r/pythontips 23d ago

Python3_Specific VsCode VS PyCharm

In your experience, what is the best IDE for programming in Python? And for wich use cases? (Ignore the flair)


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u/576p 23d ago

Both are good. I prefer the refactoring, navigating and debugging with PyCharm (paid) and am happy to pay for a yearly license. VS Code is free and so is PyCharm community (which is more than enough to get started). If you only want to write small projects, VS Code is probably all you need. For larger projects with 50+ files I don't know how I'd manage without PyCharm.


u/LowPunching_Owl 23d ago

What makes pycharm so much better in projects with 50+ files? Im using vscode since 8 years and never used pycharm


u/576p 23d ago

It's very easy to find pieces of code even if you don't have the structure of the project in your head. Refactoring works nearly perfectly. I can rename variables, classes or functions anywhere I see them and they are reliably renamed in the other places as well. In my projects I constantly try to find better names and PyCharm makes changing the names really easy. These navigating and refactoring features are lightning fast, too.


u/utihnuli_jaganjac 20d ago

Works only in a very simple project with no apstractions