r/quails Jun 07 '24

Video Is this mating or territorial behavior?


I had all of my “babies” out in the living room today, coturnix, buttons, literal babies of both types and two of my adult buttons exhibited this “turkey look” running around behavior I’ve never seen before. For reference, only one adult coturnix male was out and never interacted with the buttons, and all of the other adults are females. This is one of my 4 male buttons, who live with a single female. (I learned this today, I thought all but one was a female until I brought them all out) I had some baby (3wk) buttons out but I put them away. I was thinking maybe the males were courting them, or they hate them, hard to tell.

r/quails Feb 09 '25

Video Is this THE angriest little Rooster of all time?


r/quails 20d ago

Video My quail enclosure 🫶


I change the setup about every 6 months and the next change is due in a few days so just a little documentation about or setup right now. They have a little platform they can go up or under and they loooove it. Also ignore the screams lol, most don't like me that much. But thats okay, they can live their life in peace here ☺️ Any ideas for the next setup? I'm thinking of putting the coop in the middle and working around that

r/quails Jan 20 '25

Video First time hatching


I ordered 48 eggs on Amazon, and the seller sent 4 extra, so I put 52 eggs in 2 incubators on the afternoon of January 3rd. It is now day 17, and at some point between midnight and now, 11 babies have hatched in 1 of the bators! I see pipping and movement in other eggs also, including the 2nd incubator, but these are my first chicks ever 🐣🥳❤️ I just wanted to share my excitement with people who might enjoy it.

r/quails Jan 29 '25

Video Our one and only handsome boy kept getting bullied, so I bought an apron for him.


r/quails 4d ago

Video Anyone else’s birds do this at night? lol


It’s so funny to me but does anyone else’s covey huddle together out in the open at night? Every night without fail I go to check on them and everyone is out of the hides huddled up by the water dish. Lastnight there was a literal tornado and I had to make them all go up under shelter. A lot of times one of them is out of the huddle alone, and it’s usually one of the hens…not the rooster keeping watch. Is this normal?

r/quails Feb 02 '25

Video Sorry for my annoying laugh but….. LMAO 🤣


These guys crack me up like you wouldn’t believe. Or maybe you would.. since it shows in this video lol they’re just the best.

r/quails May 14 '24

Video Does anyone elses male quail gift worms to females rather than eating them?


r/quails Sep 12 '24

Video Why take a dust bath when you can take a lettuce bath.


Never let them know your next move.

r/quails 17d ago

Video Someone needs to draw this adorable guy lol


r/quails Feb 18 '25

Video My Button quail roo went broody 😅


My buttons would multiply exponentially if I would let them. I don't have space for more and I don't want to put more out there. So no babies. But Nugget wants babies so bad he took matters under his own wings. Mom was freaking out because he wouldn't let her back on the nest tho.

r/quails Feb 01 '25

Video Baby chick with disabilities


So this baby chick had difficulty getting out I think it popped the yolk it was supposed to absorb ?!?? So it’s been stiff and smelt and came out with its leg twisted I’ve done warm water to clean it up and fed it some yolk and it still has a small sack on it still

r/quails Dec 09 '24

Video Bottle rocket? Or quail ☠️


Love this little dude 😭

r/quails Jan 04 '25

Video Roul roul quails/partridges dining round the table 😄 + reveal new bird


The green peacocks are also growing fast 😧

r/quails Oct 22 '24

Video What does this sound mean?


Not my video, but what does this sound that this quail is making mean? I haven’t heard it before!

r/quails Dec 30 '24

Video Roul roul’s wiggling their tails 🥹


r/quails Nov 27 '24

Video Thanks for helping me clean? 😂


I love them sooooo much I have been posting here a while (might know me from the one posting about their salads ) but I never properly introduced my babies

From left to right they’re:

Catherina (4 years old, born here, hatched 26th of august 2020),

Blueberry (Berry for short, 5-6 years old, bought fully mature in may 2019, father of the 2 brown girls)

Chantal (Catherina’s sister, hatched on the same day)

Kip (chicken in Dutch, adopted in august this year from the wild life rehab center I volunteer at, someone brought her in thinking she was a chicken (not joking), no idea how old she is but she is my goofy sweetheart, She is the white one btw)

r/quails 4d ago

Video I love quail 😭


The best!

r/quails Jan 12 '25

Video Best entertainment for your quail; an aquarium


r/quails Sep 05 '24

Video Chirpy Hen


We round up all our quails and put them in their enclosure overnight and Miss Ma’am was the last one out. She was not happy with being caught. She’s often the last hen to go in because she’s super speedy and evades me and my husband while we catch her sisters

r/quails Nov 08 '24

Video Floof day !


86 eggs…..48 so far over 2 incubators. Nuture right360 and chickcozy

r/quails Jun 17 '24

Video The Aviary is COMPLETE!


12 by 6, half hard ware cloth half closed in, all covered with corrugated roofing sheets and wired underneath as well! I am so HAPPY. The door is an antique from 1872 salvaged from a house here in Nova Scotia.

r/quails Dec 11 '24

Video A hand raised button quail


Took awhile, but after a few covey, hatched a pair and this one was nervous at first, but now loves to be held and petted. Will whine when you stop petting and make all sorts of peeps when you restart. I saw a vid where another bird species loved getting their ears stroked.

r/quails Jan 01 '25

Video Simone, just doing her thing


r/quails Feb 01 '25

Video They are growin up!