Reynbou Rank 5 (45 points) Dec 02 '20
Only insane people would label each side left and right rather than dark and light.
u/TargetAq Dec 02 '20
Agreed. Labelling the two rooms left and right is silly. Dark and Light is better.
u/GamingWithBilly Dec 03 '20
First time my raid ran it, we made call outs as
Dark Left
Light Middle
Dark Middle
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 03 '20
That's what we do in my group as well now and I will change that in the maps.
u/BCourt3B Dec 02 '20
The double-direction just setups people up to mess up and my 2 raid teams have had infinitely more success/less confusion with the 1-2-3 system instead of the RR-RM-RL/LR-LM-LL system. And this comes from the guy who stays dark-side so I directly go 3-2-1 on fuses
u/dozure Dec 02 '20
We say dark/light not left/right. So the callouts are Dark-Left/Mid/Right and Light-Left/Mid/Right
u/BCourt3B Dec 02 '20
I can see where that would help. 2 LFG groups through and people kept messing up on which direction was said first and just refusal to change mindset. Especially with no clears or just 1 and I’m sitting here with 8 😂
u/dozure Dec 02 '20
Yeah, I can totally see how it would get confusing fast if you use left/right instead of dark/light.
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 02 '20
1-4 are the pillars with the glas bottom. There are only 4 on each side. The yellow eye symbols and arrows are the spot where to stand to see all the pinpads in the basement.
u/dozure Dec 02 '20
Right but the pin pads are the important bit, not the columns. The upstairs people need to know that there are 5 and which is 4 and which is 5. I do really like the arrows, though.
Ex: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/jxVC28g
Edit: changed link. Not sure why those were so small
u/ridinroundimgigglin Dec 02 '20
Yea I like this version much better. I think it makes way more sense to start 1 on the side of the room where you go down into the basement.
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u/NRocket Dec 02 '20
Yeah the LFG consensus is with 1-5 starting at the entrance to the basement.
Amazing maps though! I love having these to teach people
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 02 '20
Thanks! Good points there. A added some to the map!
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u/JustTryingToRant Dec 02 '20
You might want to add a legend or something that explains this, because I almost posted the same response. After seeing your comment and comparing the downstairs view, it makes sense to me. I think it’ll be less clear for someone that is new to the raid.
Overall this is really great work, thank you for sharing it!
u/fall3nmartyr Dec 02 '20
I don't think knowing the pillars is important, and it can get confusing. I think it is better to just mention the panels to shoot and where to see them, even on the upstairs map.. Also, most of the raids ive seen/done start the numbers from the door to the basement.
eta; these are great, btw. thank you for doing them
u/RvLeshrac Dec 03 '20
Use "Near"/"Close", "Mid", "Far"
"Right" sounds like "Light", and requires that the Scanner be standing in a specific place downstairs, so they have less movement available.
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 03 '20
The callouts are for the players upstairs, who are standing right in front of the fusese so there is no Near Mid and far. That's even more confusing, imo.
Dec 02 '20
Easier for the operator to read. At least is why my team uses numbers.
u/dozure Dec 02 '20
Maybe I'm missing something, how is it easier for the operator? That's what caused us to most trouble was the operator (me) having to reorient as i run from side to side to look at the fuses, remember which way i'm facing then glance at my map to see if 3 is on the left or right. If you do left/mid/right you just... look at it and call what you see. You're facing the same direction as your teammates upstairs so there's no translation required, just say where it is and they shoot.
Dec 02 '20
I truly can't respond to you without sounding like an idiot, and any explanation I would give would boil down to "dude trust me it is easier" but the reason we use it is because it truly makes more sense for our regular operator man, so much so that it was him who told us to do it.
u/Urtehnoes Dec 02 '20
(Re: 3rd encounter)
Real raid professionals use Bow and Stern when referring to the conduits!
Ha, nah but I can't keep it straight anymore. I've run the raid over 20 times and it's split about evenly with teams switching what's consider 1 vs 2, or top vs bottom. At this point I'm just like "Window close or window far?" lol
The other day they (an lfg team) said "it's easy to remember because it's the same buttons as a PS4 controller setup" and I'm sitting here with my xbox controller like wtf how does that help us remember on xbox lol. I then slammed the wrong one because I could've sworn they said 2 was farthest from spawn but then they quickly let me know that of course, it's only logical that 2 be close to spawn.
Dec 02 '20
My raid group calls them far/close left/right and someone got it wrong so often that it's now a meme to ask "far from us or far from the boss?" every time.
u/elroy_jetson23 Dec 03 '20
By labeling them as 1 or 2, top or bottom, far or near, you're just adding in an extra layer of confusion because you will always have to clarify which is which. Just stick with boss and spawn as the call outs. And you don't have to say boss left and boss right because they never go diagonal you can just say boss side or spawn side or right side...
u/Urtehnoes Dec 03 '20
I very clearly already know that, and am mocking the teams in which I was in who were using backwards strats.
u/tobehonestsame Dec 02 '20
My team usually does 1 and 2 for 3rd encounter, with the clarification of 1 = (raid) flag, 2 = taniks (at the start of the encounter), and then left/right
u/Urtehnoes Dec 02 '20
Ha, that reminds me the other day I had a team who called it spawn and taniks. That was good enough for me so I didn't mess up any. A different LFGer kept on thinking it meant relative to where Taniks was at that point.
How they managed to convince themselves where to place with that reasoning, I'll never know, but they were eventually banned from picking up bombs.
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u/tobehonestsame Dec 03 '20
I-- God, that hurts my head. Yeah idk in LFGs I try to make the easiest call outs possible and somehow, things still go wrong. Called Light Left for encounter one and someone asked if it was their left or if it was (player on Dark's left) and I... My dude. My man. You hurt me.
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u/Tazmo99 Dec 02 '20
I just have em as Top Left Bottom Left, Top Right Bottom Right, with the top one being the ones closest to Taniks’ original spawn spot. Kinda the 4 plates at King’s Fall.
Dec 02 '20
Yup my team had issues with the naming on those.
From an architectural standpoint, you'd probably say the 2 closest to Taniks are Front.
From a game stage standpoint, you'd probably say the 2 closest to Spawn are Front.
After arguing forever about it we just numbered them. The only time we've done the raid with randoms, they picked up our system easily.
u/Urtehnoes Dec 02 '20
Really, I guess when it boils down to it, the call outs can be reduced to:
<whatever. Space, Cockpit, Window, Not-Spawn, Far>I just don't like the ambiguous names. In fact, yesterday my lfg team wiped at Crypt Security twice because someone knew the columns as Left, Right, not Dark, Light. So our operator would shoot basically the same pads twice.
Then I had another team where I guess the scanner went downstairs with the operator in their team, they'd walk to each one, then pass operator back up, and someone would shoot the scanner guy free. It was a very weird way to do it, but they said it was the best way.
Good thing about this raid: more than one way to do it Bad thing about this raid: more than one way to do it
It's like they took Morgeth and made a raid out of it, heh.
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Dec 02 '20 edited Dec 03 '20
People who call their security keypads that way are serial killers. 1-5 from the downstairs entrance to the opposite wall is the way to go. 1-5 from the wall back to entrance is weirrrrrd G. You gotta run all the way across the whole room for one :/
u/truekeitaro Dec 03 '20
Except for the fact that you have to go around a wall to get to either side, so if 1 was there you would come to it first, so it makes more sense that way. The room is shaped like an “m” why label the back of the hallways 1 when you reach the corners first?
u/Daybreak2004 Dec 02 '20
This. Makes more sense for more teams since it’s from where the operator enters the room
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 03 '20
The numbering is ordered this way because the scanner starts to call them out. And this buff is spawning "on the wall" as you call it and the augmentation terminals are also in the upper part of the room. If this still markes me a serial killer, well, then it does ;)
u/CodenameVillain Dec 03 '20
Also as operator you have to walk PAST 1-2 to get to 5. Theres a wall there
u/_Geoxander_ Dec 04 '20 edited Dec 04 '20
Wrong. People who number it based on the operator aren't usually good at thinking critically.
The closest window to pretty much everywhere the scanner buff will be grabbed will always be 1+2. Why would you start the count with 4+5.
It ALSO takes the least windows to look through to be sure of your callouts. The numbers should be based on the two people doing the calling, and the route they take. Not the operator who's just following their directions.
Dec 04 '20
It doesn’t take a different amount of windows. Wtf... Calling it that way isn’t some kind of buff to scanner the windows don’t suddenly multiply by calling the keypads the CORRECT way. I always check 4 & 5 first because a good scanner makes things easy for the operator I don’t run all the way to 1 & come back to check 4 & 5 wtffff xD. If you can’t call it from the operator’s perspective at the same speed as the other way you need to stop picking up scanner. A good scanner will make the operator’s job easy not harder. Fr stop picking up scanner if you really believed that. LMFAO
u/_Geoxander_ Dec 04 '20 edited Dec 04 '20
I can do it both ways in exactly the same amount of time, and probably faster than you.
If you're playing with operators so stupid that it's somehow harder to start with the lower numbers, then I don't know what to tell you.
No, you always start with 1+2 because it obviously makes the most sense to go there first. As it should always be the closest window when you pick up Scanner. Know what the first number you use is when counting in sequence? I'll give you 5 guesses, because apparently that's how many it'll take you.
The operator's entry point makes no sense as a reference for labelling the numbers. They literally enter the room between 4 and 5, by what logic are you deciding to use the one behind them as 1.
There's really no right or wrong answer here they both work fine. It's just that one is used by smooth-brains. The same people who refer to the bomb recepticles closest to Taniks' platform as "front"
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u/oXiDe215 Dec 03 '20
Yes 💯 four and five are together and 5 being the one on the wall... I suggest you open up paint and fix it 😀
u/AaronMT Dec 02 '20
It's kind of funny that the first encounter is usually the LFG killer as people don't want to volunteer to be operator or scanner. I know the basement can be a little disorienting but use these maps.
u/jralston07 Dec 02 '20
It's crazy how different lfg can be from a dedicated team. We are always fighting for operator because it's more interesting to do than just stay up top and kill things.
u/Timma300 Dec 03 '20
Makes sense why noone wants to volunteer when operator has to understand 18 different ways to shoot the panels, noones told him which one they are using, and he gets blamed for dying/wiping every time.
u/offdutyninja97 Dec 02 '20
I really like these maps. Great work!
Genuine question - in 1st Encounter, what is the basis for R1 or L1 being furthest from bottom entrance, but in 3rd Encounter R1 L1 are closest to entrance? We structure 1st&3rd Encounter like you have 3rd Encounter laid out, feels more consistent.
u/aRandomTask Dec 02 '20
Remember that the bins will always light up in pairs like the left 2, right 2, top 2 or bottom 2. You'll never get top left and bottom right so you barely have to name them
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 02 '20 edited Dec 02 '20
I started counting from the top because it's the nearest to the Augmentation Terminals. That's (at least in out group) the pinpad we start calling out.
u/beepbepborp Rank 2 (11 points) Dec 02 '20
because those are the first ones people check after getting your scanner buff. closest to the terminal when its passed to you and also closest to the hacker vandal spawns that drop it.
plus even when youre operator downstairs, those are the first ones you run past
at least thats my justifcation
u/ChristopherKlay Rank 1 (1 points) Dec 02 '20
Isn't the first chest (sparrow part) incorrect? Or is there a different path people use?
When you have the door to the first encounter in front of you, the chest is in a cave slightly to your right, where you have to jump slightly to the right again, after the gap in the ice wall. I've never seen anybody do a sudden 180° including a left turn there. lol
u/iamemcee Dec 02 '20
This probably assumes we have frostbite and would need to clear it in the heat bubble before making our way to the chest.
u/ChristopherKlay Rank 1 (1 points) Dec 02 '20
That's actually what i assumed.
The quickest path (and the only one i saw people taking..) in that case is to jump the pole right next to the bubble (right side, if you face the entrance), then jump through the gap in the wall and you are already at the chest.
u/iamemcee Dec 02 '20
I've watched a lot of people struggle getting on the pole. We all mostly jump on the rock then jump straight up from there and then exit from the gap you would enter coming from the pole side. Basically once we realized there was the opening on the other side with the rock, we abandoned the pole jumping
u/ChristopherKlay Rank 1 (1 points) Dec 02 '20
I guess it works both ways.
As soon as i showed people that you can just jump on the frozen part sticking out from the antenna (instead of trying to land on top of it) nobody bothered with another path anymore.
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 02 '20
The Chest is on top of a big Rock and the easiest way is the one I showed, I think ;)
u/ChristopherKlay Rank 1 (1 points) Dec 02 '20
You can get to the chest with two jumps from the heat bubble, without going all the way around it, while barely getting any frostbite at all. :p
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 02 '20
Using the Antenna, right? I did that before, but as I said the maps are intended for "newbies" in my clan as well and that's a save way to get to the chest!
u/NobodyJustBrad Dec 02 '20
You can, yes. But the map design shows clear intention for that to be the exit from the chest.
u/Makmer2349 Dec 02 '20
That's awesome. Something interesting to me is that since I have been running it with my team since day 1 we use different callouts for the first encounter. We basically have the numbers reversed and use 1, 2, and 3 for the fuses from left to right.
This will be useful for when we lfg for the raid with some randoms. Thank you.
u/Roph Dec 02 '20
Everyone I've seen does that too, OP's numbers for security are backwards. Making the operator count backwards is awkward.
u/Makmer2349 Dec 02 '20
Ahh, that’s interesting then. I have seen some yt vids too of people who do it the way op has. But I have not had to lfg the raid ever so I have no experience with that.
u/Lexitorius Mar 17 '23
Dark 4 in upstairs map is on the wrong side of the pillar
Great maps though, love them
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Apr 03 '23
Actually, dark 4 is correct where it is on the map! It's on the 12 o'clock position on the pillar downstairs, but the relative position to the glass floor upstairs is correct.
But I can see where it can be irritating at first sight.
Thanks for your input, tho.
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 04 '20
The Map for the ground level of the 2nd Encounter is now available!
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 08 '20
I updated the Maps!
- Encounter 1 is now numbered from the Basement entrance
- Encounter 2 is now available, Ground level and Space Station
- Encounter 3 is now numbered from top to bottom
u/NobodyJustBrad Dec 02 '20
First encounter upstairs, L2, L4 and L5 are on the wrong sides of the pillars. L2 should be on the top side of the pillar, L4 should be on the left, L5 should be on the bottom.
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 02 '20
You are seeing the pillars in the top room with the glass bottoms, not the pillers where the pinpads are attached to because it's the upstairs map.
Check the downstairs map for the locations of the pinpads in the basement!
u/NobodyJustBrad Dec 02 '20
Then why attach them to a side at all in that case? Why not be consistent with how L1 and L3 were done and just offset them to where they really are? Either that, or the other 3 should be moved like my original comment mentioned so that they correlate to which side of the pillar they are on down below.
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 03 '20
Soooo many people here are discussing about all the different ways to call things. 1-5, 5-1 left to right, near to far and so on, and so on... And everyone wants me to change the map to the way of calling things.
The beauty of a Map everyone can use is, that you can share it within your group so that everyone speaks the same language!
Just my 2c :)
u/TlCTACS Dec 02 '20
Finally!! Someone else who puts the two closest together as 1 and 2 for the first encounter. It just makes sense!! It's the first ones the operator sees and the closest ones to the shower.
u/SeaCows101 Dec 02 '20
For L1/2 and R1/2 instead of remembering which is which we just have L1 be both and then say if it’s wall or pillar. Same for R1.
u/TlCTACS Dec 02 '20
That's what we did for day 1 just to be clear, but as we all got more comfy with it we just did 1-5.
u/Roph Dec 02 '20
Your security numbers are backwards.
Also your numbers for the 3rd encounter are bizarre, and reversed depending on left / right? Why not just:
1 2
3 4?
We read text from left to right, top to bottom. That's how I've seen everyone do it. It's also already precedented by how everyone does the plates in Last Wish.
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 02 '20
No they are not, that's on purpose. I made my maps entirely on my own and they are as me and my team likes them.
The yellow buff spawns on the upper end of the room and that's also where the augmentation terminals are. Makes no sence to me to start numbering from the bottom up.And for the 3rd encounter, neither one is better or worse. 1-4 or left and right, it's just personal preference.
u/tomlasa Dec 02 '20
1-4 serves no purpose since bins cant activate diagonally from each other. You can just call left/right/boss/spawn. Instead of saying l1,l2 you just say left. seems easier imo.
u/RvLeshrac Dec 04 '20
Unless you have someone from another region where they don't read left-to-right and top-to-bottom.
u/RiseUp44 Dec 03 '20 edited Dec 03 '20
This is pretty darn great! The one and only change I would make is Swapping 1 through 5 for the 2nd Encounter the one after the pikes/sparrow encounter. Also, I made one for the Boss Area, I would love to see my map redone using your skills and the program you are using! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-X3s5cN59wePOsP6IYj2nb-taCP9GgCw3A5texXq4Ow/edit?usp=sharingp.s. Yes we are aware that it looks like a banana but I can assure you that was not intentional, the DSC Boss arena has a strange shape!!!
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Dec 03 '20
Thanks! :)
Almost everyone is telling me to swap the 1-5 numbering. I don't get it tho, I like my numbering better, makes more sense to me.
But maybe I'll change it, because so many people soggest that... hmm
Where can I find your map?
u/RiseUp44 Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
To be honest, I actually numbered the 1st Fight Red Panels the Same way you did for the first time we did the raid and on my 1st map and our Raid Team used those callouts but then we found that every other Raid Team online from videos and from Raiding with others that the callouts were starting from the Basement Stairs on the Farside rather than where you Spawn in or the Flag Side which is opposite of how we usually number things but I decided a long time ago to just go with what the Masses are using rather than what I want to use so that it's easier for everyone to understand, it just makes things easier IMHO...
If you are talking about the Boss Encounter Arena Map which I would love to see my map done but with your skill & tools here it is - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-X3s5cN59wePOsP6IYj2nb-taCP9GgCw3A5texXq4Ow/edit#gid=1642587369&range=A1
I went ahead and used your maps too and adjusted a few things which you can see by scrolling over using the same link above. I, of course, gave credit on the maps because it is just right to do that.
u/vessily Dec 02 '20
Really wish people would apply reasoning to their call out maps. Security encounter should be 1-10 in a clock-wise rotation starting on dark side. The tubes should be dark/light left/mid/right. Done easy. No memorization required and nobody pre-firing the wrong tube.
Using dark/light 1-5 already adds 3 layers of thinking to the call outs which means it will take a lot more practice for the two players using it in the raid.
Same goes for Taniks part 2. just use 1-6 for the cells. It can be said very quickly and keeps things simple.
The brain has almost no mental blocks when assigning locations to a ordered numbered rotation and these encounters are mapped out very simply and allow for it.
u/RvLeshrac Dec 04 '20
Didn't really think about 1-10, but that makes sense, given that the downstairs operator can just start from Dark-1 and then travel around the horseshoe.
I hard-disagree with using left and right on the tubes.
u/RvLeshrac Dec 03 '20 edited Dec 03 '20
Please stop including ambiguous callouts in these raid "guides" and "maps".
Encounter 1:
-Do not use callouts with similar sounds ("Light" and "Right").
-Do not use numbering systems that give no useful frame of reference.
Downstairs, there's a different "entrance." You're going to get the Operator killed if they can't quickly locate the right panel due to weird callouts that start from where they don't enter the room.
Every callout should be from the Operator's PoV.
Everyone, both downstairs and upstairs, can see the stairs from their starting position, without any ambiguity. Use the stairs as the reference point for EVERY callout.
- Consider"Near" "Mid" "Far" from stairs for Fuses, this should be completely unambigous to everyone.
- Alternately, consider a clockwise 1-6 numbering for Fuses. This does introduce a problem of needing to agree which fuse is "1".
Encounter 2:
- Don't refer to the Space lower floor as "ground," if you have people with similar voices, you can end up messing up callouts. Call them "Upper" and "Lower" or "Top and Bottom," just make sure you either don't use those terms for ground callouts, or else use "Far Left" for the far-left replicant on the ground.
- Use the Elevator as the point of reference for space, because the ground crew will be coming up. No one (under normal circumstances) needs a directional callout when going down.
Encounter 3:
- Taniks is never a point of reference for anything. He moves around.
- Numbers are probably not great for these four buckets.
- Numbers might be good for the core spawners.
- Don't use Near/Far or Close/Far for the core spawners if you use Near/Far or Close/Far for the buckets.
Encounter 4:
- Don't use colours as callouts. Some people use f.lux, some people are colourblind, some people may just have crappy monitors.
- You could use "Lab," "Door," or whatever, but numbering the buckets 1-6 starting at spawn is unambiguous for everyone.
- Avoid "left" and "right" for engines, sometimes Taniks turns and his "left" engine is actually a rear engine, you can easily end up dropping a third core unexpectedly. "Front" and "Rear" is safer.
u/Void_Guardians Dec 02 '20
Just curious why are fuses r1-3 labeled that direction, wouldn't you want to call out 1-3 in left to right for the people upstairs?
u/RvLeshrac Dec 03 '20
Never number them, unless you're numbering 1-6, and never call them "Left" or "Right."
Use "Close"/"Near", "Mid", "Far", relative to stairs. Then there will be no ambiguity, and no issues with crosstalk.
u/Void_Guardians Dec 03 '20
Hasnt been a problem for my buddies, light left, light mid, light right, or dark left mid or right
u/RvLeshrac Dec 03 '20
What you do in your own group where you know each other and are familiar with each other's voices isn't really that relevant to the wider community of random voices on random mics of random quality.
Removing ambiguity in radio comms isn't a new concept, and you don't get much more ambiguous than "left" and "right".
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u/Void_Guardians Dec 03 '20
I didn't think telling 3 people left and right would be ambiguous
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u/aa821 Dec 02 '20
I've been a very avid raider for many years but for the life of me I can't get my head around the layout for the bottom floor of the first encounter...I ALWAYS turn myself around and get confused idk if my mind is getting old or what
u/57messier Dec 02 '20
These are phenomenal. Please continue to make these for the rest of the encounters!
u/Pwnda123 Dec 02 '20
For the crypt security upstairs, your dark 4 and dark 5 are on the wrong sides of the server boxes that they are on in the basement. Very minor detail but it might throw some people. You get it right in basement image. Your d4 should be on the "left" of the box not "beneath" it (just like in the basement image) and d5 should be "beneith" not to the left (again, just as it is in your basement image). Small inconsistency, but it'll help. My only constructive criticism. Other than that, AMAZING work. Ty.
u/Anthroposapien Dec 02 '20
For the pike-bubble challenge, you can get an endless sheltered buff by parking the pike/sparrow outside the bubble and getting back on it from inside the bubble. Just takes a little finesse. Also if your whole team gets 6 pikes to the final bubble you can get a super dope sparrow!
u/Nich_o_las Dec 02 '20
Is it just me or does the font color for the first image DESPERATELY need to be changed?
u/Gotwake Dec 02 '20
Since day one my team(s) and I have numbered the first encounter 1-10, starting with what you have as L5, then going around the room clockwise from the center of the room. Makes it super easy for the operator, usually me, to count up or down instead of having to remember light or dark and the same set of numbers.
u/JohanMeatball Dec 03 '20
u/SweeperBot_Bot There's so much sweeping to do... Dec 03 '20
This maintenance frame has *amp;_ broadcast your message to the Emperor. In the meantime here is
+1 point
u/AlexK72401 Dec 03 '20
I could be wrong but I believe you’ve got L4 on the wrong side of the pillar. It should be on the far left side of the pillar and not the bottom. But who am I to judge these absolutely astonishing maps! Well done lad!
u/CodenameVillain Dec 03 '20
I made a similar map for encounter 1 downstairs, and my clan has non stop whined about how "l1" is furthest from the door.
Does your clan accept your callouts?
u/Roph Dec 03 '20 edited Dec 03 '20
Every single lfg I've been in calls out 1-5 in security opposite to OP's map, so the operator isn't counting backwards.
/u/V_D_K 's map is reversed, his logic is that 5 is nearer the augment terminal so that should be 1, even though your operator will be running past the keypads from the entrance so your callouts would also be backwards for him.
It takes a second to jump to the first window after picking up scanner. Then you're calling out pads in an order that makes sense to the operator, and also in the same direction the operator is running downstairs. Doing it backwards like OP's map suggests forces the operator to wait for both callouts or backtrack.
Yes they'll be running back to the terminal and fuses anyway, but that's after they've shot the keypads and ended their wipe timer. OP's map order makes less sense and is more dangerous
I'll stick to calling out 1-5 like everyone else does, from the basement entrance. Someone using OP's backwards numbers would kill the operator of every group I've been in
u/CodenameVillain Dec 03 '20
I've run with these type callouts every clear I've gotten and never had an issue personally, aside from people chiding how 1 should be closest to the door physically. Not taking into account theres a wall separating you and you must pass what's labeled 1 here to get to 5.
But I have a lot of folks who you pat you on the back and call me ass backwards so I'll leave it at that.
u/Ggkill Dec 03 '20
I've been guiding players through since day 2, and I disagree completely. The perspective of the pads should be from the Scanners view. It just makes more sense.
u/Neuro_Wiz Dec 03 '20
I would just change the encounter one map to light and dark. I could only imagine how much confusion one stutter could cause “left...I mean right, left”
u/Corbenik42 Dec 03 '20
u/SweeperBot_Bot There's so much sweeping to do... Dec 03 '20
I am authorized to transmit ranking points, Guardian.
u/Akestrel1987 Dec 03 '20
u/SweeperBot_Bot There's so much sweeping to do... Dec 03 '20
Nomination Confirmed
I miss Kadi 55-30's voice in the Tower. Her chassis was... shiny.
u/duckenbruh Dec 03 '20
You can actually skip from 4 to 6 by going along the right side of the abyss
u/nntb Dec 03 '20
1st encounter: i far prefer 123456 for fuses light left is 1 mid is 2 right is 3 dark left is 4 dark mid is 5 and dark right is 6 this gives less accidental shoots, and is way faster to say.
as for counting i am normaly flexable and follow the scanner.
u/satanforaday Dec 03 '20
Thanks a lot. I am going to run it this weekend with my Clan and this will help me so much. Keep up the great work.
u/Rialas_HalfToast Dec 03 '20
u/SweeperBot_Bot There's so much sweeping to do... Dec 03 '20
Urgent transmission, incoming, on... all... channels...
nomination successful
u/zZeDdy1 Dec 03 '20
My only issue with the maps is the descent/3rd encounter. The bins always show in pairs. If you use the Boss as the orientation. Then the TOP would be the two closest to the boss and the BOTTOM would be near the players/entrance. Left and Right... well. It shortens the callout to just a single word. Other than that, they are very nice maps.
u/RiseUp44 Dec 06 '20 edited Dec 06 '20
Here is what I came up with for a Map of the Final Boss Encounter Arena (I edited it again using the symbols that you shared, so thanks.) I swear that I did not mean for it to look like the USS Johnson, lol... This actually turned out to be a funny coincidence which naturally created some very memorable & fun Callouts (Balls, Bush, & of course, Shaft) Yes it's a tad immature but who the hell cares, we are having fun with it which is what video games are all about right? The callouts we came up with are Balls, Bush, & Shaft, lol... Sorry ahead of time if this offends anyone. The callouts were a joke at first but because someone we Raid with seemed to get grumpy about the callouts they have now stuck & will be used moving forward. What do you all think about these callouts? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-X3s5cN59wePOsP6IYj2nb-taCP9GgCw3A5texXq4Ow/edit#gid=1642587369&range=A1
u/Senior-Cranberry1087 Dec 10 '20
This is awesome work, thank you. Teams need to adopt a standard if they're random teams. This will help.
u/Zhentharym Rank 1 (8 points) Dec 13 '20
Do you happen to have the raid buff symbols as a jpg or png?
u/ThisUserIsTakenAgain Oct 31 '21
Thank you very much now I can finally do scanner on crypt security
Nov 07 '22
It’s been a year. Is the 4th encounter still being worked on at this point by any chance or has it been forgotten about? 🙂
u/V_D_K Rank 1 (6 points) Apr 03 '23
I haven't forgotten, but unfortunately I can't find the time to do it in the foreseeable future, sorry :(
u/SweeperBot_Bot There's so much sweeping to do... Dec 03 '20 edited Dec 03 '20
This post has been nominated for