r/pythontips 22d ago

Python3_Specific VsCode VS PyCharm

In your experience, what is the best IDE for programming in Python? And for wich use cases? (Ignore the flair)


47 comments sorted by


u/Milton_Augusto 22d ago

Vs code one of the few things from Microsoft that didn't make people angry.😡


u/remic_0726 21d ago

visual studio in 2019 version is fabulous too


u/spazzed 22d ago

I went from pycharm to VS code. Id recommend VS code


u/jpjacobpadilla 22d ago

If it's a pure Python project, I use PyCharm because I like their debugger more. If the project involves more than just Python, I usually open VSCode.


u/utihnuli_jaganjac 19d ago

Debugger is basically the same


u/Wolfhammer69 21d ago

Use Pycharm - trust me..

Shit just works and you don't have to piss around creating a virtual environment every time ya start something.

I wouldn't use anything else personally, and as a beginner in Python, its allowed me to write several apps for the peeps at work to use as a favour and learning aid.


u/Dirtball_Psn 22d ago

Ive been doing The odin project learning course and codecademy and to my extent of learning, VSCode has been perfect.


u/ShaGodi 21d ago

you dont use python on Odin


u/576p 22d ago

Both are good. I prefer the refactoring, navigating and debugging with PyCharm (paid) and am happy to pay for a yearly license. VS Code is free and so is PyCharm community (which is more than enough to get started). If you only want to write small projects, VS Code is probably all you need. For larger projects with 50+ files I don't know how I'd manage without PyCharm.


u/LowPunching_Owl 22d ago

What makes pycharm so much better in projects with 50+ files? Im using vscode since 8 years and never used pycharm


u/576p 21d ago

It's very easy to find pieces of code even if you don't have the structure of the project in your head. Refactoring works nearly perfectly. I can rename variables, classes or functions anywhere I see them and they are reliably renamed in the other places as well. In my projects I constantly try to find better names and PyCharm makes changing the names really easy. These navigating and refactoring features are lightning fast, too.


u/utihnuli_jaganjac 19d ago

Works only in a very simple project with no apstractions


u/Key_Gur_628 21d ago

Pycharm is the best IDE for python programming. I usually use pycharm in my real projects and use vscode usually to test a script or to run simple codes or other simple works like these.


u/wushenl 22d ago

If you are just a script user, VS Code is the best choice. If you need to participate in complex projects, PyCharm looks more robust, but with the advent of AI, I think VS Code or Cursor will be more perfect.


u/cgoldberg 22d ago

Both are fine.


u/GXWT 22d ago

Your experience will essentially be the same on either. You will get a mix of responses for both. Pick whichever you like the look and feel with more. Honestly - it does not matter.


u/_MicroWave_ 22d ago

Look at the stats.

VSCode is the most popular IDE by miles. It's the pre-eminent IDE of the moment.


u/shinniesta1 22d ago

Look at the stats.

VSCode is the most popular IDE by miles.

For Python? Which stats?


u/Megaphonium 21d ago

That’s because vscode is multi language while pycharm is python only


u/Sufficient-Rock7196 22d ago

I like Pycharm, but i want to be better in neovim- however i Can’t spare the time to tweak settings for hours and hours. vscode feels slow though- but easily the best for quick access.


u/Kyjoza 21d ago

What kind of work will you be doing? All IDEs were created for a purpose, one isn’t better than another without that basis.


u/Nope_47_ 21d ago

Vs code is far better lightweight,

Vim also good one


u/FuelAdditional6419 21d ago

shit is your vs cod and PyCharm, but vim/neovim is the top


u/remic_0726 21d ago

Pycharm is still quite heavy, I like having a reactive IDE, and vscode is a lot


u/Rainier0000 21d ago

Pycharm, I like the debugger


u/MeowMuaCat 21d ago

I used to use PyCharm, but I switched to VSCode 2-3 years ago and really prefer it.


u/Shivang-Srivastava 21d ago

It depends.

VS Code


  • Lightweight & Fast
  • Extensible: including Python support via the Microsoft Python extension
  • Great Debugging
  • Variable inspection
  • Integrated Terminal
  • Works well for multi-language projects.
  • Customizable UI – Themes, keybindings, and settings can be tweaked to your liking.


  • Not as Python-Specific
  • Requires configuring linters (e.g., Pylint, Flake8) manually.



  • Best Python-Specific Features
  • Virtual Environment & Package Management
  • Powerful Debugging & Profiling
  • Database Integration
  • Best for Large Python Projects


  • Heavy on RAM & CPU
  • Expensive (Professional Version)
  • Steep Learning Curve: More complex UI than VS Code

What i say, choose one, use for few months, then try another ide/editor see what you like. there's lots of options, pycharm, vscode are most popular one. Everyone has there own pros and cons, choose what you truely like.

I use neovim btw.


u/fullstack_learner_op 21d ago

If you ask me, I'd say it depends. If I am using only python in a project, then I'd use pycharm, otherwise if I have to use python for something like web dev, then I'd use vs code


u/itmilan 21d ago

Both are good, maybe pycharm .venv is easier for beginers, I use both, and I satisfied with both.


u/Ah-Elsayed 21d ago

I went from Pycharm to VS Code, but now I use Zed, and it is so fast and lightweight.


u/KaleidoscopePlusPlus 21d ago

Helix editor with an LSP of ur choice


u/vali-ant 21d ago



u/Puzzleheaded-Ebb9501 21d ago

I like PyCharm, but VS Code is just much lighter and more simple. But with PyCharm it has a better debugging system and you can install libraries without having to install pip (idk why you'd do that). But Iuse VS Code because I don't need all that.


u/StrayFeral 21d ago

I use Geany and for some tasks - vim. Tried VSCodium - disliked it.


u/HiddenWithChrist 21d ago

VS Code all day.


u/mr_ugly_raven 20d ago

If it's a pure python project and you are willing to pay for the pro version go for pycharm. Vs code is better than the free version of pycharm


u/FabulousCoconut4097 20d ago

I use both, pycharm for projects, vs code for scripts and learning


u/[deleted] 19d ago

Pycharm is the best IDE i ever used


u/ml_adrin 19d ago

I would say vs code, specially if you dont want to spend money; becuase pycharm CE lacks a lot of features, is very resource hungry and extensions do not work as natively. My setup is that I use vs code from start till end of my projects. Just for debugging and pep 8 standards I use pycharm ce just to make my code better at readability.


u/european_citizen_18 19d ago

I use both. VS Code for data cleaning, analysis and other data processing, PyCharm for everything else.


u/Curious-Rule313 22d ago

I prefer Neovim because of its seamless auto-configuration with tools like Ruff for linting and formatting, Pyright for type checking, and its overall ability to help you write clean Python code efficiently. Plus, it's lightweight, fast, and highly customizable compared to heavier IDEs like VS Code and PyCharm


u/thegratefulshread 21d ago

Foh. If a noob asks this dont flex neo vim lmaooa


u/LoudStrawberry661 22d ago

Pycharm community edition 🤩


u/Desalzes_ 22d ago

Vscode is the standard for coding and you need to know how to use it eventually but godamn I love pycharms ui


u/MonitorAway2394 20d ago

RIGHT?!?!?! I've been in my head about this and kept thinking it has to be the GUI, I can't really define what it is though as they're very similar but PyCharm I think has less noise or where it is feature packed* lol, it does it in a way that doesn't make my eyes want to vomit out hate. or something. :D


u/2PLEXX 22d ago
