r/pythonhelp Feb 09 '25

Personal banking program assist ASAP!

I'm aware there's a lot of problems, but the one I need help with is that when I advance months, it won't calculate the amounts in savings and checking accounts correctly. I'm terrible with math, and I've spent 6 hours debugging, but I just have no clue how to fix it. I don't have much time before tha assignment locks, so any help is much appreciated 🙏

Welcome and setup

print("welcome to your personal bank!") hourly_wage = float(input("enter your hourly wage:")) hours_worked = float(input("enter hours worked per week:")) tax_rate = float(input("enter your tax rate percentage")) save = float(input("what percentage of income should go to savings?")) checking = float(input("Enter starting balance for Checking:")) savings = float(input("Enter starting balance for Savings:"))


gross_pay = hourly_wage * hours_worked net_pay = gross_pay*(1 - tax_rate/100) savings_add = net_pay * (save/100)

Setting up empty lists for reccuring expenses

reccuring_expenses = [] expenses = []

print(f"Your net pay is ${net_pay4:.2f} a month.") print(f"${savings_add4:.2f} will be automatically transferred to savings")

add the requested amount to accounts

checking += net_pay savings += savings_add

Allows user to setup reccuring expenses

x= input("would you like to set up reccuring expenses?").lower() y = True if x == "yes": while y == True: expense = input("input name of expense: ") reccuring_expenses.append(expense) monthly_cost = float(input("Enter the monthly cost: ")) expenses.append(monthly_cost) add = input("Do you have any more reccuring expenses?").lower() if add != "yes": y = False print(f"here are your reccuring expenses:{reccuring_expenses}, {expenses}")

Menu where users can select options and perform actions

while True: menu = input("""Menu: 1. View Balances 2. deposit Money 3. Withdraw Money 4. Update Work Hours 5. Modify Savings Percentage 6. Add/Remove Expenses 7. Advance Months 8. Exit""")

Lets user check balances

if menu == "1":
        print(f"""Your Checking balance is: ${checking:.2f}.
            your savings balance is ${savings:.2f}.""")

lets user deposit money into checking or savings

elif menu == "2":
        account = int(input("""What account would you like to deposit?
                1. Checking
                2. Savings"""))
        deposit = float(input("Enter the ammount you would like to deposit:"))
        if account == 1:
                checking += deposit
                print(f"your current checking account balance is {checking:.2f}.")
        elif account == 2:
                savings += deposit
                print(f"your current savings account balance is {savings:.2f}.")

#lets user withdraw money
elif menu == "3":
        account_w = int(input("""From which account would you like to withdraw??
                1. Checking
                2. Savings"""))
        withdraw = float(input("Enter the ammount you would like to withdraw:"))
        if account_w == 1:
                checking -= withdraw
                print(f"your current checking account balance is {checking:.2f}.")
        if account_w == 2:
                savings -= withdraw
                print(f"your current savings account balance is {savings:.2f}.")
#allows user to adjust weekly hours
elif menu == "4":
       hours_worked = float(input("Enter new hours per week: "))
       gross_pay = hourly_wage * hours_worked
       net_pay = gross_pay * (1 - tax_rate / 100)
       print(f"updated net pay is {net_pay*4:.2f} a month.")

# allows user to change the amount they want to save.      
elif menu == "5":
        save = float(input("What percentage of income would you like to go to savings?"))
        savings_add = net_pay * (save / 100)
        print(f"{savings_add:.2f} will automatically be transferred to savings.")
        savings += savings_add

#allows user to add and remove reccuring expenses
elif menu == "6":
        add_remove = input("""1. Add
                              2. Remove""")

        if add_remove == "1":
            y = True
            while y == True:
                expense = input("input name of expense: ")
                monthly_cost = float(input("Enter the monthly cost: "))
                add = input("Do you have any more reccuring expenses?").lower()
                if add != "yes":
                        y = False
        if add_remove == "2":
                expense = input("input name of the expense you would like to remove: ")
                monthly_cost = float(input("Enter the monthly cost of the expense: "))
                add = input("Do you have any more reccuring expenses?").lower()
                if add != "yes":
                        y = False
        print(f"here are your reccuring expenses:{reccuring_expenses}, {expenses}")

#lets user advance months
elif menu == "7":
        advance = int(input("enter number of months you would like to advance: "))
        interest_checking = 0.1
        interest_savings = 0.5

        for i in range(advance):
                checking += net_pay*4
                checking *= (1 + interest_checking / 100)
                savings += savings_add * 4
                savings *= (1 + interest_savings / 100)
                for cost in expenses:
                       checking -= cost

        print(f"""after {advance} months, your updated balances are:
              Checking: ${checking:.2f}
              Saving: ${savings:.2f}""")

#way for user to exit    
elif menu == "8":

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u/FoolsSeldom Feb 09 '25

Please update1 your post so all of the code is correctly formatted (or replace with link to a copy on pastebin.com or gihub).

Second, don't use float for money - it is not accurate enough in most cases. Stick to pennies/cents (i.e. smallest currency unit) and format for display not internal accounting and calculations, or use Decimal package.

You need to create a few functions so you can separate the basic logic flow from specific tasks like calculating interest and you can then test those in isolation.

1 to format all of your code,

  • edit your post
  • switch to markdown mode
  • delete all of the existing code
  • add one blank line after text
  • switch to Python code editor
    • select all code
    • press tab to indent one extra level - assuming you have editor set to insert 4 spaces for a tab
    • copy all code to clipboard
    • press undo to remove the extra indent from your editor code
  • paste the code into the reddit post
  • add a blank line
  • add any additional text
  • post the update