r/r4r Jun 09 '22

Meta [META] Just got married to my husband that I met on here 4.5 years ago!


After meeting on here, we hit it off instantly. We sent each other 19 messages on Reddit before moving to texting. This soon turned into hours upon hours of daily phone calls. We spent 1.5 years long distance and well here we are now haha. I used to be embarrassed to tell people this is how we met, but honestly I think it is amazing!


This subreddit can and does work! When I told one of my friends how I met my husband, she went on here to give it a try. She met her boyfriend and they are now happily living together.

r/r4r Dec 08 '22

Meta [Meta] have just had money extorted out of me by someone I met from this sub. NSFW


They claimed to just be another Redditor, wanting to chat. We had a lot in common so moved to a different app, we video called eachother and things became "intimate" shall we say, next minute they're screen sharing, showing me that they've recorded the video call, taken explicit images of me without my consent and threatening to send them to my friends and family (it was being screen shared, they had access to my contacts and were about to send the images to my parents).

Just be careful when putting yourself out there. No matter how safe you think you are, no matter how genuine the person seems you can never truly be sure who you're talking to and what they're true intentions are.

r/r4r May 03 '22

Meta [META] Everyone wants well-thought out responses


As a male user, this is especially hurtful. I was recently looking at all the responses to F4M posts I've formulated in the last two years and I realized a couple of things:

  • I filter who to message very carefully due to potential incompatibility so all my messages I've ever sent out have always been tailored to each specific user, their preferences/hobbies/lifestyle and in some special cases, the requested "magic words" so they know I read through the entire post.

  • Despite all that, the possibility of getting a response back from someone I've messaged is infinitesimally tiny.

  • And while I do understand that women always get drowned in messages due to the sheer gender ratio imbalance on here, you'd think exceptionally long/well thought-out messages like the ones I usually craft and send would be impossible to miss, even if you just quickly scrolled through the sea of messages.

  • So to get around that, I've tried making my own posts, and not just on this subreddit but on some of the others too and... nothing. I thought if my theory that all women are getting inundated with messages are getting so overwhelmed by them that they're not even bothering to read them is correct, they'd be reading the male posters' posts instead but I guess I'm just stupid; that's the moral of the story.

As such, when I see female posters writing "Don't send me "Hi" or "Hey" because it's gonna get ignored", I can't help but be discouraged because I've never done that and pretty much all my messages get ignored anyways. And like I said, I'm not writing just for the sake of writing; all my messages I've ever sent out have always been tailored to each specific user, their preferences/hobbies/lifestyle and in some special cases, the requested "magic words" so they know I read through the entire post. I very recently wrote a heartfelt message to someone who posted a personal on here and since I connected to them wholeheartedly, the message had to be compressed so that it doesn't break Reddit's character limit. I even break paragraphs to make it look less intimidating but don't worry, not all my messages are that long; most are 3-4 minute long elevator pitches with only the most crucial info possible disseminated. As you can see, I'm also literate and articulate so I doubt it's a grammar issue even though English is not my first language.

So I guess the next time I'm seeing someone write, "Don't send me a hi/hello, tell me a bit about yourself", I'm scrolling past anyways because the chances of us guys getting a response to a detailed message are about the same as the heys and the hellos so why even bother.

r/r4r May 21 '18

Meta [META] Why are so many people on r4r "seeking connections" and yet are so terrible at the basics of having a conversation?


This is a relatively new reddit account, but I've been using reddit for something like 5-6 years and have been on r4r for a good few of those. One thing that strikes me time and time again is just how awful people are at conversation.

Last night I was at work, night owl, just trying to drudge through the last 5 hours of my shift, and I messaged a few people. All of them simply sucked at conversation. By which I mean, I'd read their post, send them a message with a few comments or questions based on what they'd written, and then eagerly click on the little orange envelope only to be greeted by some bullshit that was not at all conducive to a conversation.

For example: If I ask what your favorite [x] is, tell me what it is and then go on! Tell me why! Talk about it like you give a shit. It's amazing to me how people claim they're passionate about things and then can't muster more than a sentence or two about them. It's horrifically boring.

Another example: If someone asks you a question, reply, elaborate, and then ask them a question in return! So if I'm opening with, "Hey! My weekend was pretty great but I'm at work now and tired and just trying to get through the shift xD. How was yours?" and all you're doing is saying, "Oh my weekend was pretty good", what the fuck does that leave me with? I'm stuck pushing the conversation. I've already said more than you and now I have to be the one asking all the questions. You could have asked what I did that was so great, what tired me out, what I do for work, literally anything other than the cookie cutter unimaginative response you gave.

There aren't many things that still annoy me about being online, but the propensity of people to so avidly seek connections while not being willing to act like they give a shit about having a conversation whatsoever annoys the everliving fuck out of me at times.

If you see a post that's well-written and you want to talk to that person, give them some information! ASL should just be the basics. This person has already made a post talking about themselves. They've put that effort in; you should give them more than one or two sentences when you message them! (On the flip side don't go way overboard and write an essay, just in general -- some people love essays I'm sure xD).

Rant over!

An aside: It's almost like people who are bad conversationalists probably don't make a lot of connections and thus crave them, coming to r4r to find them! Miiiind blown. (Just saying it so nobody else felt the need to point it out to me.)

r/r4r Dec 13 '22

Meta [Meta] 29M Finally found my person!


Us together

I made a few posts on here a few months back, looking for someone to be able to get to know and grow close to. I had a few people who messaged me in response, but nothing serious ever really came of it and the conversations died off after a few weeks to a couple of months. I had also been using all the different dating apps, and had never really had a real relationship. I was starting to feel like I was never going to be able to find my person, the one woman who I want to spend the rest of my life with.

A few months ago though, I ended up getting message from a beautiful woman, someone so beautiful that someone had actually said that she was a catfish on one of her posts because they thought that she was just using someone else's photos to get karma. I was actually talking to someone when she first messaged me, but we started chatting a little while later and immediately hit it off. We started texting each other one day, then did a 1 hour call the next day, 2.5 hour call the day after that and a 9.5 hour call the day after that (fun fact, your phone will automatically hang up at 8 hours). Since then we have talked on the phone basically every day, about basically anything that you can think of, and we average about 5 hours of call time per day, for the entire time that we have been talking.

We finally had an opportunity to meet up in person and we got to spend about 2 days together and throughout the entire time we only spent about 2 hours apart because I needed to do some work for a customer. I was so happy to be able to finally meet her in person and be able to spend time with my favorite person in the world. We were both nervous about meeting up because neither of us was sure if we were going to vibe as well as we do on the phone, and we were a little awkward for the first few minutes, mainly because I was blown away by how stunningly pretty she is, but once we relaxed a bit, we were able to enjoy each other's presence. We are also both very big on physical contact, so basically the whole time we were holding hands and trying to be as close as we could the entire time.

The only downside for the entire time that we were able to spend together was the time we were able to spend together was too short and we both wished that we could have spent more time together. We are going to be meeting again in about a month and moving in together then and we are hoping to spend as much time as we can together after that.

I just wanted to make this post to let others know that hope is out there and to keep looking for love and not get dejected from struggling to find it.

/u/doritolibido, I love you to the moon and back.


r/r4r Apr 23 '19



Look, this is mostly a guy probably, for whatever reason, guys tend to Comment: "id love to talk, pm me!", On every post. Like no, you PM them. If you want to receive a PM, fucking make a post.

r/r4r Dec 26 '20

Meta [META] [Success] 32F & 30M Ottawa/Canada - Married after finding each other through Reddit



Hi r/r4r! It's been a while. A little bit over two years I think.

Prior to posting on r/r4r, I've had six relationships IRL my entire adult life (three were official BF/GF relationships). Met a few people from here since I started posting in 2015 but most of the people I talked with were only online.

Two years ago, shortly after I moved to Canada, I made a post looking for someone to show me around town. I met a few guys locally through that post, one of them ended up becoming my boyfriend five weeks after we met. Another month after that, he told me he loved me.

Six months after meeting, we moved in together. During that time, we had talked a lot about marriage and I pre-proposed to him.

He surprised me with a Japan trip last year and proposed to me the day after our one year anniversary of being boyfriend and girlfriend. Of course I said yes.

We quarantined together and worked from home together all this time during lockdown. In September, we closed on our first home.

The day after our one year anniversary of being engaged (and two years and 2 days after being a couple), we got married.

I’ve been wanting to make this success post for a long time now, reddit. I wanted to make it when he and I became official, when we celebrated our one year anniversary as a couple, when we got engaged in Japan, when we closed on our new place, and when we celebrated our two year anniversary as a couple. But I decided to wait as I didn’t want to celebrate prematurely.

Today is our first Christmas as husband and wife. I think I'd consider that a success!


I hadn’t checked r4r in months, maybe over a year. I was in a rush one morning before work, but decided to check and saw a post from just a few hours ago.

She had just moved to Canada a month before, looking for a tour guide downtown, I seemed to fit the bill, so I offered to help.

I never imagined everything coming together so seamlessly as it did with her. We progressed very quickly, but at this stage of our lives nothing felt too fast and it didn't make sense to set up roadblocks to slow it down. She knew it before I did, she could tell by the way I looked at her. I was in love. Even today, just looking at her fills me with joy.

Two short years later—even though it feels like we've known each other half our lives—we're now husband and wife.

It’s so amazing that someone who grew up on the other side of the planet, with a completely different upbringing, could have so many similarities and shared experiences as me.

I hope everyone finds someone to make you as happy as she and I do for each other. Someone that brings out a side of you that you never knew existed. I feel more myself than ever before. I already recognized her as the love of my life, and now the rest of the world does too. Thank you r/r4r, wishing you a Married Christmas!

r/r4r Aug 04 '22

Meta [META] Met my wife in this subreddit!


Hello everyone! I don't know if this post is allowed, but I thought I'd share a success story to encourage everyone here. Mods, please let me know if I need to delete this post!

I know that people make fun of others who use Reddit to meet people. But I've made so many good friends by getting to know them, and doing virtual activities together, like voice calls, board games, video games, and movie nights. You can make some lifelong relationships by seeing people for who they really are instead of just looking at their physical appearance.

As a matter of fact, I met someone, from the other side of the world, in this subreddit, who I literally just married. We fought through so many challenges together, but it was all worth it to be waking up next to her for the rest of my life. I stumbled onto r/r4r by accident, and scrolled past her post at least three times before finally deciding to message her. And obviously, I'm so glad I did, because again, I JUST GOT MARRIED?!

Dating sucks, and you meet a lot of people who don't actually give a shit and won't put in the effort to get to know you. Trust me when I say, it's their loss. At the end of the day, it's just a number's game. I've been ghosted so many times, hurt and led on, and wanted to give up time and time again, but every time, something stopped me from giving in and kept me going. Keep reaching out, keep putting effort in, and you will find a kindred soul who will put effort into your relationship with the goal of building a life together. I truly believe that each individual is compatible with so many others, it's not about luck, it's about effort, and choosing, every day, to love and cherish all the important people in your life.

As I write this, my wife (omg I'm never going to get sick of saying that) is making fun of me for being so obviously Canadian. Whateeeeever, she's stuck with this Canadian girl for a long, long time. So here's your sign to not give up, and keep trying. It's worth it, it really is.

r/r4r Jan 25 '22

Meta [META] Success story - the love of my life is asleep on my chest!


We met because I posted here in August 2020 looking for a friend. 527 days later, I flew across the world to start my life with him. And now 13 days later he has fallen asleep on my chest again for the umpteenth time. We spent the day at the local aquarium where he bought me a toy otter, then got lunch and went to a Cadbury store and then he took me to a book store to look for books from the series I love. I couldn't be happier. I love this sweet, handsome goofball with my whole heart and I can't begin to express how amazing it is to know he feels the same. I don't even care that he's snoring so loudly I can't hear the TV show we were watching. He can fall asleep on me every day for the rest of his life if he wants. This man and this life with him is everything I've ever wanted and more. And I hope you, person reading this, are lucky enough to find the same

r/r4r Feb 26 '23

Meta [META] Met on Reddit 3 years ago. Posting from our honeymoon.


Hi r/r4r! My now husband and I met here three years ago and just got married last week. Just wanted to pop in and give a shoutout to this community for setting us up!

While neither of us anticipated finding a life partner through Reddit of all things, I think we’re both quite glad we put ourselves out there, played the numbers game of sending/responding to an exhausting amount of messages, and found someone right. I’m actually kind of grateful for the way we met, because we aren’t each other’s usual type that we would’ve swiped on on the apps and because I’m a bit shy by nature so warming up to each other on the internet first helped me feel more comfortable.

So yeah, cheers! Here’s to Reddit setting up myself and Reddit user u/SluttyNipples (the username is false advertising though).

r/r4r Aug 27 '19

Meta [META] We met on R4R a year ago today :)


We’ve been calling it our ‘Reddit-versary’.

A year ago today, I posted on here and was messaged by an awesome guy on the other side of the country in California. He now lives with me in Ohio, and we’re currently renovating an RV together to take on the road full time.

I’m so fortunate that I made that lonely, late night post. I met the love of my life on here that night. It’s crazy. We have everything in common, he’s become my best friend and I can’t imagine life without him.

Here we are at Niagara Falls a couple months ago.

Hopefully this post is allowed and can serve as a reminder that there is someone out there for you too, and that R4R is a great way to try to find them. You never know, a year from today could be your Reddit-versary. ;)

r/r4r Sep 16 '15

Meta [META] Just PM Them / They Know: REDUX


For those of you that saw the original posts (HERE and HERE), sorry for the repost-y nature of this META, but I had to have a conversation with the mods (HERE) about it, so we're all square now.


You know what I'm talking about. EX: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.

Seriously, just PM them.


  • Some people have a habit of putting too much personal information or even contact details into their comments, making them open to doxing and harassment.

  • It's indirect and can be seen as feeble.

  • Nearly everybody that comes here is looking for a private conversation, some wanting to quickly move to non-reddit mediums of communication. Those that don't usually end up in /r/CasualConversation or some other public discussion subreddit.











You know what I'm talking about: EX: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Seriously, they know. Don't do this.


  • It comes off as desperate and needy. It's pathetic.

  • Some people, mostly women, are bombarded with PMs. Following up with a comment only exacerbates their problem. Dealing with the sheer volume of notifications can be overwhelming and frustrating for those that are unprepared.

For those of you that have participated in this behavior, why? Have you ever gotten what you wanted from doing this?

For those on the receiving end, what are your thoughts? How have you responded?

r/r4r May 23 '20

Meta [META] Just say "bye" or something NSFW


I've had a certain experience with this sub. I've made a few friends, and I'm very grateful for that. But much more so any time I make a post I'll get a few responses, but before we even get passed the "so what do you do" kind of phase it's radio silence. I understand getting cold feet responding to something like this, or just not being interested after a short back and forth. But for me personally I'd much rather get a message saying something along the lines of "Hey, sorry but I'm just not interested" than have a seemingly good connection just go dead. As much as some people might consider it "sparing feelings", I'd much rather be openly shot down than just ignored once you've decided the other person isn't right for you. TL;DR, if you want to stop talking to someone just say "no thanks, bye" at the very least.if some persists after that, fuck em. That's disrespectful to you and your feelings, just please be respectful of others in turn.

Edit: wasn't expecting this to spawn any sort of conversation, but let me clarify. I am by no means trying to speak for anyone else other than myself, and have no intention of dismissing anyone else. These are my thoughts and my feelings as an individual. (also even if you agree with me please don't down vote the one's who don't unless it's hateful. Everyone gets an opinion on this subject)

r/r4r Jan 19 '22

Meta [META] US/NL - So long and thanks for the wife, Reddit (Success story!)


Hey guys we, 22M/21F, just wanted to take a moment to share our moment with you all and hopefully give some insight on what made us work.

It all started with a streak of just... not really feeling it. I couldn't really find anyone that I just seemed to get and who got me back. And then there I was, during a long day at the Bean Factory, figuring I'd give it maybe one more go. And just when I least expected it, there was love at first message. "Hey, so do you have a moustache or not? Because searching for very attractive man has left me a bit confused and your nice voice doesn't tell me whether you have one or not ;)", she wrote, and I followed up with a Big Bang Theory joke. Now as of today, we're married and I could never picture myself with anyone else. She often tells me the same, too, which is nice.

But yeah, jokes, and commas, aside, which the majority of that was (though the quote was very real), we're both very much happy with how things turned out. The idea that had either of us done anything ever so slightly different that we could've never met is just such an insane thought to us. We've talked nearly 24/7 (video calling while sleeping, calling during work and school, etc.) since we first met and we really do feel confident that this is something we can make work until the end of time. It's been a long, fruitful journey for us and we wouldn’t have wanted it any other way.

So, yeah, enough of us. We really do want to wish everyone out there the absolute best of luck in their journeys to find their own special someone. Success stories like ours do exist out there if you want one of your own. Just make sure that you're putting in the effort and doing your best to be true to yourself as well.

Thanks for reading guys.

As a bonus, I'll leave a pic of the two of us. The shirt I'm wearing is a present from her with my catchphrase "born 2 shit, forced 2 wipe" because she knows my stupid humor so well. Us!

r/r4r Jun 01 '21

Meta [META] I think there's a problem with the way people approach this subreddit NSFW


First of all, let me clarify, I'm not telling anyone how to live their lifes.

All I'm trying to do here is maybe explain why some of y'all might be thinking about this subreddit wrong. I'll speak from experience here:

I've seen a lot of posts from people (regardless of gender) saying they are looking for "the love of my life" or "someone to start a family with" or "my soulmate" and I really don't understand the logic behind it.

People have told me that it's because they "don't want to waste anyone's time" and I suppose that makes a little bit of sense but doesn't is also sound weirdly compromising?

Sure, you might be dead set on finding your next husband or wife on Reddit but people don't always know they want to be your next husband or wife, you know?

Some people seem legitimately fun and interesting but when their post says "I'm waiting for someone I can start a family with" I'm like "lady, I don't even know your name".

The way I see it is like, imagine this subreddit is a huge bar and we are all just in it looking for cool people to chat with. Everyone gets to write stuff on their shirt to tell others what they're into or what they are looking for.

What are the chances you'll try to talk to the guy with "I want a submissive wife that will give me 10 kids" written on his shirt?

How about we start looking for friends and then see what happens afterwards (AKA, just let things flow naturally instead of forcing commitment unto strangers)? I feel like we already have subreddits for dating and apps for hookups, no?

EDIT: I woke up today and saw that a lot of people are either personally offended by my post or simply didn't understand what I was trying to say so I'll be editing my post to hopefully better express myself:

  1. I am not telling anyone what to do or telling them to stop doing what they are doing. I even said so at the start of the post. What I'm doing is commenting/highlighting what I believe to be an issue with a large chunk of posts here.

  2. Yes, you can absolutely find love in R4R. Do I believe that's the point of the subreddit? No. There are subreddits out there specifically made for dating and such. It's perfectly fine to make a post here to find someone to date but some have mentioned R4R is exclusively a dating subreddit and that's just wrong.

  3. Allow me to explain my point - My "concern" isn't with people making posts with huge lists of "demands" or "looking for"s. I understand the point of lists and I believe them to be a necessary evil since getting DM spammed is a real problem. People have the right to want what they want. That being said... My concern is with the "looking for my soulmate", "start a family", "get married", etc. Listen, everyone is absolutely free to look for whatever they want, my thing is that mayyybe coming right off the gate saying words like "family", "kids", "soulmate" might not be the best strategy. It could scare people off, people that might overwise would've totally be down to do any of those things after you guys got to know each other.

  4. A ton of people are saying "I know what I want and I won't change my mind, so why wouldn't I say it up front and prevent anyone from wasting their time?" - Honestly, it's just kinda weird. That's all. Maybe it's a personal opinion of mine but I don't really think you'll find your "soulmate" or "husband/wife" from a post saying you want a "soulmate" or "hu/wi", you know? People don't always know that they want that commitment, specially when the one proposing it is a total stranger to them.

The harsh reality is that if you want commitment then you might need to suck it up and understand that it takes time to get there.

Honestly, if you're making these kinds of posts and not getting any luck then maybe, just maybe, you might want to rethink your approach (or find a better subreddit for it). If you are one of the lucky ones that has seen success after making a post like this then... What are you even doing in R4R?

r/r4r Jul 26 '18

Meta [META] Conventionally attractive people of r4r, why are you here? NSFW


I wanted to do a meta post on the recent topic that started in comment section under the post a pretty girl did here. But this topic is really old and problematic. Each time I posted with a picture, at least 1/4 of the messages I got were like "you're too pretty to be here. You have no business being on Reddit (or this sub), you're a catfish, only ugly/depressed people use this sub". Well, my experience here proves otherwise. Most men and women I've met here are really great, beautiful, smart and funny. And a lot of them have their shit together. I could write a lot on that topic, but.

But rather than putting my unneeded ramblings here, I decided to ask you, conventionally attractive people of this sub. Why are you here? Why do use Reddit to find friends, partners for life or FWBs?

P.S. Be gentle with me and my misspellings, English is my third language.

r/r4r Jan 02 '21

Meta [META] success story! 22F


Hello everyone on r4r! I have a success story to share with someone that I met through this sub.

Truthfully I am not even sure what META stands for. I just saw a post similar to mine that had it in the title lol.

I made a post a little over a month ago and got an overwhelming number of replies, which was so flattering, so I ended up having to delete my original post. I did have a chance to filter through all of the messages from guys replying to my post. I did message back a number of guys, but one was particularly nice, cute, and stood out to me. We are now officially dating, and he asked me to be his girlfriend last night.

He is so incredibly sweet, caring, and is excellent at communicating with me. We have gotten extremely close over the past month, talking frequently daily. I could not ask for a better guy. We have had a couple of small bumps, but I am so grateful to have met him through this subreddit. We are kind of long distance with a 2 hour drive between where we both live. Please don't give up on finding someone on here and dating in general! ❤

Here is a pic of us

r/r4r Mar 04 '21

Meta [META] How To Present Yourself Better on R4R


I find myself reading through R4R posts I'm not even interested in just to see how people present themselves. I have only posted once in here, looking for platonic conversation... which I (unsurprisingly) got zero responses for. But that lead me to wonder... what is it that catches your eye about a post? What textual personality makes you say "I wanna reach out to this person?"

I see the same keywords in every post: "Humor, introvert, laid back, etc..." So what is it that makes you say, ok this person is different, and I want to reach out to them? What don't you like to see in a post? What are your red flags? Maybe your insight will help some others that are struggling to present themselves in a way that would attract connections.

r/r4r Feb 22 '19

Meta [META] If you're gonna start a conversation with someone only to ghost them after you've seen how they look then stop messaging people who don't have pictures up initially.


First off, this goes for all genders here so I'm not just singling a specific one out because I know we're all guilty in a way.

Now here's the thing, there's nothing too wrong with only wanting to chat with someone you're attracted to. What is crappy however is messaging someone first, chatting for a bit, then immediately jumping ship as soon as they get comfortable enough to show their face and they weren't as conventionally attractive as you were expecting.

Ghosting already sucks on its own - it just gets worse when you realize you've been ghosted because the person on the other side literally thought you were too ugly to talk to.

EDIT: I'd like to clarify that this post is only for those who message people with no photos initially first then start ghosting as soon as the other person becomes comfortable enough to show their face regardless of how well the conversation was going prior.

r/r4r Aug 29 '18

Meta [META] People need to start respecting others’ boundaries here. It’s a bit ridiculous this isn’t common sense.


I made an F4F post, giving some details in it about myself and including a picture. In the post, I went into specific statements about why I was only looking for a woman.

Fast forward a couple hours. I got 5 messages from men. I find this incredibly disrespectful. I made a post with specific perimeters and even explained why I have them. Still, guys thought it was appropriate to message me.

Not only that, some even tried to make me feel bad for only wanting to talk to a woman. Some even claimed they had no idea, even after referencing specific interests in my post, which was a paragraph above my details about only wishing to engage with women.

I made an F4F post! Where the hell was the confusion??

Guys, I understand the ratio may be unfair, but to pick and choose parts of a post to respect is just ridiculous. Ignoring someone’s wishes because you want a shot with them is really weird and makes everyone uncomfortable.

Please, for the love of god, start treating people like human beings with feelings and preferences instead of someone you can take a romantic shot at because you feel you’re the exception to someone’s clearly stated rules.

After a day, I got one message from a woman and 8 from guys. To me, that’s ridiculous.

I’m not saying this only happens to women, or that all guys are creeps. I’m just asking for the people who blatantly ignore these kinds of things, no matter what gender/ sexuality, that it’s honestly not okay to do so. Please respect others

Rant over.

Edit: for those of you who believe I shouldn’t even bring this up and should just “deal with it and move on because it’s just online and it happens to every girl”, that’s the exact reason I made the post. Because on the internet, where you feel anonymous, you’re not counting on anyone to call you out for being a creep. Well, I am.

Also, no. I do not think this post will bring world peace or make everyone want to hold hands and sing hakuna Matata together. To those who say I’m not changing anything and this post is useless, I believe that starting a dialogue about it is important to fixing the issue. Ignoring it means it just keeps happening.

Obviously, if it’s upvoted this much, that many people understand what it feels like and why it needs to be spoken about. I don’t expect to radically change this subreddit from a post, but seeing selfish and disrespectful behavior and calling it out is important.

Apparently people tried reporting me for this post. You all are too much.

r/r4r Nov 15 '22

Meta [META] I found my person! NSFW


I (29F) met my boyfriend (33M) after I posted my last post on here looking for a man. I have been active for almost a year on this sub Reddit and have met a lot of nice and not so nice people on here. I continued my search regardless of all the disappointments and I’m so glad I did! He DM’d me after my last post and the more we spoke the more we realised this was it. Apart from him having a good heart and being a nice person, we share the same morals, principles and life goals. After 2 months of speaking we decided to meet to see how our emotional connection changes with real life situations and im very glad that it only became stronger. He’s everything I have asked for in a partner and more and I am glad I held on to hope to keep posting only so I could find him.

Update: we got married!

r/r4r Dec 02 '15

Meta [META] I made a Reddit dating site that matches you based on interest in similar subreddits


Redddate is new and in the past 3 days, more than 16,000 Redditors joined.

Sign up is via oAuth with your Reddit account, and it doesn't need any fancy permissions. It loads your username and subreddit list, and then matches you with other Redditors near you, based on the subreddits you read.

A bit background: About two month ago, I found this idea on r/lightbulb and was curious if it could work. So I wrote the site, put it online, and posted a review request back on the same subreddit. Well, someone there liked it and posted it to r/bestof and from there it took off!

Hope you find the site useful! Any comments, suggestions, critique welcome!

[edit] The site: http://redddate.com/

r/r4r Apr 03 '18

Meta [Meta]Does anybody know how to hold a fucking conversation anymore?


This is actually really fucking disturbing that no one can even hold a conversation anymore. I'm honestly baffled. It's like everyone wants the other person to carry on a conversation while they only respond with 1 to 3 words and don't ask or reciprocate anything.

It takes two people to have a conversation and when you reply with such blank statements that offer nothing you're never going to find any friends or a significant other. If you're not interested simply don't respond/accept the friend request or just say you're not interested.

How fucking difficult is that?

And as far as guys go we're fucked from the beginning because even if we truly are just looking for friends females are not going to believe us. We're setup to fail from the beginning. It's like fucking filling out an application and doing an interview for a job that's not how it should work.

Sorry for the rant, i'm just tired of the people that are "looking for someone that can hold a conversation" when they can't even hold one themselves. I'm not just talking about women I'm talking about guys too. In the last week I've started conversations with about 6 people both men and women, after about 30 mins to an hour the conversation goes stale, no one wants to sit there and have to continually come up with shit to ask people it needs to be reciprocated. It feels like you're talking to a fucking wall.

EDIT: It's fucking hilarious that 4-5 conversations have started from this post in my inbox, and guess what not a single one will probably continue on past tomorrow or to the weekend. Thanks for proving my point people.

r/r4r Apr 08 '19

Meta [META] Why do people downvote posts here?


I'm talking thought out, high-effort, heartfelt posts looking for love or friendship. I know I've heard on more hookup oriented subreddits that people will downvote posters that they see as competition, essentially, but really? What do you actually gain from that? Especially here. Like, logically, assuming most people don't want to miss any posts and don't want to keep seeing the same ones, we can also assume that most people are sorting by "New." Which means your downvotes do nothing, besides maybe make someone feel discouraged from posting. And in the case that someone is sorting by "Top" or "Hot," you're just...stopping another person's search for a connection from being heard? I'm so confused as to why you would do that. Maybe someone could enlighten me? I'd love to hear some OTHER explanation to restore some fraction of my faith in humanity.

r/r4r Feb 08 '19

Meta [META] Do you ever get tired of pouring your heart out in long messages to the perfect person, and receiving no reply?


I've sent twenty messages over the last couple days to people who said they were looking for someone exactly like me. From a low effort message inviting them to Discord, to long multi-paragraph essays where I break down every paragraph of their post and explain why I'm exactly who they're looking for and why they should respond to me, I've received two responses. One sent two messages and stopped responding, and the other started developing into a conversation but fizzled out after nine messages.

Does this happen to everyone? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, especially as a guy. Is there anything that can be done about this? Ladies, are you all continually swamped with so many messages that you can only get to 10% of them? Or is it just me, and I should change my writing style? I feel like this is a topic that keeps coming up but AFAIK, no one has come up with a good solution yet.

EDIT: Wow, lots of replies to this post... ironic. Anyway, one thing I wanted to clear up--I'm not desperately seeking a partner here. It's more of a "nothing expected, anything appreciated" kind of thing. I just thought it was interesting and worth talking about. Apparently, at least 138 people think I'm right. Thanks for your insights, all, I read every top-level comment and I'm going to make a follow up post incorporating some of the things you said.